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I'm gay dabadeedabada

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Everything posted by I'm gay dabadeedabada

  1. Headband on Naella has pillow-shading and the black outline contrasts with the skin too harshly You forgot to remove some of Karel's face from Zev Red's jaw is too aliased (please look that term up it will save your ass in pixeling so many times) Part of Zev's jawline needs to be erased (I can show you if necessary) I suppose the splices are pretty clean, though, all in all. I'd recommend, instead of copypasting the parts on, to put them side by side and attempt to copy them onto whatever base you want to use manually, because that'll teach you a lot about how it's done. Only if you've got a ton of spare time, though.
  2. stop telling beginners to splice in order to learn how to pixel art editing > splicing
  3. either serial experiments lain or a hesse book I think I read like two pages of Metamorphosis before I had to put it down
  4. tfw shingancrimsonz is more popular than hello kitty
  5. omg I have a Beware of Dog sign on my backyard gate and it's for http://prntscr.com/cmcyiv THIS SMALL CHILD
  6. Dunsparce/Drapion carries everything in RU
  7. Nah, I don't need that stuff. Viruses are going out of style in favor of PUPs, which aren't very hard to get rid of. And in any case, even if my system does go down, I can always boot from a live CD to restore it.
  8. ... it's serene's forest and not serenes forest' smh'
  9. That was a pretty boring meme until the tangerine daki came into play
  10. I am never going to work on a Power Master game ever again because I think it needs its name changed to Master of Power
  11. Chaos Rings 3 Pokemon GO Emulators some Kemco shit I got for like 5 cents off a humble bundle Previously: School Idol Festival BOO the Cutest Dog in the World Game
  12. These posers, these copycats, these doppelgangers They think they're cool But I'm the One True Melissa
  13. I remember you We were arguing about butt touching mutters butt-touch monopolizer
  14. How to tel if som1 is not a REEL TROO ASZN PRIDE: Draws + with the vertical line first
  15. clipping occurs in pretty much every system prior to the ps3's generation because otherwise they have to either animate everything by hand or implement more complicated physics, which weaker hardware can't handle and the 3ds is about as powerful as a ps2 or something so
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