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Everything posted by szechuan

  1. I'm a guy, and I really hope sex esclusive classes are removed from the game, it's nothing but sexist, with the only exception being the bride (and c'mon, you can also make a male bride version), because, why only women can ride white horses? And why only men can be extremely strong warriors? But knowing about the Japanese mentality, I doubt the change this... (sorry if i made some grammar mistakes)
  2. Map is love, map is life, map is variety and more hours of game. Just saying.
  3. Mmmm... I wish some of them appear on spotpass or DLC now that I think. but please, if they return: WITH THE SAME ARTWORK AND MODEL (not a recolor of the avatar like on the previous games) AND NOT THAT HORRIBLE CARD STUFF. Please :C And if I had to chose 5 or so, I would chose Chrome, Lucina, default Robin, Nowi and Henry, Tharja or Lon'qu (not my favourites, but the ones that are most likely)
  4. Time travel is love! I wouldn't mind that stupidity as long as children return, because they were my second favorite feature (the first being marriage) on FE:A. The parallel storylines is also a cool idea. And not as in Genealogy where everyone was... that.
  5. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I thought... could some units from FE:A return? In that case, would they return as xenologues/DLC? As the vast majority of units from previous games returned as avatar variants as free content (the battles against characters from the past games and soldiers)? Or as a full characters with even relationships? And if they return, would they use the old model (change a bit) or just as the free content/DLC returned in Awakening? Personally, i think I would like to see some characters, even if it's only as DLC or free content, because I liked them a lot! But as full characters I see it almost impossible, and I don't think I would like it too much... Share your opinion! :D
  6. We've seen some worldwide releases lastly, so although i don't think this is the case, I hope NA and Europe get the game if not simultaneously, not more than 3 or 4 months. I hope.
  7. In my opinion, what should change is the attitude of hard fanboys towards the marriage system and the avatar inself, but anyway... I'd like more support conversations to appear, some extra classes (and the taguel and dragons stay!!) and the feet, but they already made their appareance. Well, and as we're getting an Asian feeling this game, i'd like a ninja/samurai class!
  8. I wish so much these 2 features from Awakening return, it makes the game feels like you are actually playing it, and you are inside of the game. On the waifu's fanservice, i'll just say is the non-strictly-gameplay feature that I enjoyed the most and i wish it returns!!!! Waifus and husbandos for the win :D
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