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Everything posted by Arch

  1. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    ^ That's a good achievement idea. If I weren't already at my limit in terms of what the game can commit to memory between chapters, I'd probably go ahead and add that. Anyways have screenshots of some last minute polish moves. Successful distraction! Actually, Brendor, the vagina is far more durable an organ than its male counterpart. One swift kick to the nuts is all you really need to figure that one out. So really, the fact that you're still saying "pussy" as though it's synonymous with weakness tells me that you should go back and reread the derailment a few more times.
  2. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    It was a joke. Also, "man up" is one of the most patriarchal phrases in existence (toughness is not exclusive to masculinity) and should honestly be deprecated by now as a colloquial phrase.
  3. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    @Gabe: What type of phone are you using? I think I'll writeup a guide for getting hacks onto phones, since that seems to be gaining popularity these days. iPhones are a bit wonkier than Androids in terms of actually managing your phone's files, you'll need a special program for iDevices. Shit. Party's over, guys. We're on the popo's radars now. Someone hide the drugs before he makes his way down to the basement.
  4. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Thanks, Klok. I still find it hilarious that you can't block someone from the PM they send you, because that'd be the most likely form of harassment that people are going to face around here. @Kiseki: That's the mods' department, not mine. If this is how my "fans" are apt to behave, I should just cancel the damn project and take up a new hobby...like curling, or something.
  5. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Hahahah. So you have to initiate a PM to block somebody? 10/10 harassment protection. Great stuff, Serenes. This place is a fucking joke. A really long, excruciatingly unfunny joke.
  6. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Yeaaaah, maybe that would work. I dunno. Maybe the third "fuck off" is the charm? Where's the "block" button? But it's like, are you fucking serious? I wake up to another PM from this twat?
  7. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    See? I even said "please" this time. This kid needs to GTFO, like ASAP.
  8. Arch

    FEU Resources

    Man you should, uh, speak up about this shit more often then. Because nobody else seemed to understand it until Venno went and looked into those unknown bytes yesterday.
  9. Arch

