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Everything posted by Iced

  1. I've never heard that.... your mad, Maple Syrup is awesome.
  2. I know what your saying but you can't really call Half-Life overrated, at it's realese the game was brilliant and it still holds up very well today. some games do deserve the scores they are given.
  3. why did you make your username StarryNovaSaiyan if you'd like to be called Jen? anyway, welcome to Serenes Forst Jen.
  4. what on earth does bacon have to do with Canada? Maple syrup would have more appropriate.
  5. that is quite possibly the greatest thing ever written
  6. I like Seth and it keeps me out of low, so I guess I can fangirl.
  7. Yeah this has been done to death. we really don't need another.
  8. One must enquire as to how I can spend more than 2 weeks on such a small update, as for that, I'm not really sure I just forgot about it for the first part of the holidays, and then when I did remember to update BAM social things. I should be able to get back on schedule now, trust me on that would you? I've also decided to switch to JPG images rather than the PNG I was using, although I despise JPG's there not toooo bad for this and are much smaller. a few of the pics's in the last updates were over a megabyte, while the most one of these come to is 150KB. seriously those PNG's had taken up more than 10% of my quota on whatever stupid hosting site I ended up using (I forgot what it's called <.<) I would have just made a new account but regardless... When we last left our heroes the glorious Roman Empire (actually I think it would be Roman Republic at this point but formalities...) we had finally freed Italy from the vile carthegian slaves. If you can see the minimap in the bottom left you should notice that the Brutii have already expanded into Greece. Let's re-examine our Diplomatic position first shall we? as was already evident we are at war with Greece and Carthage, the council (or lack thereof <.<) have decreed we shall press on in the Carthegian war. But no, the real reason I took this screen shot was because I noticed something odd, the SPQR (that’s “the Senate and People of Rome” for the uneducated. Don't ask what the "Q" is for) is not at war with the Rebels, and since they have no diplomacy never can be. I guess it's just to prevent bizarre scenarios like Rome being ruled by slaves but it's still odd. I also promised to show off those wonderful Triarii that we've been working towards you can see that although there attack it not thaaat much better, the defence is fantastic, they have long weapons and annihilate the most annoying enemies, calvary. A small naval engagement fully frees the waters of Italia from the plague of carthegian vessels. The Greeks came to me later that month with a proposal that we put aside our differences and end the loss of lives Roman lives (I honestly don't care about the Greek scum) There offer is of course quickly accepted, another war would just get in the way now wouldn’t it? Have no fear, soon they too will be washing our feet. Even the senate see's that the God's truly smile upon Scipii and our conquest of Carthage. On that note an army is quickly mustered up from the ranks of peasants. OH GOD YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was also informed that I have been given a position on the senate. Truly this must be a call to greatness. First military, now diplomacy? Truly the power of Scipo knows no bounds What’s war without a bit of espionage, eh? haha, my infrastructure project is well underway. If one thing can be said about the Romans, they built some really nice roads. I was informed that my grandson (boy I feel old), Flavivs, has reached the day of his 16th. ahhh Flavivs, you were always the black sheep of the family weren’t you? It has come to my attention that the armies of Scipii are now in place around Thapsus I order some mercenaries recruited from the slaves good men of Numidia, yes that’s what I meant...... My beautiful daughter is soon to be wed to of all things a simpleton! Still at least he is Roman, they would both be without heads if otherwise. ahh, perhaps this boy is not too bad after all, he will make a fine soldier. //while Titvs has 0 command, he has both good attacker and good defender meaning at least 2 stars in any situation. Neptune smiles upon his children, against all odds we have won this battle! our by now famous Marshal takes the initiative and beings the assault [spoiler=Battle of Thapsus, Winter 264BCE] I'm only going to show unseen units here, you should be able to figure out what they do just by sight I hope. Most of the enemy force is just waiting on the other side of the wall, this could be a problem, most of them are Javelin-men. The Namibians are sent forward as a sort of pre-emptive strike. This quickly backfires however and the horsemen are sent running. the gates are quickly broken down and........ Everything goes to hell, welp, that’s any semblance of strategy gone. Thanks to the Triarii the mess is quickly over and the enemy general lies dead at their feet. What’s left of the enemy attempt to flee but are quickly run down by Quintus (I didn’t get a pic of that sorry) Regardless, Victory belongs to us today! [ I've no idea how that one unit of Hastati got so many kills and no promotion, bizarre. The Triarii may not look like they got that many kills but you have to remember that they got to the fight quite late and destroyed the cavs in about 3 seconds. And with that Thapsus belongs to us! What better time to relax and take a leisurely stroll though memory lane than after a great feat of success eh? ahh, I remember when Quintus was still just a young boy... the fun he and Julianus used to have.....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ You can just take the Triarii as your profile of the update k? If anyone (assuming people are actually reading this) is wondering why me, a normally friendly kind person always chooses slavery it's because well, slavery is fantastic, it doesn’t kill the population but transfers them to your bigger cities where they get TAXED. Taxing slaves, it's brilliant. It also brings the captured city out of red happiness (which is very bad) 8 times out 10. Also I tend to like history and the Romans did tend to make slaves of their enemies. And now for the bonus game! Since I took so long here's your crappy reward/competition thing. If anyone can name the game I'm playing (it's not Total war).....I'll think of a prize later
  9. But the character building is the worst bit, they've completely screwed her up. thank you Ike-Mike, my point exactly.
  10. You have a cat? well that, but it was an angry Meow. He wants to go outside now, I don't think I'll let him Hello Joshy.
  11. He's very angry with me now though, I let him out of the laundry (I trapped him in there when I was trying to get the bird) and he just looked at me and said "meow". what are you talking about? he's not always being bad.
  12. Trust me, there are people who dislike it. I don't know why. I diden't mind Majesty 2, it wasen't as good as the first but it was still a good game on it's own.
  13. My cat cought a bird :( I managed to save the bird but feathers, feathers everywhere.
  14. I enjoyed Bioshock, you've got to remember that all it was trying to do was emulate System shock 2, the gameplay was not that great yeah but the atmosphere was done well. as for me: Overrated: Minecraft there is no other answer. seriously the game is not that great, it's fun for about 20 minuets and then you remember there are so many other games where you can build things. Underrated: Mount and Blade and anything by Paradox really.
  15. what is up with your member titles? do you really need to tell people things they already know?
  16. what are you implying... <_< I don't support any pairings the vast majority are just silly.
  17. Lumi X Amelia? I'm sorry but what? who invented that one?
  18. besides me, i'm always up at obscene times
  19. I have it's probably one of my favorite comedies.
  20. Still doesn't beat this: I really what to know what kind of "Studies" they've conducted.
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