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Gordon Freemeow

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Posts posted by Gordon Freemeow

  1. I am in a family with a lot of money. Me father says that he'll pay for anything I want until he dies, and when he does I get basically everything, and half the profits from the business he owns, which me sis will be handling. I'll have all the money I'll ever need for the rest of my life.

    So, you're going to risk your life on the assumption that nothing bad financially will ever happen to your family? Stupid and spoilt.

    Alright, so my location and heritage makes me completely irrelevant, and only Americans matter in this subject?

    That is because the American education system is different from ours.

    I'll give you the second one, but WHAT?

    You're calling me stupid and spoiled for my personal decision? That's a blatant insult, from a MODERATOR. What the hell is that shit?

    Well, he's kinda right. You SHOULDN'T rely on others for your own financial security, because shit DOES happen, things DO go wrong, and if you can't support yourself when the time comes, well, then you're fucked. Your point of view on this matter is very narrow, and yes it's a bit of an insult to call you spoiled, but I'm sure when he said stupid he was referring to the decision, and not you. However he called you spoiled in an attempt to basically knock some sense into you. You don't seem to get it, sure if your Dad has quite a bit of money, that's great. What if he dies? Or what if someone has to undergo shitloads of medical treatment all of the sudden because of some unforeseen condition? Then that money gets drained or disappears altogether, and then where are you left? There are a million things that could go wrong that will sap more money from you in an instant than you could ever believe. Not fulfilling your own education so you can actually, you know, hold a job is an incredibly stupid move, is narrow minded, and short sighted on top of that. We're not here to insult you, but we don't want you to screw yourself over either.

    And God dammit, stop reporting every post Chris makes that rubs you the wrong way. Seriously, saying someone isn't relevant is NOT a flame.

    How does saying my choice is stupid, and offering no advice then saying my opinion doesn't matter helping me? How is "dumber than a rock" NOT an insult? How is "stupid and spoiled" not an insult? Are there not nicer ways to say such things?

    "Hey, I disagree with your decision, here is why, and here is what I think you could do instead:"

    "I think you should consider this option:"

    "You shouldn't do this because: -stuff here-. Here's what I would do if I were you:"

    There are SO many nicer ways of saying it. Calling a mate spoiled and stupid is NOT respectful. I'm even more disappointed that it was DEFENDED. I understand defending their POINT, that I should do things differently, but neither offered any advice on what should be done differently. Simply criticized and gave no meaningful advice. Plus they approached the subject in a manner that was not only disrespectful, but unprofessional on the staff's part. Blatant insults are not respectful, and it's obvious that when you insult someone you instigate them, and even worse you lower the chance of them even listening to your advice. There are so many nicer, polite, professional ways to approach the matter.

    I am severely disappointed in the staff's handling of the situation, and my confidence in them has dropped a peg or two. It's a bloody shame.

  2. You're calling me stupid and spoiled for my personal decision?

    Personal decisions can be stupid. It sounds to me like you've not thought through the bad scenarios that might happen and you seem overconfident in that idea that everything will go just how you planned it, hence you are being foolish. You're spoilt because you expect your father to give you everything for the rest your life.

    You don't even KNOW my situation.

    Second of all, I have the right to my own personal decisions without RIDICULE. I can understand disagreeing, but what you are saying is simply disrespectful. Advice would be appropriate to expressing you disagree. Tell me what I should do different, not just say my choice is stupid, and foolish. That's disrespectful, and the forum rules state under the attitude of forum members:

    1. Please show respect towards ALL members, no matter who they are.

    I do not feel respected with a STAFF member saying my choices are stupid, and doesn't even offer advice on what should be done. That isn't constructive criticism at all, it's down right insulting.

  3. I am in a family with a lot of money. Me father says that he'll pay for anything I want until he dies, and when he does I get basically everything, and half the profits from the business he owns, which me sis will be handling. I'll have all the money I'll ever need for the rest of my life.

    So, you're going to risk your life on the assumption that nothing bad financially will ever happen to your family? Stupid and spoilt.

    Alright, so my location and heritage makes me completely irrelevant, and only Americans matter in this subject?

    That is because the American education system is different from ours.

    I'll give you the second one, but WHAT?

    You're calling me stupid and spoiled for my personal decision? That's a blatant insult, from a MODERATOR. What the hell is that shit?

  4. -Cough-

    Since I'm the only one who mentioned they dropped out I'm assuming you're talking to me. I be a girl. D:

    Second of all, you don't understand my situation at all, yet you criticize my decision? For the record, around here school is mostly for educating you enough to go to university where you study a profession so you may have a career. I have no need for a career, and I don't ever enjoy learning new things the way the school teaches them, so the primary objective of career training, and a secondary objective of entertainment is out. Last thing I could think of is that "productive member of society" shit. I don't even want to get into that rubbish.

