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Posts posted by DeadGame

  1. Such a shame they're not really advertising this game in Europe. It's so good!

    Literally the only complaint I have is the shameless amiibo support. Nintendo really is forgetting the meaning of "unlockables", as it seems.

  2. We're talking Nintendo franchises only now?

    I believe F-Zero isn't going to see the light on WiiU. Then again, I'd like it to be a launch title for their next system like the original was for the SNES.

    About Metroid, I actually think they'll announce Retro's new game they've been working on during this year's E3, and I think the chances are good for it to be Prime 4.

    On a sidenote, SMTxFE really isn't a Fire Emblem game, is it? (I'm not trying to bash on the game or anything, but it's clearly more SMT/Persona than FE and also a spin-off.)

  3. No hints on it being part of the game yet.. and I love it.

    Who has time for marriages during freaking war anyways?! That's something you do during.. the credits. :)

    I think it's pretty self explanatory that awakening sold well because they actually advertised it for once as the main reason.

  4. They can add as many modes I won't ever lay a finger on as they want, as long as they bring back the quality challenge of the older games while not focusing too much on casual content such as cheesy supports. (I don't want to see any more debates over which of my beloved units make the best to imagine having a date with before going to bed, that ain't cool.)

    Anyways, I was thinking about these 9 savefiles again and came to wonder whether these will add up or be split between the routes.

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