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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. As much as I never get into fights, if a girl hits me, and I don't deserve it, they're getting hit back just as hard, if not harder .__. I do not share in Furet's sense of chivalry.
  2. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... SO? TBQH, I hate girly girls, or girls who are in the least bit feminine. Tom boys are where it's at.
  3. Well, just be manly, loud, and nice to everyone around you who isn't an asshat.
  6. Now, grow a few feet taller, gain more than 200 pounds, and get a girlfriend who is less than half your weight, and a foot shorter. THE TRENT WAY.
  7. He specified why he doesn't like you back?
  8. Like, like, openly doesn't return the feelings? Or, like, doesn't know you like him? Or, what?
  9. ...You sayin' I like dud- *shot* You sayin' I'm whipped too? :<
  10. If anyone's bound to a relationship here, it's me. Who's the one with a fiancée again? =P And, yeah, they're not chains, if you really do love the person you're with.
  12. Eh. I can agree to that. I still felt like part 4 was just a deus ex machina, and they put it in to make the game longer.
  13. Now, I never said it came out of nowhere. I just said his ending was now with Soren. His relationship with Elincia magically disappeared.
  14. Part 2 came out of nowhere, and as soon as it came, it was gone. I think there could have been more involving Bastian finding Ike and pals, and maybe some more explaining why Ludveck did what he did, other than "I can rule this country better than you can~" Part 3 was fun because it brought back Ike and pals to the game, and had you help the Gallians, like in FE9. Part 4 was a worthless pile of drivel, which didn't need to be included into the game, and could have been left out entirely. I mean, you have to fight against a god. What kind of stupid concept is that? I see nothing wrong with fighting against someone blessed by a god, or, by some powerful magic, but A GOD OF CREATION THEMSELVES? It's just dumb. You should have fought your way up to fighting Lekain, not fighting Ashera.
  15. SO, GUESS WHAT? http://www.justin.tv/seph1212#r=WTKrync~ Gonna start spriting Roy for Dan (Mister Mustang Roy, not FE6 Roy). If anyone wants to watch, go for it. Gonna do some frames for Vamp's sprites after.
  16. I'm using Vamp's Trabant in my hack, and if you can get permission to use it, you're welcome to use the frames I make for it I know that frames aren't one of your strong points, Lumi
  17. Ike relationship with Elincia mysteriously disappears, and now his ending is with Soren Dawn Brigade in their entirety. Part 4. The length of part 1 and 2 Part 3 was okay-ish.
  18. Imagine, if you will, the plot of FE9 with the gameplay of FE10. Just imagine what a sublime and epic FE game that would be. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE playing FE10. I love the gameplay, units, classes, chapters, and the difficulty of it all. I DESPISE the plot for everything it's worth, and the "support" system they used. I also hate how they retconned a few of the relationships from FE9. Oh well. I can't say I hate the game. I can say I hate the plot.
  19. I'm gonna take your advice on the hair, but, honestly, I'm just gonna remake the armor entirely XD There's one TCG art of Ayra that I never see anyone do; the blue clothed one with the epic shoulder pads and the one piece of armor covering her chest, 'n stuff. Any opinion on the others ones? :3
  20. Hey, Astelaine, I took your advice and tried to make the outfit less busy: I got rid of the cloth on the right (OPV), and made the cloth all one piece on the middle. I dunno if I like it more, yet, but, I'd like to hear some opinions on it.
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