    Americans make dropping out to be such an awful thing, yet over here in Scotland no one really gives a shit. You can drop out of school and still go to universities.

    Why don't you need a career?

    I am in a family with a lot of money. Me father says that he'll pay for anything I want until he dies, and when he does I get basically everything, and half the profits from the business he owns, which me sis will be handling. I'll have all the money I'll ever need for the rest of my life.

    As for the Scottish bint with the silver spoon, since the people here are generally American, she is not relevant to this conversation in my eyes, nor do I think she'll be relevant to anyone, seeing how comfy she seems to be with mediocrity.

    Alright, so my location and heritage makes me completely irrelevant, and only Americans matter in this subject?

    Just to be certain on what you mean by mediocrity, as I didn't want to misinterpret what you said, I looked it up. Deriving from the word Mediocre, which it states is: " of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance" I'm quite certain that's the definition you were using it for. So because I happen to have financial security, and don't want to waste my time training for a career that I DON'T NEED, I am of low quality and value?

    I didn't make a big deal about the first comment, but now I am.

    Superbus can call me dumber than a rock, and back it up as it's his first impression, and that's acceptable? HOW IS THAT ACCEPTABLE!? That is a blatant insult, mates. Who cares if it's a first impression? It's still rude.

    Then he isolates myself from the conversation based on my location? What about the other people in the UK? Raven is from Wales, and he posted here? I'm sure there are other people not from America who posted here. I'm isolated though because my location? Just because I so happen to have a plan that makes sense and worked for me? Blokes can drop out in America and still go to secondary schools too you know? Me mate in America dropped out of high school at 16, and took his GED (I think that's what they call it) and he went right to college. Spent 2 less years of his life in high school and went right to college.

    It's ridiculous that the first statement itself was ignored. Now another? Saying someone is dumber than a rock is a BLATANT insult, even if you're saying it is "from their impression". You can think someone is a total twat, but you don't have to go up and say it to them. Why? Because it's rude, uncalled for, and instigating.

  5. Such "advancement" wasn't limited to the U.S. nor a production of such a nation, really. It was more of the "at the right time, right place" kinda stuff.

    Studying the details of everyday life during the Great Mortality is usually more fantastic and interesting than whatever American history is being written to accommodate egos and sheep.

    I love you right now.

    Just a little fun fact: The industrial revolution happened in the UK before it happened in the US. Renaissance happened in the UK before it happened in the US. limited monarchy, which was a form of representative government happened in the UK before the US.

    How exactly has the US "advanced" so quickly? By following others footsteps, so really I wouldn't call that an advancement, I'd call it an improvement. Sure, you blokes have made a few advances that others didn't have, but the basis of America is copied from other cultures. In fact when writing your own constitution, they looked at other nations laws, such as France and England.

    A lot of America was based off of other countries. I dropped out of school and I still know that. I really detest this American centralized point of view...

  6. High school is really what YOU make of it. The kid that said he dropped out, while dumber than a rock from what little impression I have of him.[/ B)


    Since I'm the only one who mentioned they dropped out I'm assuming you're talking to me. I be a girl. D:

    Second of all, you don't understand my situation at all, yet you criticize my decision? For the record, around here school is mostly for educating you enough to go to university where you study a profession so you may have a career. I have no need for a career, and I don't ever enjoy learning new things the way the school teaches them, so the primary objective of career training, and a secondary objective of entertainment is out. Last thing I could think of is that "productive member of society" shit. I don't even want to get into that rubbish.

    Americans make dropping out to be such an awful thing, yet over here in Scotland no one really gives a shit. You can drop out of school and still go to universities.

    while dumber than a rock from what little impression I have

    There is no reason to insult me on my personal choices.

    You told me your situation, so I understand why you dropped out. Americans make it seem like a big deal, because here, it is. You can't go to college in the US unless you either A) Get a high school degree and then get accepted, or B) get a GED and go to community college and then transfer into a real university, because for all intents and purposes, real universities won't accept you with just a GED.

    As for his impression of you, he said it was only from what little he's seen of you, so don't take it to heart, it's just a first impression.

    It's that American centralized point of view again, aye?

