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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Anybody willing to play a noob in FE 13 gen 1 with maxed stats?
  2. Hey, I have a two questions for teams in FE 13; can you have multiple legendary weapons like forseti, and can both sides share some units?
  3. This is the best thing ever, I've started up the game and so far Lyn and Kent are mages. While Sain gets to be special as a DARK mage.
  4. Path of Radiance is the best since it fits so well with the game. Fates is a horribly generic name if was a better name. Dishonorable mention goes to New Mystery of the Emblem, Heroes of light and shadow. Tier List for Names:
  5. Oh god please let this happen. Kirby Air Ride is amazing. 1) Dark Souls isn't hard 2) Dark Souls still looks pretty good 3) Every boss past pikachu and snorlax kinda sucks
  6. Zoras evolved into bird people so they couldn't swim under the ocean to find Hyrule, or maybe Zoras can't live in salt water. I really don't know which.
  7. Since Dark Souls III is coming out I decided that I might as well do something to celebrate. Like torture myself in the first one! And instead of doing the logical thing and building a dex character and going +15 on the Spiked or Pierce shield. I'm going the cool route and am just going to get the knight shield and set it on fire. And now, introducing Pleure. It almost means I cry in french, but it's missing the subject. Undead Asylum, First Visit
  8. Majora's mask kinda just put too much on its plate without enough time to actually accomplish all it set out to do. They really should have just kept Anju's questline and the Lon Lon ranch one. Most of the others are extremely random, like the paper hand. Anyways 1) Skyward Sword and Wind Waker are the best looking zelda games 2) Link's Awakening is ugly 3) Twilight Princess tried too hard to be dark like Majora's Mask. It isn't horribly edgy or anything, its just kinda uncolored and bland looking. At least the main world.
  9. Fixed it, seriously fuck those. I like testing myself in combat, not losing because some little brat got slightly hit by one enemy.
  10. Well if they join up with the player than most of their agenda's would coincide with what the player is attempting. Like how Gregor joins up with you because he's trying to protect Nowi and so are you. Then he stay with you probably because you're paying him. He has reasons for joining the player and staying with them. Unlike some other character who I have to ask, why are you here again? I'm not saying every single character absolutely needs a side objective for them. Just that they should have a reason for staying in the army, be it to protect their family or anything really. Some of the bigger characters like matthew in FE7 could get their own side quests. Our thief might have heard about a bandit raid on his hometown and asks for us to try and save them. We then get a paralouge that opens up. However, instead of being able to do it at our leisure, if you wait too long to go there to protect the town it gets destroyed and the thief gets angry at you and leaves.
  11. They really just need to take a lesson for dark souls on how to do self inserts. The game makes sure that you understand the world doesn't revolve around you. Literally the second npc you're most likely going to meet (Male undead burg merchant) talks about how he is going to loot your corpse when you finally die for good. Laurentius is probably the friendliest npc, and that's because you literally just saved him from being eaten alive. He trusts you, but he also has his own agenda. Trying to learn more exotic forms of pyromancy. So if you tell him about your higher level pyromancys he'll leave and go hollow down in blighttown. But if you refuse he says he trusts you and asks that you forget he ever asked. He's a lonely man and you're probably one of his first friends so it makes sense that he holds you in such high regard. Compare that to Lautrec, who you let out of his cell, one that he can get out of himself. If you save him he repays the favor by helping you with some bosses and giving you a sunlight medal. After helping you a little, he will kill the firekeeper for firelink and make it so you can't rest there anymore. You have to find him again in Anor Londo and fight him so you can get the firekeeper's souls back. Make other characters have their own goals and desires besides whatever the player wants.
  12. Yea that is what I'm talking about, and they basically are forest and ice. Stone Tower is the only one that left enough of an impression for me to remember the name. Really the biggest draw to Majora's Mask is the side questing though.
  13. Majora's Mask 1) The first two dungeons kind of suck. A) The Forest temple is really bland with a meh boss. B The Ice Temple suffers from poor design with how you can fall down and have to walk for 10 minutes before getting back to where you were. It probably has the best boss of the 4 temples though. 2) The Water temples REALLY sucks. Seriously, people complain about OoT water temple have obviously never experienced the original n64 version of this monster. I really think it is the WORST temple in any zelda game. 3) Stone tower is probably one of the best areas in a zelda game, and the dungeon is really cool. The boss sucks so much if you buy Magic Milk for infinite mana though. 4) The side quests are better than the main quest.
  14. So how does this compare storywise to the other routes? Is it better than Hoshido?
  15. Lon'qu has lots of good ones and is probably one of the most developed character in his supports. He can also be a snarky assholes, leading to some of the best lines in the entire game. Maribelle: Lon'qu! Just what do you think you were doing in that last battle? Lon'qu: Stabbing people. Really the only one I hate is Nowi's, the other ones I dislike are just mediocre.
  16. Umm what? If you spend 1000 dollars on a computer chances are it will last you a lot longer than a console.
  17. Now for some Elder Scrolls. 1) Oblivion AND Morrowind's exp system is so dated I had to mod Oblivion's. 2) Morrowind is dated as hell in the gameplay department. 3) Removing spell making is the worst thing about Skyrim. 4) You should be able to kill children without mods if you make them such huge assholes to you. Fallout 1) Fallout 3 is the worst of the fallout series 2) Fallout New Vegas was pretty decent and has some of the best DLC I've ever played. 3) I hate Mr. House and kill him pretty much every playthrough. LoZ 1) The first two game are amazing, but only if you have a guide ready if you get stuck wandering for hours. 2) Link's Awakening is trash. 3) The Shadow Temple is way too violent and creepy for an E rated game. 4) OoT and Majora's Mask are amazing games, but will disappoint a lot of people because of WAY too much hype.
  18. This, the game has so much cool stuff with fighting monsters. After some fishing, egg, farming, hitting little monsters, and grinding out the same monsters to make any gear. I really like killing a pool of 5 monsters early game. You know, the only ones you will be fighting for the first 10 hours.
  19. I love this game, mostly because of how hilarious it is.
  20. I really hated Spirit Tracks, the tower dungeons were fun but that's about all I liked. The whole on a train thing bothered me because you couldn't go anywhere special, I didn't think I was exploring to find anything cool. It mostly felt like a one way train ride right to the dungeons. Also using the mic for music sections is the worst thing ever.
  21. I thought Phantom Hourglass was regarded as pretty decent by most people... 1) The second legend of zelda game is amazing 2) I can't stand persona 3. I just can't get into a game when I have literally no threat or driving force. Oh no, shadows are attacking some people and other people are safe in coffins. 3) SMT: Devil Survivor overclocked is the best smt game. 4) Bloodborne has a lot of problems that I haven't seen most reviewers comments on. Mostly how stupid armor works since there is no poise system. Meaning you can get stunlocked with no counter if you get unlucky and attacked by too many quick enemies. Don't forget everybody's favorite enemy http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Brainsucker with enough super armor to make brawl metaknight seem under powered.
  22. 30 fps isn't a horrible satanic thing sent by god to punish us.
  23. Only if I can enslave the natives and force them into battle on the front lines with no training.
  24. That is certainly possible, but it wouldn't end well for anybody involved. They'd probably all end up leaving each other or at least one of the wives/husbands would.
  25. Except if they hated each other they probably wouldn't agree to be in a relationship with each other in the first place.
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