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Everything posted by astrophys

  1. So, do I understand this correctly? (I apologize in advance for using Matoi as an example again… I've been focusing my examples on her because I'm planning to pair her with my Avatar, so naturally I was a bit apprehensive about making sure she'd turn out good). And in any event, if I can show that I can do it correctly in calculating her results, then in principle I can do it correctly of ANY of the children. To check my understanding, I'm going to run the calculations for one kid (Matoi)… is this the right idea? (I'm not asking you to check every single number, only that the general flow of my procedure seems to make sense) Subaki - Joins at level 5 22 Hp, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 13 Skl, 10 Spd, 7 Lck, 9 Def, 10 Res, 7 move Has 15 levels that he can gain before 20/0; on Average: 30 Hp, 14 Str, 3 Mag, 22 Skl , 15 Spd, 13 Lck, 15 Def, 13 Res Hinoka - Joins at level 8 23 Hp, 9 Str, 4 Mag, 13 Skl, 16 Spd, 12 Lck, 9 Def, 15 Res Has 12 levels that she can gain before 20/0; on average: 28 HP, 15 Str, 5 Mag, 19 Skl, 23 Spd , 19 Lck, 13 Def, 22 Res Pegasus Knight base stats: 16 HP, 3 Str, 0 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Lck, 2 Def, 6 Res Difference between Subaki's current and Pegasus base stats: 14 Hp, 11 Str, 3 Mag, 17 Skl, 8 Spd, 9 Lck, 13 Def, 7 Res Difference between Hinoka's current and Pegasus base stats: 12 Hp, 12 Str, 5 Mag, 14 Skl, 16 Spd, 15 Lck, 11 Def, 16 Res Matoi's absolute base stats: 8 HP, 8 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 9 Lck, 5 Def, 6 Res Average these… (I'll round down when /3 gives a fraction) 11 HP, 10 Str, 3 Mag, 12 Skl, 10 Spd, 11 Lck, 9 Def, 9 Res Add in Pegasus base stats 27 HP, 13 Str, 3 Mag, 17 Skl, 17 Spd, 15 Lck, 11 Def, 15 Res Now, whether by recruitment at that level or leveling after the fact, give Matoi 10 levels at her growth rates [i'm rounding down in all calculations, so some of the values might actually be understated] +5 Hp, +4 Str, +1 Mag, + 5 Skl, +5 Spd, +5 Lck, +3 Def, +4 Res 20/0 Pegasus Warrior Matoi, recruited from average outcomes of 20/0 Subaki and 20/0 Hinoka 32 HP, 17 Str, 4 Mag, 22 Skl, 22 Spd, 20 Lck, 14 Def, 19 Res Promotion bonus to get to level 1 Falcon Warrior: +2 Hp, +2 Str, +4 Mag, +1 Skl, +3 Spd, +1 Lck, +3 Def, +3 Res 34 Hp, 19 Str, 8 Mag, 23 Skl, 25 Spd, 21 Lck, 17 Def, 22 Res Gain 19 levels of growth to get to 20/20 Falcon Warrior: +9 Hp, +8 Str, +5 Mag, +10 Skl, +9 Spd, +10 Lck, +7 Def, +7 Res 20/20 Falcon Warrior Result (might be slight underestimate due to systematic round downs) 43 HP, 27 Str, 13 Mag, 33 Skl -> 32 Skl (capped), 34 Spd (capped), 31 Lck, 24 Def, 29 Res Would this be roughly the right procedure? I won't do this for the others for a long time (not until the game is closer to coming out for the US), but if I can confirm that this is the correct way to estimate things then I can in principle calculate it for any of the other children, not just Matoi. Thanks.
  2. From the posted information: Notes: The childrens’ actual base stats = [(mother’s current stats – mother’s class base stats) + (father’s current stats – father’s class base stats) + child’s absolute base stats] / 3 + child’s class base stats The later you recruit a child, the higher their Level and stats. If their initial Level is higher than 10, add the corresponding number of Level Ups using the child’s growth rates in their current class to estimate their stats. My question: When adding in the child's level ups…. Do you calculate them first to modify the kid's absolute base stats and then calculate the actuals, or do you calculate the absolute base stats (using the stated absolutes in the chart) and then add in the amounts of level ups to the result?
