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Everything posted by Arch

  1. Arch

    FEE3 2014

    To kick off our third day of festivities.
  2. Arch

    FEE3 2014

    The show is what the community makes of it - as we find out, that can be a double-edged sword. You get LPs because people choose that as their submission (sans the Awful Emblem people who didn't, but at that point might as well do it anyways due to how many dropouts there were this year), rather than making trailers to put up or doing interviews. It was a combination of multiple delays, which basically made deadlines pretty weightless and the resulting last-minute efforts involved. I've also failed as an organizer, so there is no possible reason for which Ray should be apologizing for the quality of this show. After so many missed dates, we had to put the damn thing on at some point. Having the creators on call with the LPer would be a better experience - that should be the standard for future LPs as a sort of expanded developer sitdown/demonstration. It'd be better to focus more trailers, shorter interviews, maybe some short developer diary type things. Which is why I propose we go full Nintendo and start organizing for a "Fire Emblem Direct" around the start of the new year. It'll return to the format of the original FEE3 - a single video (or maybe split into two videos over the span of a Saturday/Sunday), two hours at most and then we can fill out the more "traditional"/shitty (depending on your point of view) FEE3 LPs as desired. There won't be a deadline - we'll go live when we've got the content.
  3. Arch

    FEE3 2014

    Next up is Elibian Nights, which should be up in 20 minutes. You're gonna see the finale being played for the first time!
  4. Arch

    FEU Resources

    THe forum wars are over. Killer app confirmed.
  5. Arch

    FEE3 2014

    Live in half an hour!
  6. Here, have these instead. So who's stoked to play this thing on Sunday?
  7. WARNING: Hack contains suggestive themes of "social justice."
  8. Arch

    FEE3 2014

    Yeah, I'm not seeing anything from you in my inbox. I remember getting it, could you resend?
  9. Arch

    FEU Resources

    Some topics worth highlighting: Official AI Documentation Thread Venno's small ASM hacks and notesPassive stat boost hack DSFE-style growths (class+character) Weapon locks based on an array (255 PRF lists) Remove weapon ranks on promotion Spell Animation Archive FE8 Research Topic (major progress on world map editing!) Icecube's ASM dump Modular battle routine (override the routine based on the weapon) Clearing the battle buffer Crazycolorz5's Dump of ASM Crap Tutorials Resources (Index) Documentation Disclaimer: This is not a recruitment topic - however I hope that sharing these resources will encourage others to come and participate in the work our community is doing. Join the renaissance!
  10. Arch

    FEE3 2014

    Due to the sheer number of submissions that have dropped out/haven't been received, I'll be shortening the event to two days instead of three. Pushing it back to Saturday in order to get the last few things sorted out. As I said before, this is the final call! This is everything I've accounted for. August 30th: (Opening night, starts 5PM EST) FEE3 Direct Opening Video Elibian Nights (LP, Interview) The Road to Ruin (LP) Inheritance of Ash (LP) Awful Emblem (Trailer, Patch, LP) Death or Glory (LP) Fractured Realms (LP) August 31st:Eternal Bonds (LP) "The Renaissance" Panel (Podcast) Clash of Fates (LP) Modular Battle (Demo Map) FE4Online (LP) Fire Emblem: Bloodlines (LP, Interview) Fire Emblem: Immortal Sword (???) Exalted Legacy (LP, Demo)
  11. Arch

    FEE3 2014

    Okay, anyone who hasn't sent their submission and intended to enter should get in touch with me immediately.
  12. Arch

    FEE3 2014

    OKay, so hashing things out scheduling-wise: submissions are due the 15th, but will be accepted as late as the 18th and pushed later on in the schedule (videos will be made live in batches over the span of three days). August 29th: (Opening night, starts 7PM EST) FEE3 Direct Opening Video Elibian Nights (LP, Interview, Release) Inheritance of Ash (LP) Clash of Fates (LP) Awful Emblem (Trailer, Demo) Fractured Realms (LP) August 30th:Dream of Five (LP) Death or Glory (LP?Please?) "The Renaissance" Panel (Podcast) Crossover Hack 2.0 (Trailer) August 31st:Exalted Legacy (LP, Demo)
  13. Arch

