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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Allen VS Lott Allen prepares the killing blow with with Durandal again 21 Damage 100% Hit 8% Crit (45) Allen deals the final strike and Lott falls again All of Anon's team is dead, General Horace wins 3-0 again
  2. Allen VS Lott Allen prepares the killing blow with with Durandal 21 Damage 100% Hit 8% Crit (45) Allen deals the final strike and Lott falls All of Anon's team is dead, General Horace wins 3-0
  3. Pretty much, though some of the stuff in that video was turned up for comedic affect like always. It isn't as bad as he describes and I don't agree with sonic's forest stage being good at all. Notably the part where he shows eggman and you can't hear him the music isn't actually that loud in game. Of course it could be that hes not playing the gamecube version so idk. I'd also argue that none of the boss fights are good. Also the "homing attack" doesn't live up to its name and even Shadow the Hedgehog's version was better.
  4. Lott VS Ward Lott attacks with Armads determined to kill at least one more enemy 22 Damage 43% Hit 0% Crit (81) (96) = (88) 22 Damage to Ward (12/60) HP left Ward can do nothing with Murgleis The battle ends General Horace AnonymousSpeed Bors (58/58) Roy (Dead) Allen (56/56) Allen (Dead) Ward (12/60) Wolt (Dead) Wendy (Dead) Dieck (Dead) Oujay (Dead) Lott (20/60)
  5. Sorry I was busy testing how shitty Sonic Adventure 2 is, and it is bad.
  6. Allen VS Lott Allen charges the last foe with Durandal 21 Damage 100% Hit 8% Crit (65) 21 Damage to Lott (20/60) Lott misses counters with Armads 20 Damage 36% Hit 0% Crit (40) (48) = (44) MISS Lott misses his powerful swing The battle ends General Horace AnonymousSpeed Bors (58/58) Roy (Dead) Allen (56/56) Allen (Dead) Ward (34/60) Wolt (Dead) Wendy (Dead) Dieck (Dead) Oujay (Dead) Lott (20/60)
  7. Lott VS Wendy Lott lifts his Armads and prepares to kill the woman who is responsible for the death of all his friends 14 Damage 65% Hit 0% Crit (24) (4) = (14) HIT Lott finish's Wendy and crushes her skull with the legendary axe Armads The battle ends General Horace AnonymousSpeed Bors (58/58) Roy (Dead) Allen (56/56) Allen (Dead) Ward (34/60) Wolt (Dead) Wendy (Dead) Dieck (Dead) Oujay (Dead) Lott (41/60)
  8. Ward VS Roy Ward grabs his Murgleis and fires 32 Damage 79% Hit 0% Crit (57) (78) = (67) HIT Roy is dead from having wimpy ass arms The battle ends General Horace AnonymousSpeed Bors (58/58) Roy (Dead) Allen (56/56) Allen (Dead) Ward (34/60) Wolt (Dead) Wendy (9/60) Dieck (Dead) Oujay (Dead) Lott (41/60)
  9. Roy VS Wendy Roy pulls his shitty Armor Slayer 19 Damage 61% Hit 0% Crit (26) (65) = (45) HIT 19 Damage to Wendy (9/60) HP left Jesus weapons effective against armor really suck Wendy grabs her Malte and sticks Roy with the pointy end 28 Damage 78% Hit 0% Crit (18) (93) = (55) 28 Damage to Roy (31/59) HP left The battle ends General Horace AnonymousSpeed Bors (58/58) Roy (31/59) Allen (56/56) Allen (Dead) Ward (34/60) Wolt (Dead) Wendy (9/60) Dieck (Dead) Oujay (Dead) Lott (41/60)
  10. Ward VS Lott Ward pulls back his Murgleis and fires once 19 Damage 90% Hit 9% Crit (13) (98) = (55) HIT (58) 19 Damage to Lott (41/60) HP left Lott's axe Armads prevents Ward from really hurting him The battle ends General Horace AnonymousSpeed Bors (58/58) Roy (59/59) Allen (56/56) Allen (Dead) Ward (34/60) Wolt (Dead) Wendy (28/60) Dieck (Dead) Oujay (Dead) Lott (41/60)
  11. Alright thank you man! I'll pm you my fe6 team soonish
  12. Roy VS Oujay Roy draws the Sword of Seals and promises his first born child to stop Anna's horrible wrath 27 Damage 73% Hit 0% Crit (18) (12) = (15) HIT Anna has accepted the sacrifice and Oujay has finally died. The battle ends General Horace AnonymousSpeed Bors (58/58) Roy (59/59) Allen (56/56) Allen (Dead) Ward (34/60) Wolt (Dead) Wendy (28/60) Dieck (Dead) Oujay (Dead) Lott (60/60)
  13. Ward VS Allen Ward pulls out his Brave Bow because hes too slow double anything 25x2 Damage 63% Hit 8% Crit (27) (56) = (41) HIT (50) 25 Damage to Allen (14/56) Allen stands with his useless Malte and prepares for death Ward fires again (2) (3) = (2) HIT (84) 25 more damage to Allen and he falls The battle ends General Horace AnonymousSpeed Bors (58/58) Roy (59/59) Allen (56/56) Allen (Dead) Ward (34/60) Wolt (Dead) Wendy (28/60) Dieck (Dead) Oujay (05/59) Lott (60/60)
  14. Allen VS Oujay Allen lowers his Malte and charges in the name of vengeance 30 Damage 69% Hit 0% Crit (99) (77) = (88) MISS Allen why do you make me work more Oujay thanks the goddess Anna and prepares some bullshit crit with a Killing Edge 17 Damage 78% Hit 43% Crit (9) (77) = (43) HIT (89) 17 Damage to Allen (39/56) The battle ends General Horace AnonymousSpeed Bors (58/58) Roy (59/59) Allen (56/56) Allen (39/56) Ward (34/60) Wolt (Dead) Wendy (28/60) Dieck (Dead) Oujay (05/59) Lott (60/60)
  15. Wendy VS Dieck BLOOD AND THUNDER Wendy shouts and goes for the final blow with Malte 26 Damage 98% Hit 5% Crit (30) (7) = (18) HIT (10) So close 26 Damage to Dieck who finally dies The battle ends and Wendy's armor is looking more red than usual General Horace AnonymousSpeed Bors (58/58) Roy (59/59) Allen (56/56) Allen (56/56) Ward (34/60) Wolt (Dead) Wendy (28/60) Dieck (Dead) Oujay (05/59) Lott (60/60)
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