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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. That isn't a healthy polygamous relationship. So lets say Jill, James, and Mary are all in a relationship. Jill and Mary shouldn't be seeing each other as rivals fighting for James' affection. They also have to love each other, and not see the other as roadblocks stopping James from focusing on them.
  2. What does sneaking around and cheating have to do with polygamy? Polygamy isn't Jill sneaking out behind Bill's back to have sex with someone else.
  3. At first I wanted as little changed as possible from the Japanese version. I can't say that now with Soleil's supports being so stupid and gross. I really think the localization team needs to completely rewrite some of the supports or just cut them out. I'll have to see about the whole incest thing though. Does Kamui really view the Nohr siblings as family or what?
  4. I really just ignore amazon reviews, and especially metacritic. Anybody else remember giff diretide for Dota 2?
  5. I call on the powers of localization to burn this shit to the ground. This is about 100 times worse than even Lon'quXNowi...
  6. Really? I swear to god if they throw some alternate Grima in as the "enemy" I will murder someone.
  7. I really hope these are just little Easter eggs and not the norm in their conversations with each other.
  8. Skills, reading descriptions is fun. Class growths would probably be best though, so we can see why Rinkah has such low str growth. Maybe her class has like 50% growth in it.
  9. Wait is conquest the Nohr path and birthright Hoshido?
  10. This, representation matters so much for LGBT, especially for transgender. People don't understand that it isn't a simple matter of hiding something about yourself. Imagine going about your daily business, with the exception of every time somebody calls you by your birth name or the wrong gender you get punched in the gut. Now put yourself in a transphobic town where whenever transpeople come up you here words like; disgusting, tranny, and trash. Chances are if you try and come out or transition at all, you'll get shunned and turned into a shitty joke. You'll also get insulted and assaulted no matter where you go. Representation could help this. It wouldn't fix it by any means, but it is a start. People would learn more about them and would actually sympathize with them instead of righting off their plights by saying "everybody has problems".
  11. Normal, unless it is just as easy as Awakening's normal. Classic Resetting Nohr so no grinding allowed anyways.
  12. Honestly the Hunger Games is the only one I'd even consider a dystopia out of Divergent and other YA books. @LordTaco, The Giver is probably my favorite book about a dystopia. It is extremely disturbing at points. Unfortunately the movie is a complete rip off of literally every YA dystopia.
  13. I like it for the most part, but why is her hair cotton candy colored??? That's really my only big complaint against it. Love her armor though.
  14. Probably Byrgenwerth in Bloodborne. the enemies are pretty alright until you get inside. Fuck that hunter he just spammed his little ashsprayer and murdered me every time. I started running past him to get into Rom's lake. And Rom is one of the shittiest Bloodborne bosses. Seriously most of his moves are fine but his little spiders do way to much damage in comparison. His giant blue meteors do less damage then his minions little karate chop pincers, why the fuck does getting sliced by a little claw hurt more than getting smited by a rain of meteors. The game fails hard with invisible walls instead of making it a looping area.
  15. They still have a problem with them being gay. You don't have to hate a person to hate one part of them, and if you happen to hate the fact that they're gay then you are a homophobe.
  16. If somebody doesn't like the fact that somebody is gay, they are a homophobe.
  17. You should really change the poll so that the options are yes, no, and wouldn't mind. The way it is set up now is kind of screwing with the results I think. Kyza is trans? Goddamn I need to get a Radiant Dawn disk. We actually have a movie about that, it's called American Sniper.
  18. I don't know about where you live, but in the US (depending on state) and other countries you can marry the same gender. So is it only morally wrong where it isn't legal?
  19. This, but I don't like the idea of just hinting at it as it will cause massive debates on if they're gay or not. And this all the way.
  20. So far Rinka is my favorite design, but I overall am fairly neutral about most of them. The only ones I really don't like are Charlotte and the lower half of Camilla. I think it's less that they're too big and more of they're just the wrong shape.
  21. Rinka for best waifu, she can kick my ass any day.
  22. How was awakening balanced with grinding in mind? The game never requires it, and even actively punishes it on Lunatic and Lunatic+.
  23. @Geek http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=52170 Stop saying Lunatic+ is balanced around grinding. It isn't and check that topic for reliable strategies to beat Lunatic+. As for normal Lunatic, that is EASILY beatable without grinding. Back on topic, thanks for the translation! Only real problem I've had so far with this has been the face rubbing.
  24. Being a family friendly corporation has nothing to do with gay relationships. Especially when they already confirmed it will be in tomodachi life 2. And saying "just play as the gender you're not" is just stupid. A gay couple isn't trying to imitate heterosexuality, a man and woman together are vastly different than two women or two men. Playing as the opposite gender solves absolutely nothing.
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