    FEE3 2014

    Okay, so we need to coordinate LPs. Volunteers should make themselves known (please?). I will be revising this list. Mage Knight 404: Inheritance of Ash, Elibian Nights, Exalted Legacy, Death or Glory (?) Arch: The Road to Ruin, Exalted Legacy (co-commentating) Klok: Clash of Fates Dancer_A: Just trailers: Awful Emblem, Crossover Hack 2.0 I'm sure Ray would be happy to LP a chapter of Death or Glory, NYZ.
  14. One suggestion: just shitcan the glyphs for the stats entirely. There's already the stat's name engraved on the bar, its redundant.
  15. The idea is to teach all aspects of project development by immersing yourself with...a project. For people who lack the skills or/and resources necessary to produce a large-scale hack but are interested in doing so, I'm seeking to create a structure that allows individuals to simultaneously develop those skills and connections through the time-tested art of doing. I know that Brendor's had trouble commissioning sprites in the recent past - someone could get assigned to coordinate those commissions and connect with spriters. "Internships" often get a bad rap. As the successful recipient of a $17.50/hour in-college job, I'd say that they are what you take out of them. Fortunately enough I landed in an environment that wanted me to develop as an individual and as a professional. That's what I want this initiative to offer: the opportunity to take what you want from the experience. Or hell, if one of these proposals just piques your interest you'd be welcome to just join for the project. Keeping in mind also that the list of projects is just what I've conceived and developed, and this program is more than open to helping produce the ideas of others - if someone wants to form a team, develop and concept and says "hey, we've got this idea and we'd appreciate the assistance" that'd be perfectly fine. But basically, this is how things look in my head timeline wise (regarding my concepts). Phase 1: Elibian Nights (Coming out by month's end) Exalted Legacy FE8 Sequel Phase 2:Exalted Legacy II: Light and Shadow (?) Exalted Legacy III: Slumber FE8 getting a sequel has been on my priorities list for as long as I can remember, but nothing's ever really materialized. It seems like there's decent interest in making that a reality, so that one's higher up on the priorities list. I'm also considering the FE3A project's placement - I'm looking for a good pilot project to sort of test the waters with. After Blazing Shell is ready for project development, I'm porting Exalted Legacy (it's already sort of begun for the FEE3 demo) to build the "Exalted Engine," and either developing FE3A concurrently with Exalted Legacy (which I aim to have more-or-less resource-complete by year's end) or doing it alongside the third entry further down the road.
  16. Written before Awakening with only minor revisions since. Thanks for notifying me. Key difference: I'm not new to the forums, and I have two quality works (one being released in a little over two weeks, one going into the full development cycle after that) to back up my own capabilities and management skills. Not just some rando spewing nonsense. I mean, fine, if you want to be blunt the phrase should probably read "come learn to hack by working with a team making these hacks I've laid the conceptual foundations for." That's the honest assessment of what I'm aiming to do. At the end of the day, participants gain connections with other hackers, input into the development process, hands-on experience and mentorship, and get to be part of producing a game for the community to enjoy.
  17. Here’s what’s currently in development/at least had a planned platform crafted. All the Elibe we Need: - Elibian Nights - Immortal Sword - One of the FE6 remakes will get completed with so many of them - Champion Blade (Al: The hack) - Athos' Tale (a short hack in homeage to Nintenlord, who started something similar) Arch’s Pipe-Dream Archanea Trilogy: - Exalted Legacy - Exalted Legacy II: Light and Shadow - Exalted Legacy III: Slumber Magvel needs a sequel: - Depths of Darkness (tentatively titled) The idea in presenting this as an initiative is to offer an apprenticeship opportunity to aspiring hackers - people who want to hone their skills working on a project without having to necessarily worry about the planning and coordination. Basically, we could have a cool Star Wars-esque expanded universe and then when Fire Emblem gets bought out by Disney it’ll all be declared bullshit (but enjoyable shall be it). One team could assemble to practice with an FE3 book 2 remake, or assist with a foray into FE8 hacking in developing a sequel. Participants would get direct experience with project management under the leadership of a director, and acquire the skills to craft their own ROM hacks. Posted this on FEU, figured I'd port it over here to see if there was any interest. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxDzouVPMl-PWjROY0lZM2p1MzQ&usp=sharing
  18. You should join the other wizards at http://feuniverse.us/
  19. Arch

    FEE3 2014

    Updated the first post. I'm pretty sure I've gotten everybody who filled out a form, but if I missed you just hollah at me! EDIT: OH AND ALSO Would anybody mind extending the deadlines by two weeks? I'd like for everybody intending to participate to PM me with the status of your project and what you'll be displaying for the show. If I don't hear from you by August 1st (a little over a week from now), I'll assume that you've opted not to participate? But I'll send out a reminder on the 30th to anybody who hasn't. This works out better for me due to personal and professional circumstances, and I don't think anybody would mind the extra two weeks to refine their showings. Hell, the extension is a time-honored FEE3 tradition!
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B69TTmKviGQ I'm having fun today.
  21. Arch


    FEU: Spell Animation Archive/Let's Have More of Them Project So now that we're getting these issues taken care of the community doesn't have to donate monies but we could sure use some help amassing spell animations to actually use!
  22. Arch


    I also pitched in $45 to fund the bugfix, which was graciously donated to me by Markyjoe for my work on Project Fire Shell. I decided to use that donation to fund something for the community.
  23. Ooops. Sowwy. That's some pretty good timing though, I was just about to post some screens of Wrys (and minor updates).
  24. Her promotion depends on the item you use: Knight Crest -> Knight (Sword/Axe) Hero Crest -> Mercenary (Sword) Orion's Bolt -> Archer (Bow) Coat of Arms -> Soldier (Lance) Elysian Whip -> Pegasus Knt (Lance) Drake Horn -> Dracoknight (Axe) Despoil Seal -> Brigand (Axe) Guiding Ring -> Acolyte (Light) Sorry Kiseki, I miss things sometimes (read: a lot).
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