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Gordon Freemeow

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Posts posted by Gordon Freemeow

  1. It's time for ASK MEOW!

    The show where we ask an insane cat girl questions!

    No wait, it's good.

    Should I destroy the neighbor on the left or right?

    I recommend the left, simply because left is the direction of evil.

  2. I'm a legal alien resident of the United States

    I personally don't think it counts if you're the creator of your own problem. Should have went to America legally.

    Don't be a cunt.

    Edit: Ahhhh, I see, my mistake. I misread.

    I'm not from America.

    Not You, the "I personally don't think it counts if you're the creator of your own problem. Should have went to America legally." jerk.

    That was me... -.-

  3. I'm a legal alien resident of the United States

    I personally don't think it counts if you're the creator of your own problem. Should have went to America legally.

    Don't be a cunt.

    Edit: Ahhhh, I see, my mistake. I misread.

    I'm not from America.

  4. Bullspit.

    It's true. Sety solos armies. He single handedly took out Rome.

    WTF you talkin' 'bout son?

    I take it you haven't passed high school. This is basic history.

    I dropped out.

    But that wasn't what I was getting at. I was getting at that my comment, "bullspit" was random and now related to the previous comments in any way.

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