  7. High school is really what YOU make of it. The kid that said he dropped out, while dumber than a rock from what little impression I have of him.[/ B)


    Since I'm the only one who mentioned they dropped out I'm assuming you're talking to me. I be a girl. D:

    Second of all, you don't understand my situation at all, yet you criticize my decision? For the record, around here school is mostly for educating you enough to go to university where you study a profession so you may have a career. I have no need for a career, and I don't ever enjoy learning new things the way the school teaches them, so the primary objective of career training, and a secondary objective of entertainment is out. Last thing I could think of is that "productive member of society" shit. I don't even want to get into that rubbish.

    Americans make dropping out to be such an awful thing, yet over here in Scotland no one really gives a shit. You can drop out of school and still go to universities.

    while dumber than a rock from what little impression I have

    There is no reason to insult me on my personal choices.

  8. Fuck the GM, it's all about the Union Flag!


    Yes, the Union Flag will FUCK YOUR SHIT UP!

    you silly Americans.

    We silly Americans have the most advanced, most efficient, and most powerful military in the world. Hell, our military IS the #1 most powerful military in the world.

    Okay, and that proves?

    The Union Flag >>>>>>>> Zeon Zaku. >.>;;

    You silly Americans.

  9. Fuck the GM, it's all about the Union Flag!


    Yes, the Union Flag will FUCK YOUR SHIT UP!

    you silly Americans.

    We silly Americans have the most advanced, most efficient, and most powerful military in the world. Hell, our military IS the #1 most powerful military in the world.

    Okay, and that proves?

  10. Force our politicians to actually read the bills before they vote on them.

    Unrealistic. Hundreds of thousands of pages worth of bills go through the legislature each year, and even with full time staff reading and briefing a politician, no one can ever process it all. This is why parties exist: rather than hundreds of people rereading the same thing as everyone else, politicians become experts on a few subjects (One major and two minors is the phrase often bandied about), and become the cue givers for their party on those bills, letting others in the party know where they stand. Making 500 people into mediocre analysts on each bill is infeasible and inefficient; it is much better to have a few dedicated experts on a subject in the legislature than a bunch of undereducated dilettantes.

    The notion that this country is "broken", especially when compared to any other country in the world, is deluded. There are definitely places that need to be worked on, but in no sense do I think the US has ceased functioning. Obviously we still have the world's largest GDP, high wages, and all the other features of the most advanced countries on Earth.

    If I had a magic wand and the ability to change a key structure in the US government, I would probably get rid of the Senate, since all it does is favor rural populations disproportionately and with it a political view that does NOT represent the majority of the population. It also violates the "One person, one vote" system by giving people from rural states way more representation than they deserve. In my state of Vermont, a Senator represents about three-hundred thousand people, whereas Barbara Boxer of California represents nearly 18 million. It's unfair and backwards, and was a system made in the days when the US felt it had to capitulate to the South and powerful land owners, and now that those days have passed it needs to go away.

    Every democracy has the power to right itself, and so can the US , it just needs time, and it needs people who want to gut the system to sit down and shut the fuck up because they aren't helping.

    I think the mate is using the term "fix" to associate with the propaganda that people are saying America is "broken", thus why it's in quotations.

    Unless of course you were responding to that propaganda.

  11. Would you believe me if I said there was a 4 AS Sniper in Sacred Stones Hard Mode? :awesome:


    Ha ha.

    Also, Seth's suicide assault on Valter's army took out 15 Wyvern Riders in the process. That man deserves a medal.

    Let us commence a journey into the much-traveled topic of Sir Ninji's unendurable attempts to force us to experience the full spectrum of the Ninji Rainbow of Insurrectionism. For most of the facts I'm about to present, I have provided documentation and urge you to confirm these facts for yourself if you're skeptical. Inasmuch as I disagree with his accusations and find his ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet his speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines. Despite some perceptions to the contrary, if you look back over some of my older letters, you'll see that I predicted that he would rip apart causes that others feel strongly about. And, as I predicted, he did. But you know, that was not a difficult prediction to make. Anyone who has bothered to learn even a little about Ninji could have made the same prediction.

    Mankind needs to do more to face our problems realistically, get to the root of our problems, and be determined to solve them. Understand, I am not condemning mankind for not doing enough; I am merely stating that Ninji accuses me of being a liar. The only proven liar around here, however, is Ninji. Only a die-hard liar like Ninji could claim that university professors must conform their theses and conclusions to his tactless, rebarbative prejudices if they want to publish papers and advance their careers. The truth, in case you haven't already figured it out, is that he wants to alter, amend, abridge, and censor the record to point the finger of responsibility at others. Faugh. I might have been dreaming but I believe I once heard Ninji admit, sotto voce, that he has a strategy. His strategy is to resolve a moral failure with an immoral solution. Wherever you encounter that strategy, you are dealing with Ninji. To recapitulate, I am confident that genuine patriots will perceive the veracity of my statements regarding Sir Ninji's clumsy conclusions.