  3. Okay… So children can get up to 5 class trees… Each class tree can get up to 6 skills (two base, two in first promoted branch, two in second promoted branch). So they have up to 30 skills in which they could learn. Realistically, however, you won't need or want all of their skills, so it shouldn't be TOO difficult… At most, assuming you already knew which 5 skill build you wanted, you'd need to go through up to 20 skills (if each target skill was a level 15 skill in an entirely different class tree). So you could always assemble that desired final skillset just with judicious Eternal sealing with the extra 20 levels…. Although there could be issues if you wanted to change said set…. That said, a limit to up to 40 levels means that growths are important for units that won't fully reach those caps (on expectation) within those 40 levels.
  4. Eternal seals raise the level cap, in response to #253. As such, you could very well get up to 20, Eternal seal to change your level cap to 25, class change, and pick up 5 skills. Then you could do that again.
  5. gayserbeam: To clarify, when reading your chart, is the character in bold who can receive the A+ support from the subsequently listed characters, or are they the one who gives the A+ support?
  6. By the way, is there a list of non-Avatar first gen buddy (A+) options? You know, for Ryouma? Takumi? Hinoka? Sakura? etc. Whose class can they obtain? It occurred to me that Hinoka gets two of the seals naturally via class change (Defense, Speed) and Tsubaki gets a third from class change (Strength). Both of those classes pass down to Matoi. Matoi can marry a Dark Mage or buddy with a Dark Mage… for example, a male Kamui. Dark Knights, the upgrade of Dark Mage, get magic Seal. Then, and here's the part I'm not sure of… whom can Hinoka buddy seal (A+) with? If Rinkah turned out to be an option (I have no idea if its possible), then Hinoka might be able to in that case to pick up Oni Savage and get Resistance Seal. Assuming (and I also don't know if this is possible) that buddy sealed class skills can be inherited onto children, then you could possibly get a Matoi with all five of her slots filled with seals… not necessarily the best use of her, but a possibility…. Alternatively, if Hinoka doesn't work, any of these could also do the same, assuming that the mother had an A+ with Rinkah (which I don't know) Oboro!Matoi marrying a male IF Oboro happens to support with Rinkah Ryouma's son (Lancer + Ryouma's Samurai) inheriting Resistance Seal from a wife of Ryouma A+ ranked with Rinkah, then married to a female Dark mage (such as the female Kamui) Hinata's son (he's a Samurai, right) with Oboro IF Oboro can A+ with Rinkah (which I don't know), inheriting Resistance Seal and marrying a female Dark Mage. etc. Do any of these possibilities work? Do these provide a way to get all five seals together on one unit on Hoshido to create a "super-sealer" if you wanted to?
  7. You're right… I forgot about that… How may are available? Swallow Strike WOULD let you do it with a more powerful weapon, that said, although of course there is the issue of only on the player phase… of course, if you get the kill on the player phase, then all is well and good.
  8. Perhaps it was logbook shenanigans… get Hoshido on the Hoshido path, then use the Logbook to teach it to a Nohr avatar on the Nohr path, or vice-versa. Oh, I totally agree with Azz01's sentiment about only using skills naturally accessed through default classes, children class inheritance, marriage sealing, and buddy sealing. Changing the topic: Has anyone else figured out if the same inheritance rule that applies to Aqua's son (him getting Rod Knight) applies to other children she might have if the child of the man she marries also has Pegasus (this would most likely apply either to her marrying Tsubaki, who gives the Pegasus Warrior Matoi, or her marrying a male Kamui who had chosen Pegasus Warrior as his secondary class… just wondering, as just like in Awakening where replacement classes became a key part of breeding strategy at times, such information could be relevant… and this is probably not the only case where we might wonder if there is a replacement class of some sort. Second question: What do you think the best class, main-game and ending, for a Hinoka!Matoi is…. her father has poor growths, but her mother has good growths, and she herself has respectable personal growths, at least with regards to their sum totals, but looking at it a bit more closely they feel a bit weirdly distributed…. namely, largely thanks to Subaki's influence, but also her own base resistance, she seems to be quite slow and lacking in resistance for a typical pegasus knight: Hinoka!Matoi, personal growths (assumption: growth inheritances assumed to function like Awakening's): 51.666% Hp, 36.666% Str, 16.666% Mag, 43.333% Skl, 35% Spd, 36.667% Lck, 38.333 Def, 21.666% Res This means that once Pegasus Warrior's +15% Spd and +20% Res are factored in, she's still only hitting 50% Spd and 41.666% Resistance, which feels really slow for a Pegasus (e.g., Hinoka