    FEU Resources

    http://feuniverse.us/t/todays-discovery-more-than-0xff-entries-for-portraits/573 Thought I'd share this bit of knowledge with the good citizens of the forest. Did you know that GBAFE (in theory) natively supports having over 65,000 portraits? And that we never realized this until today?
  10. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    im actually jesus irl fite me Christ vs. the Anti-Christ, only on Serenes Forest!
  11. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    The credits sequence rolls in the prologue (unskippable, even). I've been making sure it's all accurate ahead of the release, and the artists attributed to each portrait can be found on the master sheet.
  12. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Sorry modteam, I didn't see eclipse post before I hit reply otherwise I wouldn't have. He PM'd me, and I'm done entertaining this crap. EDIT: Took down the PM screen because yeah, it was a dick move. But seriously? It's like he just don't know when to quit.
  13. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    I don't have to "prove" anything to you, because you're honestly just some scrub wasting my time. Yup, it's a hobby. One that I enjoy when people aren't wasting my time with "holier than thou" nonsense and spamming my thread telling me how to conduct myself, writing essays about how much of a dick I am. All the effort it took you to write that barrage of petty unsubstantiated bullshit? Coulda been better spent actually learning how to hack or doing something productive. Ya know, the people talking about how worthless others are usually are the ones with self-worth issues. I could give two shits about eFame, and I could honestly give two shits about you. Just because you roll up in here and offer your two cents doesn't mean I have to appreciate it. The few pennies you've got are worthless to me. I'd like to think that making a hack makes me more qualified to discuss the process behind making a hack, yes. Does that apply in real life? Not really. But this ain't real life, bud. This is the internet. Who the fuck cares? I've been "blowing up" all day in the hope that you'll just fucking go away already. But no, just keep making a total joke out of yourself instead. I'm looking forward to "the 50 theses on why Arch is a dickwad." It's hilarious how you go from "they both look great" to "Nayr's is obviously better and you're awful for not taking it" at the drop of a hat. Please, get the fuck out of my thread and stop wasting my time.
  14. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Play the tale and find out .
  15. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    It's a shame that the unsatisfied voices always scream the loudest. Makes it difficult to see past the hypercritical atmosphere sometimes. Sorry for getting pissy, guys. This shit's just getting old at this point.
  16. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    All of the congressmen. I've also been to space (that's where my avvy comes from, it's a selfie actually). Get rekt, kid.
  17. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    If you know your suggestions are bad, then why do you insist on making them? I appreciate the good intentions, I really do, but just stop already. Obviously your presence in this topic hasn't been helpful in the slightest, and I don't need the assist. You wanna go on about real life criticism and accomplishments? It's the lamest card in the deck to play, but fine, we'll play it. I've worked for congressmen, bud. Get off your high horse there. Pride is fine, but 100x the tolerance? Pfffft. Try spending a summer developing education reform proposals, that's a real minefield of criticism with actual implications for the world in which we live. Weren't you just saying something about assumptions? They just make an ass out of you and me; mostly you, I'm just along for the ride at this point. Whenever someone calls you out on your behavior, you just deflect it and carry on acting exactly the same way. I honestly am quite hard pressed to believe, based on your behavior on these forums, that there's any actual substance to what you're saying. It sounds like someone's talking out of their ass, and it smells like farts in here. I'd show more respect if you'd shown yourself to be respectable, but that simply is not the case. You don't get to just show up in my topic, derail it with these stupid suggestions, and then get angry for the lack of respect shown to you. True respect is earned, not given. I try to be courteous, but my patience is obviously worn thin by the cacophony of nonsense you've wrought.
  18. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    If someone were offering valuable criticism, I'd still take it. But I haven't gotten anything useful in a while, the project's nearing the finish line, and I don't have time to entertain and act upon every little stupid suggestion. So basically yeah, goin' nuclear because I'm sick of this garbage and just wanna be finished already.
  19. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    No, he specifically called out my hack as not having "good graphics." I'm not just gonna take that shit, sorry. It's disrespectful to the artists who've contributed, and a spriter of all people should show a little damn respect for the effort it takes to produce quality sprites. There's a difference between criticism and bashing. If you want to criticize, at least be constructive about it. If people appreciate the work, then they should stop nitpicking every new sprite and just enjoy the fact that they're getting a new game to play. This happens every goddamn time someone brings up sprites. It's a maddening cycle of petulant bullshit which never seems to stop. And then you have the gall to lecture me about receptiveness to criticism? Just because I don't take your "dumb fanboy suggestions" (yes, you're talking about yourself). I refuse to be patronized by some random person with no accomplishments to their name, telling me how I should conduct my development process. If you'd actually been around for the entirety of the development cycle, you'd know that I've listened and learned from criticism for years; hell, that's why it's taken so long. But now? I'm finishing, the project is what it is at this point. I've gone above and beyond to respond to valuable feedback, I know far more about what it takes to make a successful project than you. So please, I appreciate you trying to help, but just let me get back to work.
  20. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Okay, so google image searching sprites and sharing them here is not really productive at all. It's just a waste of time and energy. If it exists and I wanted it, I would probably have obtained it already. This project's been going for years. Yeah, fuck you too. A spriter of all people should appreciate the hard work put in by top-tier artists from around the community. You're correct in saying that expectations for fan projects are too high, but honestly, I'd put EN's mugs against anything produced by IS or any other spriter around here any day. GBAFE's mugs also have angling issues, shading problems, etc, and I don't appreciate being held to a standard that's higher than the damn original developers themselves. Maybe there's some stylistic consistency issues, but I actually enjoy seeing that variation from around the community represented in a hack. It's a fan project, and I think it's cool that we get to see the diverse artistic presence within our community represented so strongly. More to the point, we have some seriously talented artists, to a degree that the hackers in the community don't even really deserve. I'm very appreciative of all the hard work artists have done on my behalf (a vast majority for free, no less), and I've worked very hard on behalf of the community to put together a quality game for y'all to play and enjoy. But all we seem to get these days is petulant criticism. My patience for this crap is at its end.
  21. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    The current one's already been through a lot of work, and I'm kinda fucking tired of people complaining about sprites all the damn time. Someone go make a better one if they don't like it, then. I'm just trying to finish the project, and this is just another distraction.
  22. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Klok, he's smiling because he just got his revenge. Anyways, I stand to disagree with you. Nayr's looks like Raven got his hands on some hard drugs. The pauldron's angling is glaring, Nayr's habit of overusing the outline color is as apparent as ever, and not to mention it's the same face he always sprites. I'm pretty sure it's just a simple OA trace and he didn't even age the character. This was probably made for EN at some point (I do vaguely recall), and rejected for these reasons.
  23. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    Oh hey, it's the old Raven that Nayr tried making for EN that got outdone by BwdYeti, The Blind Archer, and Niharu. I highly question your eye for aesthetic value if you think that Nayr's mug will be an improvement over the one I've currently got. Aside from the quality issues which rampantly persist through his works, there's a longish history between the two of us (which I don't expect people to know/care about - because I sure as hell don't care), and there's a reason his shit ain't in Elibian Nights no more.
  24. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    If you leave Jan in the corner and have him escape, the only thing you'll be doing is going through the second phase one unit down. It's an "Escape All" mission.
  25. Arch

    Elibean Nights

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCT_oQjUsJg Oops. Forgot to post this here.
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