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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. You should do the maps and events at the same time as you do the story :< I see too many hacks go off track because the person making it is doing all the text first, which makes it harder to change the maps and events later, 'cause, you have to change the text to reflect the maps and events and such.
  2. I like PE :< Changing rooms suck, though. And, y'know, when I was younger, I had that pervy boy thought of sneaking into the girls' changing room, but, I would hate to see thongs if I did >______<;;;; Maybe Seth and Lumi are so overpowered, that the enemies just attack Seth because he's closer? Iunno. BALANCE.
  3. Hey now, that was totally a loincloth, not a lointhong. I hate thongs just as much as you >__<; Who the hell could enjoy wearing buttfloss?
  4. There should be a list of the 0xFFs in the character editor text in nightmare. Meaning, there should be a text file that has all of them.
  5. Hey now, madame. If we have to suffer through endless amounts of shirtless guys, you have to suffer through endless amounts of pantless women. Fair trade! Don't try to argue that it wouldn't make sense for battle, 'cause neither would not wearing a shirt
  6. I thought Ken was supposed to do female zerkers?
  8. Why would I want to spend $100 on an upgrade that I don't need?
  9. The [0x01] is something that the program needs to load portraits. It's not actually part of their code.
  10. Don't mind Kanami, Echo, this is how she always is XD So, thinking about joining this. If I don't post a character within the next few days, count me out. Interesting idea you've laid out with this RP. Few questions though: How far can we stray from the original person's personality? I mean, not asking if we can go nutso here, but, as long as we generally follow what they were like, with little changes, it's all good, yeah? And, are we allowed to choose who we get paired with before the RP starts, or are you just gonna throw us at each other? Agh, typos
  12. And a dreadful new year, to you.

  13. Lumi, am I dreaming? Is this computer actually here? @~@ I still don't know if this is real or not. Awesome about the present, though. MOAR TILTYU~~
  14. NEW COMPUUUUUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR~~~~~~~~~~~ ATI Radeon 5570 1024 MBs video card 6 GBs of RAM 1 TB of HD Intel i5 I LOVE THIS COMPUTER~~
  15. I guess they're some real super hybrid ridiculous shit.
  16. I would honestly class the EVAs as Supers, if only because of the AT fields that they all have. Sure, they might look like reals, but the robots themselves have GOT to be supers.
  17. ...You might want to research this before saying you're just going to do them >__>; That shouldn't be that tough. Just an extra event in the ones already there. Like I told Furet, research.
  18. 'K. You DO know how tedious events are to make, and are not just saying this because I asked, right?
  19. GOOD. I've seen too many hacks where people just do decent portraits and edit the text.
  20. Speaking of FuretFE and Lumi's hack, are either of you going to actually DO event and map hacking?
  21. THAT DEPENDS, FURET. Would you actually talk, and would it be entertaining?
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