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Everything posted by huythekirby

  1. Wait wat ! So his [spoilers] died for real too... Someone teaches me how to use spoiler tag pls ;-;
  3. Wow, Aqua's song was so lame the enemy Unit didn't care~
  4. Nope, still blame him for everything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. Wow Chapter 25 already! That's so fast
  7. Yeah, no skinskip data and supports ;-; I like her too!
  8. Sooooooo can you save Gunter :<<<<<
  9. Well, she isn't a playable Unit through ;-; ...
  10. WHERE IS EVERYBODY NOW :o only 373 users right now!
  11. Is there any stream on right now everyone? If it is, can you give me the link pls.
  12. Harold has only 1 Luck in Nohr stream lol
  13. Wow so you can build Fort for free~
  14. I have link that including all the portrait in-game from someone on the forum has upload https://mega.co.nz/#!4pUHAQLC!Qo9zMIpONJrGJrS4U3adGZTYfN1L7VYNewdKGugd0zQ But there are some serious spoiler in some portraits through...
  15. Well, i hope IS has a reason to include S-Support your own family or i will be mad... Where is Harold's lines! I have waited for it!
  16. I just noticed that there are a total of 22 paralogues (?) chapters in all 3 paths.
  17. Wow... I have a bad feeling we will see a lot of wars about this Amie coming soon... I'm too scared now...
  18. OH MY NAGA @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I just slept and there're already over 50+ pages ;-; that's why I hate sleep this time. Gotta catch up so see you guys later.
  19. Man... I have to sleep now ;_; but part of me want to learn more about the game ;_; oh naga why did u do diz to mei ;-;
  20. They played on Hoshido Path right?
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