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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. I really want same gender romantic supports for a few characters, but I'd put money on either 2 gay characters per gender or just implying it. (Like Raven and Lucius or Lyn and Florina)
  2. I'd probably die. Really it depends, if it is some kind of demon thing I'd prob try and fight them and die horribly. If it was just like the sun exploding I'd have a wild orgy.
  3. Welcome, I actually recommend looking at this topic if you haven't already http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=52170
  4. I play classic when I want to actually play the main game and do casual when I'm grinding up things in postgame. As for difficulty, I generally choose the middle mode the first time playing through and work my way up to the highest if I liked the game or if it was too easy.
  5. People who bitch about old games feeling dated and saying they're bad. People who complain about characters getting in the way of ships. People who say homosexuals shouldn't exist in videogames, or that game companies shouldn't make gay or lesbian characters because what if they want to romance them as the opposite gender. People who complain about easymode being too easy or the uber hard difficulties are too hard (Lunatic+ isn't bullshit just follow Cranky Kong's advice) I could say more but I think that's enough.
  6. Phoenix Mode sounds pretty fun, it makes grinding up supports much easier and testing out things about the game. I actually like the no weapon durability, if they balance it right it could easily work for Nohr. I remember saving every single special weapon because what if I need it more later. Also, do we have conformation on no weapon weight? Or is it just something that people don't expect because it was removed from Awakening. People who actually looked around the map at enemies instead of just sending fred/avatar in blindly.
  7. Isetrh use chapter 4's and turn off all animations and skip enemy phase. Also do normal so you can spam buy reeking boxes to endless grind there. There might be a faster way but thats what I used.
  8. I always grind until my weapons break on those guys.
  9. I'm thinking about starting the apotheosis grind again, except on normal casual so it takes less time. Only does that make apotheosis easier?
  10. What do you find is the most soul crushingly difficult moment in any video game you've played? Definitely going with Cavestory's secret final Hell level. That place has annoying AND endless enemies, weapons all dropped to level 1, screen shakes pretty much the whole time, crazy platforming, a fairly annoying mini boss leading into a 4 part final boss, if you die at ANY point you get sent back to the beginning and have to do it all over again, and enough insta kill spikes to make even megaman players cry. Thank god you can cheese the boss' final form or I'd have never beat it.
  11. Welcome to the forums! If you want to try out another game I recommend Sacred Stones. Like awakening it has a world map and fights against zombies and other monsters. You can also still buy things from stores on the world map. Also, the game splits about halfway through with both routes being very different I suggest playing them both. If the game ever becomes too difficult or you just want to stomp the rest of the game pretty early on you unlock a tower that allows infinite grinding. Just stick on the first or second floor or you might encounter enemies too strong for the wimps to beat.
  12. Definitely Earthbound and Mother 3. I also would say The World Ends With You if you can get your hands on a copy. I also second Majora's Mask, it is probably one of the best if not the best Zelda ever.
  13. Male I married Maribelle and got an extremely adorable Morgan. Female I think I married Henry because I find him hilarious or Lon'qu because he's cute. On lunatic I married Nowi mostly for gameplay and getting a tanky manakete morgan.
  14. This will end horribly Casual mode won't be leaving anytime soon and it is a great addition to fire emblem, especially if IF has an extensive endgame/apotheosis map. I would like battle saves to be separated though as I would like using them sometimes on classic just in case i feel like doing an incredibly stupid gamble like seeing if that 5% crit will hit. Or using them on lunatic so I don't have to reset the whole map when I lose one guy halfway through.
  15. Ok, thank you! I'm going to be grabbing Devil Survivor from the 3ds eshop since its on sale right now. Is there anything really dumb I could do that might make the game impossible to beat?
  16. I've never played a smt game before so which one would you suggest to play first?
  17. I love how most of his characters look, except their clothes. I mean Camilla's face is so pretty but her outfit is so stupid looking. That extends to most of his armor as well, the knight class' huge upper body and F!Kamui's exposed thighs are just horrid
  18. Camilla, bonus points if I can convince her to wear actual armor to battle.
  19. Definitely her face. I'm not a fan of battle panties for riding dragons, but her upper half is much more appealing. If only the armor would actually protect her in battle.
  20. Pretty sure Noire and maybe Tharja's were close to that size too. They just never got full cut scenes like Camilla (except sorta the dlc fan service). And they're really not unrealistically big.
  21. I'm going with Nohr because I want to savage another country with my army. Am I the only one who thinks she reeks of traitor? She really looks like she's going to stab us in the back once we start "fixing" Nohr.
  22. US will probably still be getting only one version, so long as the Japanese still thinks American gamers are idiots who need 10+ chapters of tutorials.
  23. I'm hoping we get a pc release that isn't a broken piece of shit like the Dark Souls ports. I don't have an xbox or ps4 though so I'm probably going to be waiting for them to copy and paste the game into steam. Complete with xbox button tutorials!
  24. Sure, so long as they don't try and censor the dlc fanservice and make it look even worse. Seriously, with all the complaining Tharja does about her bikini it makes it sound like she is basically naked and that's why they censored it. But when you actually look at the uncensored its basically her normal outfit.
  25. Except you kind of are by saying you don't want anyone who is only interested in the same gender.
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