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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. I don't think vengeance needs a flat out ban. Limiting it to only a few units or banning some skills from being used together might be better.
  2. Viva la communism. This is really stupid, I thought I'd seen the lowest tumblr could go already. Edit: I'm seeing a lot more people making fun of it and being against it than actual blogs for lifting. Here is some more idiots if anybody wants to take a look. Either way I'm pretty sure 90% of these "lifters" are just putting shit they already have out and taking a picture of it.
  3. Alright, I might have something that works, can you export the fe6 file for Microsoft Excel 2006
  4. Thank god its a language i'm familiar with, I'll see if I can't convert some of it manually.
  5. The drop down menus are broken, but easily fixed probably. I'm going to poke around more, there may be an option to convert the doc so you don't have to actually change anything to get it to work Edit: If all else fails I can try Libreoffice Edit2: Sorry about this, but what language are you coding these in?
  6. Well I discovered a new function of open office. It might be able to run these, it detected the macros so it might work with open office too.
  7. Awakening's story is rushed, but not because they didn't have enough room. They could have fit more chapters if they wanted to into the game. More likely it was rushed because of deadlines.
  8. You said they allowed for more content making them harder to rush, which is just completely incorrect. Allowing for more content doesn't equal more content.
  9. Hahahahhahah, have you seen some of the extremely rushed trash consoles get all the time from AAA developers. Ubisoft is guilty of this to the extreme.
  10. This, it is very rare I will actually sit down to play at a console. Also computers crush consoles.
  11. Cookie dough ice cream is better than Awakening. Dark Souls is better than 90% of games.
  12. No I stole it from the vantage/vengeance strat for apo
  13. I could try and host the fe6 game, but I can't find the support bonuses Link Arena faq's link is broken.
  14. You know what I mean Anon >:o Though General, do you think vantage/vengeance should be banned from being on the same unit.
  15. Axebreaker just screws over axes more than any other breaker.
  16. Thank you, here's my team if you wanted to look at any of them. Aversa was going to be my bondage bot but she got rekt
  17. Welp, I can't read. You said superior axe not axebreaker.
  18. What were Gangrel's last two skills btw? Besides Vengeance, axebreaker, and tomebreaker Yea, thats what I meant, prob should have had a slash
  19. GG, vantage vengence seems a little too strong together. It might warrant a ban
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