as a Pegasus Warrior gets [corrected] 60% (45% + 15%) speed growth and she gets 60% resistance growth)… of course, that's thanks to Subaki's genes… Matoi's notable growth is that she has really high HP growth [not the highest when adjusted for parents, but up there for the Hoshido side] I really like the pairing from a support standpoint and it gives a redhead Matoi (looking a bit like Cordelia), plus it gives her Lancefaire and Breaking sky…. I'm just trying to figure out: "What is the best way that I can make this unit work out? What is the most optimal way to handle this unit given the constraint of using this unit in the first place?" Perhaps I'm being overly critical and she'll work fine as a Pegasus anyways… would Mirror Shield act as a sufficient endgame defense against magic despite her markedly lower resistance growth than what her mother has? Would the combination of swallow strike and perhaps Guard stance stat increases help her double enough with a 50% speed growth, or should I move her to an even faster class like her Father's Trueblade? Or perhaps I should abandon the pretense of having her double and give her a more defensive build or a stat reducing build [putting her Strength, Speed, and Defense seals to work]? I don't have the game yet, so I can theory craft al I want, but I don't have enough experience with the new systems and skills put in place in Fates, as well as its new maps and enemies, to really know what would be a "viable" build for her, in-game and post-game.
  9. Yes… that would work very nicely…. not to mention that Trueblades are very fast (evasive), but have an innate avoid bonus and weapon triangle advantage against Berserkers…. now if they just married a Mercenary or something so that they could pick up Axebreaker, and you'd be pretty sure that the Berserker would most likely miss them (unless the Berseker had something like Raven Strike or Swordbreaker or a Reverse weapon triangle axe). And Trueblades could also double Berserkers on the player phase (assuming maxed stats) with the use of a Swallow Strike…. Actually, I was independently considering this for some variations of Matoi (not for optimal reasons, mind you).
  10. I now just need to think of a 2nd gen Nohrian to pair with… Matoi has me covered for Hoshido and 3rd.
  11. A key difference from Ignis is that it runs off the enemy's attack stat instead of your own, and it runs off the same type of stat as the one you're attacking with: Example: Attack a capped Berserker with a physical attack strengthened by Breaking sky: Add 20 damage (40/2). Do the same with magic: add 12 damage (25/2 = 12.5 -> round to 12)
  12. Hacking… from what I've heard from secondhand (actually, much further removed than just secondhand) reports, it got literally stolen off Nintendo's servers.
  13. Shara could still be useful for bestowing Tomefaire if Matoi was taken into the Dark Falcon DLC class… Interesting…. I was actually (due to personal preference bias) planning to have my character marry Matoi, but those are some very interesting options you've outlined in case I decide to marry someone else instead, as well as for anyone who is concerned with using her as unit with those mothers without that restriction (letting her marry others). In the case of General Matoi, she basically sacrifices her prodigy damage against most physical units (except Berserkers), but she retains it against pretty much all dedicated magic users (oh, and she actually has +1 as a strength mod… Hinoka has +1, Subaki has -1, and then the child bonus of +1). So that's 39 strength as a generally. Interesting points about all the other children and how you can deal with their speed problems…. maybe the Avatar running knight might have merit for propagating defensive formation better.
  14. One of my frustrations with Matoi is that she gets that -2 SPD mod from her dad, which mean's she's basically doomed to be a fairly slow unit in most cases… the highest modifier that she can hit outside Avatar parentage is a +3 speed modifier, from a mother like Azura. Azura!Matoi: +0 Str, +1 Mag, +4 Skl, +2 Spd, +0 Lck, +1 Def, +0 Res In fairness, Azura has extremely high total growths… 310% total combined between all the 8 growths… Azura 25 50 25 60 60 40 15 35 Of course, being a Falcon!Warrior or Trueblade, this might not necessarily be a huge problem, as those are already 34 or 35 speed before modifiers and she has Swallow strike…. So she shouldn't have a big problem doubling enemies… at least, not until the inevitable DLC comes that probably has really fast enemies, Apotheosis style. I'm also struggling this because due to preferences for redheads and Cordelia's character from Awakening, I'm really trying to optimize under the constraint of a Hinoka or Luna Matoi [in the sense that I know its not optimal, but want to try to do the best that I can with that limitation[…. except its really not necessarily optimal to be defensive and not have a high defense mod… unless of course the meta of this game ends up much different from Awakening…. so I'm struggling to come up with a way to best use them
