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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Woops, I think we crashed the site. Ignore most of the out of stock and other errors and just keep trying!
  2. It never hurts to try and it seems to work for some people.
  3. You may want to try calling in if you can. Edit: Also I have no idea what's going on but it's back up.
  4. Encase anybody else is trying to order and is having trouble this post on reddit might help!
  5. Nice! Glad to hear it helped at least one person grab one. Hopefully somewhere else comes out with them too.
  6. Over on Reddit some people are calling in and are able to order SE copies. So you might want to try that! Edit: You also might have to try calling in multiple times.
  7. Other people seem to be having that problem. Given the lack of information on the page I'd say it's a placeholder and will be stocked later.
  8. This might just be a place holder but I figured it be best to share it right now anyways. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Fire-Emblem-Fates-Special-Edition-Nintendo-3DS/49550428
  9. All these are proof I shouldn't be a writer. [spoiler=FE2,6,7,8,13,14] FE2: It's now in English so I can read it. FE6: Lyn appears if you go to Sacea. FE7: Eliwood uses Lances and the legendary weapons get reshuffled so everyone can use one. FE8: Lyon isn't fully possessed so the Demon King never resurrects. FE13: The story plays out as told by Lucina (world ending ect.) only instead of time travel, she manages to get the fully powered Falchion and slay Grima. FE14: The 3rd route you join forces with the Invisible Kingdom and fight to conquer both Kingdoms. You still kill big bad dragon at the end though since he'd probably kill you later if you didn't.
  10. I'll get used to all of them eventually. Except Laslow, it just looks like La slow no matter what.
  11. People seem to enjoy being incredible vague. The only thing we have to go on is soon. I've updated the OP with a link to the Play Asia site.
  12. Shit, I probably should have specified it's not out yet. But it seems like it's coming eventually tm Hopefully.
  13. https://mobile.twitter.com/playasia/status/694013158537580544 https://www.nowinstock.net/videogaming/games/fireemblemfates/ http://www.play-asia.com/fire-emblem-fates-special-edition/13/709gnz I saw a post over on r/fireemblem and figured it'd be good to let you guys know encase anyone is still looking for it. Good luck! Reddit thread link
  14. Foleo and Leo's support, pretty much the reason he's my favorite character. It's also's got a little progression for Leo which is always nice. Of course now I need a drawing of tiny Foleo in Elise's dress. http://professor-tammi.tumblr.com/post/122521200947/leofoleo-support-translations
  15. Going to have a buy stuff team. I'll probably not bother with the max My Castle team stuff until I play Revelation. So my team is going through Birthright and Conquest first. When I get to Revelation though, it becomes no fun no items, fox only, final destination only max everything. I mean everything, all skills, max stats, everything unlocked. Probably not actually doing max forges for anything not infinite.
  16. Honestly, 90% of things in the game. Biggest ones being. -Localization changes, I've like almost all of them so far. -My Castle and everything about it. I'm going to spend forever just adjusting where buildings are for battle, before changing it because it's not just right. -Better Skills system, Pair up, and pretty much all the gameplay changes. -Online Multiplayer. Probably not going to use multiplayer PvP though since it sounds like a mess. -Level design seems to be vastly improved over 90% of Awakening. One problem when I get it though. -I'll be too busy playing to be salty.
  17. The whole minimized RNG thing sounds interesting. "Those inept at strategy RPGs cannot beat the game" worries me a little since I'm not the best at Fire Emblem anyways.
  18. I tried to find the image with Marx and Ryouma in dresses. It didn't end well. Alternatively, have the classes be Tux and Dress and allow anyone to wear a dress or tux.
  19. Just because something is fake doesn't mean anything. I also don't appreciate harassment as being a fucking punchline. It's like the Nah/Inigo support is considered terrible even though "it isn't real." Domestic violence isn't a punchline, neither is harassment.
  20. I generally dislike a character who sexual harasses a woman. Probably because of the creepy bullshit I've heard directed towards me.
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