    Complaint generator

    Rather than engage in a point-by-point response to the textual interpretation of Ms. Meow , Ph.D.'s pleas, I want to respond to the more general issue at hand. What follows is the story of how Meow can be so rich in the rhetoric of democracy and yet so poor in its implementation. Her myrmidons are easily manipulated. But even if we disregard all that and examine only her abhorrent, heartless slogans, this seems to me to be enough to show that she drops the names of famous people whenever possible. That makes Meow sound smarter than she really is and obscures the fact that her propaganda factories continuously spew forth messages like, "Embracing a system of charlatanism will make everything right with the world" and, "Men are spare parts in the social repertoire—mere optional extras". What they don't tell you, though, is that Meow has convinced a lot of people that her animadversions can give us deeper insights into the nature of reality. One must pause in admiration at this triumph of media manipulation.

    Meow is unmistakably an adept at destroying our moral fiber. This is equivalent to saying that everybody is probably familiar with the cliche that she brandishes the word "succinylsulphathiazole" as a kind of up-to-date jack-o'-lantern to scare children. Well, there's a lot of truth in that cliche. Her latest manifesto, like all the ones that preceded it, is a consummate anthology of disastrously bad writing teeming with misquotations and inaccuracies, an odyssey of anecdotes that are occasionally entertaining but certainly not informative. If Meow wants to be taken seriously, she should counter the arguments in this letter with facts, not illogical panaceas, personal anecdotes, or insults. She thinks it's good that her bromides put a pea-brained spin on important issues. It is difficult to know how to respond to such monumentally misplaced values, but let's try this: For the nonce, she is content to talk about you and me in terms that are not fit to be repeated. But by next weekend, she will feed blind hatred. I contend that we should refer to Ms. Meow , Ph.D. using the sobriquet "Pestiferous Meow" because she's so thoroughly pestiferous, not to mention callow. That's all I have to say. Thank you for reading this letter.

    I love that thing.

    A lot of people will say that sir Ninji is the victim due to constant criticism, however Ninji is actually a victim of his own success. A success that has allowed him to topple the competition, and place himself at the top of a social, economical, and political ladder. He has forced his way so high that he is unable to be dethroned from his place of self proclaimed rightiousness. The difference though is that I would die for my cause, while Sir Ninji, would kill for his.

  12. Let us commence a journey into the much-traveled topic of Sir Ninji's unendurable attempts to force us to experience the full spectrum of the Ninji Rainbow of Insurrectionism. For most of the facts I'm about to present, I have provided documentation and urge you to confirm these facts for yourself if you're skeptical. Inasmuch as I disagree with his accusations and find his ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet his speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines. Despite some perceptions to the contrary, if you look back over some of my older letters, you'll see that I predicted that he would rip apart causes that others feel strongly about. And, as I predicted, he did. But you know, that was not a difficult prediction to make. Anyone who has bothered to learn even a little about Ninji could have made the same prediction.

    Mankind needs to do more to face our problems realistically, get to the root of our problems, and be determined to solve them. Understand, I am not condemning mankind for not doing enough; I am merely stating that Ninji accuses me of being a liar. The only proven liar around here, however, is Ninji. Only a die-hard liar like Ninji could claim that university professors must conform their theses and conclusions to his tactless, rebarbative prejudices if they want to publish papers and advance their careers. The truth, in case you haven't already figured it out, is that he wants to alter, amend, abridge, and censor the record to point the finger of responsibility at others. Faugh. I might have been dreaming but I believe I once heard Ninji admit, sotto voce, that he has a strategy. His strategy is to resolve a moral failure with an immoral solution. Wherever you encounter that strategy, you are dealing with Ninji. To recapitulate, I am confident that genuine patriots will perceive the veracity of my statements regarding Sir Ninji's clumsy conclusions.

    Complaint generator

  13. Well I'm not one for telling your country how to handle itself. So I'll leave it at that. Economic problems are all over the world this is true, however I believe America was hit the hardest. We're not so bad over here in Scotland, so I don't think there's much that needs fixing.

    Personally, I never trust the bloody government, and I don't like law enforcement. So naturally I'd say just to destroy it all, as when there is a government power, there will always be abuse, and oppression of some sort. Limitations of what we can and can't do. The alternative though is probably chaos, as people can not function in large groups without some kind of leadership. So really there's no solution to that. I don't want the government in charge, but I don't like the alternative either, if that makes any sense? It's a losing battle I suppose.

    I still hold strong to my strong "fuck all police" stance though. This country needs better law enforcement.

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