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Everything posted by szechuan

  1. 100% honest question bc it's been a while since I played 3H, but: apart from having more lore put into them (family and such), how were Three Houses side characters complex? I mostly remember EVERY single Bernadetta support revolving about her being extremely shy and annoying, Linhardt about being lazy, Lysithea totally not being a kid, or Petra being a foreigner... I don't really understand where that argument comes from. Post-Awakening FE (only games I've played) characters have always been walking tropes. Sure, the alpaca guy is literally only going talk about alpacas, which will incredibly annoying, and Rosado just about being cute, which will be more tolerable, but I don't see how that's different from Sylvain's obsession with women, Charlotte's goal of marrying a rich men or Owain wanting to be a superhero. And yes, the characters already look all visually like pre-teens (even the so-called "Vandad", who has zero wrinkles and the face complexion of a high schooler with a fake moustache on), and their personality will simply match to that.
  2. I'm curious as to why this decision... especially since we know emblem ring support convos are not that complex. It seems very limiting in terms of conversation and gameplay synergy, and it is frustrating that not all characters from the same nation have conversation with themselves. And there is no way supports are going to be written better than usual, let's be honest.
  3. That would be fantastical. Given their track record, I still think IS will have them be a cis man hyper-fixated with cute stuff, which I don't think is bad either. But how refreshing would it be if a game such as this was allowed to tackle gender customs in speculative ways! In any case, I love their design and colour palette. Also: please m-m romanceable FogadošŸ˜­ or anyone that isn't a long haired twink (love me some Linhardt-Yuri-Jeritza, but there's merit on variety!)
  4. I think retainers this time are kind of a blank slate, just as in Fates. Sure, they are tasked with "protecting" a certain royal, but their personality doesn't revolve around it unlike Dedue's or Frederick. We've seen some of them being chefs, others being creepy dudes, another one is from Elyos!Japan... so plenty of different backgrounds and personalities. And I hardly doubt they are especially concerned with their leige, like I can't really remember how important it was that Arthur was Elise's retainer or not. It's just better for marketing purposes I guess.
  5. I'm confused. Hasn't it been brought up several times that Elusia appears BEFORE Solm in promotional materials, and then there's several scenes in the trailers where Elusian characters, music or other stuff appear along Firene/Brodia but not Solm's? I bet 99% that, unless we go split routes, Elusians will join before Solm anyway. Isn't Kagetsu's video in Solm?
  6. Favourite females: Shara , Ɖponine and Foleo. Kinu cool too. Favourite males: Shinonome and Shigure. But actually, with that boring hair, no one is actually COOL (well, some that already have hair colour) Edit: I olnly dislike Not!Gaius because although I LOVE Gaius, he's just a copypaste of him. Not even a bit different as happened with Not!Tharja or Not!Cordelia.
  7. I'm so happy this is happening! I wouldn't chosen Zero (I don't find him very sexy haha) but I'm so happy Shara is now a real option for people to marry! I obviously will and will marry Zero too! I would chose one girl and one boy for each route, but it's okay :) Congratulations Nintendo!!!!
  8. [sorry if this topic is actually repeated, but I couldn't find it] WARNING! MAY BE SPOILERS!!!! Okay, so as many of you noticed, thereare actually three Not!AwakeningChildren (or not so NOT) that are making their appareance as adults in Fates, in Conquest route. They were the three favourite children, along with Lucina, chosen in a survey that took place in Japan (I think). Well, they had their moments in the DLC of Awakening too. Well, others of you may notices that there are actually three Not!AwakeningAdults, and they seem to be the 3 favourite adults from the game chosen by the same survey. They also got their own DLC appareance. They appear as children in Awakening, as you can see: Inigo (child) = Lazward (adult) Severa (child) = Luna (adult) Owain (child) = Odin (adult) and... Tharja (adult) = Shara (child) Gaius (adult) = Gray (child) Cordelia (adult) = Matoi (child) Lucina and Chrom were excluded for some both obvious and at the same time mysterious reason, as Lucina appears as an amiibo it would be extrange for her to have a clone in the same game. But for Chrom, some say that the child Shinonome is similar to him, but I have my doubts. So, are you happy they are making this prize for the most popular characters in Awakening? What do you think?
  9. Gosh I swear I googled that ACxSims and that Metroid before reading the other games and now I feel trolled
  10. As an LGTB member I feel so disappointed. I'm pan so I don't mind marrying girls in the game but I feel kinda sad that I can't marry men unless I pick F!Kamui (that I was going to play anyway). Nintendo should really take a step forward in these aspects...
