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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Voted yes, yes, game developer's choice and yes. I doubt they'll add children back in again but they'll probably keep the Awakening S rank system. That is his only paired ending.
  2. Are you counting LB in that Severa Speed stat? I don't have access to LB so I can't use it. Also, would switching Falco for Dark Flier help Brady more?
  3. Alright this is what I've got so far. Classes and parents Pairings Also, should I bother getting Galeforce on Owain, Brady, and Inigo?
  4. I checked out Airship's run and are these pairings good? Sumia!Lucina sniper Henry!Owain I don't know if Sage or Dreadfighter would be better Libra!Inigo Sage Ricken!Brady Sage Gaius!Kjelle Bride Chrom!Cynthia Sniper Virion!Severa Sniper Stahl!Gerome Wyvern Lord maybe Lucina!Morgan Sniper Lon'qu!Yarne Berserker Gregor!Laurent Sage Donnel!Noire Bride Vaike!Nah Manakete or maybe something faster
  5. What would the best pairs, classes, and skills be for a no Limit Breaker Apo run? The avatar has +speed -defense. The only pairings I know I'll be doing are ChromXSumia and Lon'qu/VirionXCordelia. I really don't care about ingame strength since I'll just be playing on hard.
  6. What if the one skill was tied to the class and one to the actual unit? Like going thief gives you locktouch but only when classed as a thief or one of the promotions, and the +1 movement skill stays unless you remove it yourself.
  7. Well, I didn't give Virion a fair chance at all. I read though some of his supports and he is definitely not as boring or annoying as I first thought. Vaike on the other hand, is now my least favorite after seeing the peeping supports.
  8. Virion. Mostly because his whole personality is basically a worse version of Sain.
  9. Well I finished Lunatic, now I can get onto 100% That Majora's Mask remake. I decided to just screw around in the end and cut everybody but Avatar/Lucina and Morgan/Chrom. They both his max stats and Avatar ended up a Dreadfighter with sol, astra, armsthrift, ignis, swordfaire. Morgan was a manakete with the same skills except had the same except for bowbreaker over swordfaire. My "strategy" for End Game was to hire another max stat avatar paired with Nowi and have both avatars hunting down physic staff enemies while Morgan tanked Grima with Chrom helping kill him. Morgan took 25 damage from ignis grima attacks but thankfully the game was nice enough to put enemy spawners around grima so sol could heal Morgan back up to full hp. I'm not coming back to Lunatic for a long time, it was fun at the start but then it felt more of a stats game than anything near mid to end game.
  10. How useful is a rally in lunatic? Should I be trying to get all of them or just a few?
  11. First off, we basically have 4 with the grinding dlc anyways. Two and three are usually called easy mode. Also, for casual + we need to think about how the enemies feel fighting immortal enemies and give them instant respawn with 3 times hp to make it fair. Skip mode would also destroy most of the story so that might need some tweaks too.
  12. Well? Should casual mode return in the new FE or will it completely ruin the game? I really don't see a reason for it not coming back. It doesn't affect people who actually want to play with perma death and helps newer players get into the series without bashing their skull on a brick wall for a bit.
  13. Thank god for merchants. Also, should I promote Lissa or Reclass her?
  14. I generally don't use wyvern knights, they never turn out well for me and I don't like the weakness to magic and archery. I should have enough money to easily afford one with the renown gold. Also, shouldn't the Avatar be fine being in the back of a pair-up if I unequip veteran on them to decrease the experience gain?
  15. Thanks! I'm probably going with AvatarxNowi, LissaxLibra, Lon'quxPanne, and ChromxSumia. Stats
  16. C2 is mostly difficult from the massive rush of enemies, and if you don't have a strong tank to stop them they're just going to bulldoze over you're team and slaughter you. I did manage to beat it with the strategy of let Avatar/Fred pair kill everything. Seriously the stats on lunatic are crazy, it took Mirial and Virion, to lower him enough for Chrom to one shot him. To make it worse he could double everybody on my team. What units do you suggest focusing on? I'm mostly give all the xp to the Avatar right now.
  17. Thank god I have insane amounts of luck, because Lunatic is insane. Playing with +defense -luck Avatar does help a lot though.
  18. The scaling is mostly fine, except hard needed to be a bit more difficult near the middle and end area. The main problem is the difficulty settings, hard mode was too close to normal and not lunatic. There should have been a mode between hard and lunatic so jumping from hard to lunatic isn't so insane.
  19. I'm more talking about late/end game with him with the leathality/astra procs. Though he always crazy dodges and such. Lon'qu is the perfect father I wish I married him on the first play through. Another crazy moment with him was donnel getting attack in his paralouge and Lon'qu blocks an ohko attack and then crit attacks the enemy, I mean, chill out man you're not even fighting right now.
  20. Win: Any moment with Lon'qu. Seriously idk what it is but whenever I play awakening Lon'qu dodges everything, crits, astra and leathality procs happen all the time. 2% crit? Nah man you mean crit twice. 70% chance to hit from 8 enemies? Dodge then crit all of them. Fail: More of a tactical fail on my part, but I sent Caeda out to stab a merc and she kills him, then i send 3 units out to kill the nearby archer and all of them miss with 70%+ hit chance.
  21. I'm with Kirie, I love all of the animations for GBA. Except for promoted Ephraim, with his 180 horse spin stab that looks so ridiculous. My favorites are the sword master and Lyn's animations, they're so over the top and flashy. I really like to watch them fight and their crit animations look really awesome to me. Though falco knights and sword masters have problems with the 1 pixel adjustment to dodge lightning the dodge animations are all pretty good. Of course the no damage animations are even better http://awkwardzombie.com/index.php?page=0&comic=042913 .
  22. Male: Idk not into guys that much, probably Ike though from what I've seen. Female: Lyn, there really aren't many to choose from in this one. We need more female lords.
  23. I really like ideas like this but maybe kill of a character that is useful but doesn't really gain exp like a dancer or FE8 Myrrh who doesn't require any investment to rolfstomp everything.
  24. I think they should add a world map that opens and closes routes depending on how you've progressed through the game. Like after choosing to go with the east side all levels located where western soldiers are get closed off, also if the next mission requires urgency just skip the whole world map all together and go right to the next level. Like the ghost ship chapter in Sacred Stones (i think). Also add shops into levels and on the world map you can only shop where there actually are shops.
  25. Of course assuming the best possible father or mother for said child.
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