  15. Who are the A+ rank options for the various Hoshidan/neutral children?
  16. I'm personally not really that interested in doing PvP, but I may do the DLCs if/when they come out. Anyways, Hinoka!Matoi naturally leans towards Defense, Resistance, and Skill, and also has points in Strength (+3, +2, +2, +1, for +8 points total).
  17. Also, does Draconic Curse stack with the Seals? Moreover, when a weapon "reduces stats" as described in the weapon information, how much is the reduction? I understand it fades at the rate of 1 point per turn.
  18. ^ Your numbers add up to +9, not +10. 10 points in gains, 1 point in losses. The only character I know of so far (unless I've overlooked someone) who has more than +1 mod totals before the 2nd gen is Kamui/Corrin, who gets +3. The others are +0 or +1. +1+1+7 (+1 in each of 7 stats) is +9. Still, yes, that's an amazing speed stat. Changing the topic: If I want to play on the Hoshido route [i will be getting all three routes, that said, just in 2016 when they're all localized] and want my avatar to marry Hinoka!Matoi on that route, what class do you think I should give Kamui/Corrin/the Avatar as a good choice for him and for passing onto his wife (Hinoka!Matoi) and their daughter (Kanna)? Corrin's intrinsic class set would be Nohr Prince (Noble Lineage, Dragon Fang), White Blood (Draconic Shield, Hoshido), and his secondary class, to be determined. He could also access Pegasus Warrior via marriage seal with Matoi, which at the promoted level he has a common weapon rank with via staves in Falcon Warrior & White Blood. This gives him Pegasus Warrior (Swallow Strike, Eastern Heart), Falcon Warrior (Rally Speed, Mirror Strike), and Golden Kite Warrior (Soar, Sun God). Hinoka!Matoi has Pegasus Warrior, Lance Fighter, and Samurai as her base classes. She gets the weapon faires for both lances and for swords, as well as two proc (Breaking Sky, Astra) and three strikes (Swallow, Flowing, Mirror). Whatever I chose for the Avatar's secondary class becomes something that Hinoka!Matoi can use via marriage seal,as well as being the Avatar's own options. And Hinoka!Matoi!Kanna would have a promoted class set of White Blood, the two options of the Avatar's secondary, and Falcon Warrior/Golden Kite Warrior. What class do you think I should choose? What are your reasons?
  19. Can someone provide confirmation? It would have to come from a Cavalier x Pegasus setup somewhere (breeding, marriage, buddying, etc.). Perhaps someone did that set anyways to get a Rescuing Pegasus?
  20. Being a fan of Cordelia (and finding much of what I liked about her repeated with Matoi), my choice is easy as I was planning to marry my character to Matoi anyways… at least in 2/3 routes. Nohr route is trickier because she's not an option. I suppose I could have Luna marry someone and then marry her kid.
  21. Would Open Assault be good for flying units?
  22. You get Wyvern Rider from Belka. You could have Belka pass down a Hero skill, to my understanding, yes.
  23. Your child will not receive Fighter, as class inheritance works differently in this game: Your child will start out as a Nohr Princess and then inherit her father's first class that is not in common with her starting class and her mother's primary class (or secondary if they overlap). Belka!Kanna will be a Nohr Princess, whatever you pick as your 2nd class on your Avatar, and a Wyvern Rider. She WILL NOT get Belka's Fighter.
  24. I tried asking in a separate topic, but its seeming to get no response, so I'll ask here, as I probably should have to begin with: How does Open Assault interact with flying units? Is is whether or not the terrain gives terrain effects that is important, or whether or not the flying unit is receiving terrain effects that is important. (In other words, is it essentially always one for fliers?) Likewise, Confined Defense… is it essentially always off for fliers?
  25. I'd love to see Hinoka x Tsubaki, the two Hoshidan Pegasus Warriors (and one of the two combinations that leads to a glorious redheaded Matoi).
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