  11. M!Kamui in Hoshido: Rinka (although the female ninja and Hana look cool too) F!Kamui in Hoshido: Hinata for sure (if LGTB was a real thing I'd also marry him he's damn hot) M!Kamui in Nohr: Charlotte (sex appeal reasons ofc) F!Kamui in Nohr: idk, they all Norh guys look ugly as fuck, so 'll marry a neutral one like Silas or that male ninja (Kaze, right?)
  12. Ok, now that I have overcome the trauma of no LGTB characters (the most disappointing thing of the games, almost cried) I have to say that I'm happy that children are returning (Tsubiyaki's or Tsubakiyama's or whatever he's called looks cooooool) because they add variety and replaying. And I hope avatar can marry 2nd gen too!
  13. I'll go male and then female so I don't miss some content (although I'll lay more than 5 games xD)
  14. Best thing they can do to the japanese video game industry, and Nintendo especially, is to include LGTB supports and make it visible. But it would be a pity that not everyone can be bi, although that is the correct way and the most realistic one (not everyone bi, some hetero, some homosexual and others bi, but I'll cry if Hinata is not romanceable by male kamui). That's my last expectation from the game, please Nintendo,work miracles and open your mind.
  15. As a boy, my favourite Hoshido exclusives are Hinata (if homo is avalaible) and Rinka, neutral; Felicia, and Nohr; Charlotte and Camilla. As Female Kamui, my favourite Hoshido exclusives would be Takumi and Orochi (homo), neutral: Joker, and Nohr; Charlotte (homo) and Marx. The rest of the boys are thrash (I'm pansexual so i think i can actually judge it as much objectively as appareance can be judged, haha) Btw, I agree with the pool, the only surprise is Cyrus (I didnt expect him to be so popular), and I thought Nyx was going to be more popular, as Tharja was. Overall, the design is pretty good though, I like all characters except Harold (i'm actually going to kill him I dislike him SO hard). I wish homo is avalaible but i know this is not the tread haha.
  16. I really wish Nintendo opens its mind and allow gay marriage. In that case, I'd go Hoshido for Hinata (he's ultra appealing), and if not, Nohr for Charlotte. I highly doubt it's possible to romance a same-sex mate, in spite of what we've seen so far (some people say that in the last trailer there are proofs but i doubt it). My major wish for this game is that, gay marriage. At least the avatar.
  17. SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE THE YANDERE ARCHETYPE. Ok, that said, I LOVE HER DESIGN. I've ben Hoshido supporter since first trailer but actually, now, I want to go Nohr because I'm deeply in love with that character (except if you can homo, that I'd rather go to Hoshido). Her design and color palette is beautiful, and she looks kinda protective and that yandere stuff, and her name is also very cool.
  18. Everything should and it's ok as long as it is optional, I don't understand why some hardcorette fan would be mad here. Hey, if you don't want, you don't need to pick the mode.
  19. Can we please remember that Awakening had that almost perfect gender ratio due to the existance of marriage system? It would be impossible to get all children with more women than men and it was necessary to have a lot of women so we could have a decent number of children. So if FEif has the marriage system is likely to have gender ratio equality too. But if not, even though I hope we have the same ratio as in Awakening, it's not likely. (Sorry for my English, I'm Spanish)
  20. Tharja trophy would have made it better, hehe. AND erasing Dr.Mario from the game. I can't look at him without feeling stupid. It reminds me of all the characters that didnt get to the game and instead he is on the game as a separated ugly Mario clone :c
  21. I would really love an story mode,it would have made the game much cooler and long lasting...
  22. I voted Bayonetta, Professor Layton (in my dad's PC) and if I get a friend to vote in the pool I'll tell him to vote for Tharja. I like impossibles.
  23. I like the idea but I wish we were able to play all in a single not locked ganme, even if you pay more (I think that is the deluxe edition, I hope I get to buy one), for example, I was introduced to the series with the amazing Awakening, so I think I'll choose Hoshido, even if I think the character design of this edition is a bit poor for the moment (all nohrian look dark+blue/purple and hoshido white+red/pink, and that is very annoying). I hope they release this in Europe as a single version or at least they sell the deluxe version so I can play everything in a single game even if I have to pay more. The bad thing about this is also that they erase character diversity in your army. I think one of the things that people like most is to collect warriors, recruiting all of them, but having just a half and knowing that you wont be able to get the other half is not cool :C Awakening was cool because you could recruit A LOT of different characters with their story and stuff, I hope at least each version of FE:if has more that 20 characters to play with.
  24. Well, you betray your family just because you were born in another country, i think that's pretty wrong. Besides from this, this game is very focused on black vs white, but I think they plan to make both of the nations be more 'grey' following the story, at least that is what I hope. I don't want the Asian themed be pure innocent and the European themed be evil and cruel, both of the cultures have good and bad things.
  25. I really hope to see fans as a ordinary weapon, I really like them! The rest, I hope they are just replacements and there is no mechanical difference between spears and naginatas besides of stats
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