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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Man, who cares about emotions. Animations are where it's at, man `~`
  2. MAN, I wish all the good battle sprite standing frame spriters were good at doing full animations. Imagine if LordGlenn and Ecut could do shit like this? Maaaaaaaaaaaaan.
  3. iknorite? I seriously wasn't expecting the wolf to just pop out of nowhere, and the whole petting thing after was pretty coo'. @Furet, yeah, dat anim is pretty lame.
  4. I was reminded of the Generic Valkyrie that... Well, Valkyrie made on FEND when I saw the Longbow Woman. The sprite itself is nice, but THAT HAT. I am in love with that hat. Bennet looks like a really cool bro. Hope he's playable an' all.
  5. Adorable isn't what I was shooting for, but, thanks XD
  6. Well, then say that, dude :P Also, whoa, FE7if actually did something pretty custom, and not stolen:
  7. :/ 'K, be an ass. Cause, if it was Lumi asking for help, you totally would.
  8. Wanna be a pal and fix it up, Dan? I'm sprited out `~`
  9. Raising the eyes made the entire face look weird, so...: Dunno what else to do with it. Sounds like a plan, Lumi. Gives me more to sprite :3
  10. Clean, true, but I still don't like anything about it other than the clothing shading, and the hair shading.
  11. This is the Ayra in question, btw. I haaaaaaate the face. Dan, if you wanna take a crack at it, go for it.
  12. THEN WHY DID YOU ACCEPT TO DO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE @~@ Looooooooong list. My Ayra is ass-tastic. I'm really not happy with it.
  13. But I'm no good at spriting larger men, like Kinbois, Gandolf, etc.
  14. Doin' pretty good on the Sety there, Lumi. I can't really seem much wrong with the outline, so, I guess we wait for you to finish XD
  15. OH, Furet, gimme a list of sprites you need. I'm running out of things to sprite, and having some new things to work on, especially if a well written description was given, would be awesome.
  16. Man, haven't posted anything here lately. New Amera: I really felt the old one was just... So bland, so I went a little crazy on this. Also, pretty shabby Ayra: It's the face on this I don't like. I'm sure the hair and armor could use a little work, too. The face is so bad because it's my first FC face Aaaaaaaand, a Tinny update: Amelia posted her Tinny in Oujay's Empire, and it reminded me that the pigtails on mine could use a serious update. I think the shading could still use some work, but I'm generally impressed with myself on the improvement. EDIT: Shabby Ayra has evolved to Decent Ayra!: Would you like to give Decent Ayra a nickname?
  17. BTW, Furet, yes, you can make weapons effective against ANY class.
  18. It seems you've ignored me calling you our on her not being a cat... Either way, supposed to be a wolf. Also, Dan, I made the arm larger, the arm pit isn't supposed to be visible because of her chest, and I messed with the shading to see if it matched the light source anymore:
  19. Not. A. Cat. And, no. She's an OC I've had since I was 13; I'm not gonna throw away that part of her character just like that XD
  20. And, hey, guess what? I fixed the eye~ It's somewhat based off of Rebbecca's and Miledy's clothing/armor designs, with added fanservice :3
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