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Posts posted by DeadGame

  1. This only means the modders closed developement on the project, as long as people still play the mod, it'll be alive.

    From a certain perspective, however, this might even be a positive thing, as players will no longer need to adapt to new changes and can fully establish a meta.

    Basicly, it's a bittersweet announcement, and I personally welcome it.

    PM is and always will be a better Melee in my eyes, plus it's the the key to modding heaven.

    (Oh, I just remembered that we won't ever see the "Dweeb-Philanderer-Awakening DLC-Roy" now, which makes me happy.)

  2. I hear you there, I'm torn apart aswell in that manner.

    On one hand it's been one of my favourite franchises by Nintendo, but on the other hand it's extremely frustrating to see what they're doing with it in recent years,

    to the point that I actually want them to end it and create an entirely new one. Although that doesn't refer to the core gameplay changes they made.

    We'll see if they tone down certain elements in the localization, until then I suggest holding onto your money.

  3. Someone needs to expand their horizons, I mean if you limit yourself to just Nintendo consoles, you miss out on quite the number of great things.

    Smash has so many iconic people, why not have the RPG dude? I mean sure it didn't make too much sense, but the implications are very real and very cool that we have so many gaming legends in the same game. Is this too much for people?

    Snake also fit in his own way, and Kojima wanted his son's wish fufilled, is that really so awkward? They managed to make him one of the funnest characters in Brawl and introduced Nintendo fans to MGS, if they hadn't been via the Twin Snakes already.

    Is it so wrong to see this as a coming together of Legends and not a "Publicity stunt"? Negativity about this whole thing is downright baffling to me.

    We still have 2 more characters to go, and they may be more controversial than this, I hope people are prepared, if they are.

    I play on Nintendo and PC, so don't you worry about my gaming horizon.

    As I said, the thing is that this guy had never anything to do with Nintendo, which is something fairly required in my opinion.

    I mean, if they went with Ark or Chrono, this would've been an entirely different story. I'm not mad or anything, though.

  4. I don't even know who that edgy blonde guy is, to be honest, as he never appeared on a Nintendo system (aside from a few cameos, or so I heard) and I didn't play FF7 on Steam.

    I mean, you hear about him being oh-so iconic, but that's basicly it.

    The decision to include him in Smash Bros. just seems very awkward in my eyes, even more than having Snake in Brawl.

    Figures it's all publicity..

    It could be worse though.

  5. Listen, there is nothing wrong about clone characters, unless they're outclassed by the original, in which case they need balancing (looking at Dr. Mario).

    Aside from that, Falco, Wolf and Roy and Toon Link aren't clone characters. They're "semi-clones" at best.

    Although they share a couple of similar looking moves with other characters, they play very different and have their own identity.

    Lastly, about Luigi.. I don't even know what to say.

    Did you honestly just say his playstyle is similar to Mario's? This is the year 2015, not 2001. : )

  6. Pretty much all S-supports and many others in Awakening, I guess.

    I never got sickened, while playing a game, as often as while 100%-ing that game. Ended up just skipping them at the end.

    Unfortunately, I'm expecting something simmilar from fates. (Although I'm not entirely sure if I'm actually getting that game after all..)

  7. Heh, this question is just begging to be answered with: "The Fire Emblem community".

    Admittedly, though, that's half true..

    Anyways, in general every big fanbase has its weak parts.

    I think that oftentimes it's the fault of the developers for messing with the series resulting in the fanbase being torn apart.

    Look at Smash for instance. After a highly competetive game, the fans are presented with what's basicly the opposite.

    Naturally some people loose faith in the series, although most stayed cool and moved on to Smash 4.

  8. The Last of Us is the most overrated games of all time, followed by Shadow of the Colossus, the tons of interactive movies published by Sony and finally any other game that has nothing to it other than loads of oh-so artistic nothingness.

    Ocarina of Time is in no way overrated. The game set bars in 3D gamedesign and holds up even today as a great game.

    It had its flaws which were fixed in the 3DS version, but it still aged pretty well for being one of the first 3D action adventures.

    (This, by the way, isn't based on any kind of nostalgia goggles.)

  9. Nothing.

    Seriously, nothing. No game, however bad, hurts me as long as I don't play it, and if anyone gets any enjoyment out of them who am I to take that away just to spite them?

    What if you admire a franchise, but the developers suddenly decide to, say (and this is just in theroy), milk the hell out of it, releasing one horrible game after another and

    just borrowing of the name instead of enriching the series with another great title? Would you accept the developers keep spitting on that franchise?

    I personally agree with what you said in general, as long as it isn't a series that means something to me (in which case I just want the devs to change the name).

  10. Honestly I can't blame you for that. FE14 has more water than it does fire, after all.

    And yeah, I think IS could get away with creating a new IP for all of their fanservice needs. (which I doubt will ever happen)

    EDIT: Actually a lot of stuff recently felt like it was made for newcomers.

    (Heh, I guess that's also quite literally true.)

    They sure could! It's not like Fire Emblem has a huge continuity anyways, with the Emblem itself altering from game to game.

    Hell, they could name the series after a freaking fruit, alright? "Date Saga", the new franchise by Intelligent Systems. Perfect!

  11. I have been a fan of Call of Duty since the original 2003 WWII shooter and at the time it was a phenomenal game. Unfortunately it fell into the Activision yearly release plague that affected all their other IPs ranging from Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero etc. Because of this, Activision constantly funded the game to the point of oversaturation in the market where there has to be one new game every year. Yes there have been spin offs even in the original WW2 series but most brushed them off until around the CoD5 era and up. I have played most of the games in the series until Black Ops 2 and while I loved the campaign in that game, I felt it needed a break at this point.

    There comes at a time where you just need to stop and let the IP rest for a while before you start and crash the market.

    I don't know about crashing the market, but thing is, that Activision is still making money of something they don't need to put much effort in.

    From a business standpoint it's gold so they won't stop unless people stop buying the games.

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