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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Yea, chapter 9 sucked and I'm not good at LTCing anyways. I mean hey at least I got new units in chapter 10! Innes isn't great at anything, but he isn't terrible at anything either. He'll be great for moving Eirika around since almost everyone else will be mounted. That base speed is fun, his FE6 level hit rates aren't. He's an amazing unit and is pretty much set for life. He's getting promoted almost instantly for the mount. [spoiler=Chapter 10] I had to move Eirika back down to grab Innes first and then back up to the gate since she couldn't fly herself. Gerik's high defense actually came in handy for stopping enemies from entering to kill Tethys. (11/107)
  2. I ended up promoting Franz, this would have been impossible without the gains. [spoiler=Chapter 9] This made me really wish I'd grabbed someone like Garcia or another early game unit. Archers combined with magic and axes could do sizable damage to Franz so I couldn't just through him into everything and expect him to come out alive. I ended up turtling for way to long to keep everyone alive and couldn't even leave start before Amelia left. (32/96) At least now Franz has a S rank in lances now. Everyone managed to get tons of levels though.
  3. GBA supports take way to long to build for lots of supports. Tellius is nice in that they can reference the story in supports easily because you know how far the player will be along. 3DS games mix pair up with it so units have to be together to support. Also infinite supports. Overall I prefer the 3DS way because infinite supports making grinding easier.
  4. [spoiler=Chapter 7] Dragon shield dropped on Franz before chapter starts. Lute barrier's Franz before picks up Seth. Eirika takes the bridge to feed on the soldier. Next turn she kills him and levels up. Franz drops Seth down and flies back to Eirika and Lute, Lute heals Franz up and enemies all die to Seth. Lute barriers Franz again and he grabs Eirika. Franz drop Eirika near the boss and Seth brings the boss down to 2 hp. Franz takes out the boss leveling up and Eirika seizes. (5/52) [spoiler=Chapter 8] Seth, Eirika, and Lute both went north to rush towards the boss while Eirika snagged a few kills and Lute healed her up when needed and spammed barrier. Franz flew towards Ephraim's spawn point taking out archers first and made his way to the Elysian whip. Forde and Kyle died for a noble cause as Ephraim ran away. (12/64) Now for units! I'm going Eirika's route so I can get Innes and Gerik quickly. Someone call Seth please. And this isn't even the best part.
  5. Abel because Cain convinced him and Jagen is my favorite staff bot.
  6. Short answer, no. The reason people usually say normal is so easy is because they completely understand the mechanics of the game and things like pair up and low manning allow you to completely destroy the game from the start on anything below lunatic. However, if you don't take full advantage of the system the game can still be challenging on hard and normal.
  7. Luna's change was pretty obvious considering we already have a skill named Luna.
  8. [spoiler=Chapter 6] Seth charges directly towards the boss. The rest of the gang moves below him and fight and Lute starts spaming barrier again. Franz gets two levels and Eirika gained C rank in Anima magic. Seth reaches the boss on turn 3 and just barely leaves him alives. He finishes him next turn. (4/47)
  9. He's Tails Niles Prowler Malig Knight sounds more like a monster class than a dragon rider.
  10. Ok, thank you! [spoiler=Chapter 5] Franz turn one grabs the village. Lute spams barrier. Seth, Eirika, and Natasha move up. Turn two Natasha talks to Mogall!Joshua and he gives Seth his evil eye. Seth moves infront of Natasha and Eirika to her right. Franz distracts the new barbarians. Lute uses barrier. Franz levels on enemy phase and on player phase takes out the last bandit. Getting closer to doubling. Lute heals Eirika who gets a crit instantly killing one of the bandits, she gets a level off this. Seth moves up and snipes the other barb with his evil eye. On enemy phase this lets Seth finish off the other archer and soldier. Next player phase Franz hits the archer for 14 then Eirika finishes him off. Seth moves forward a bit drawing out both soldiers and a barbarian. Player phase Eirika grabs the armor slayer. Lute heals Franz before he enters the arena. He fights a pegases knight and wins 1520 gold (760 bet). Seth one shots the boss leveling him up. (5/29) Inductions time! He's still going to be pretty good even though he's a monster. He comes with a steel lance and iron sword. Orson is able to kill almost every enemy in chapter 5x in two hit thanks to targeting res. He comes with a thunder tome and two fortify staves. [spoiler=Chapter 5x] Myrm!Kyle trades Ephraim his Shadowkiller. Orson moves up and snipes the stronger soldier. Ephraim follows and waits in front of the soldier to avoid damage. Next Ephraim above the soldier and finishes him off with an iron sword. Orson moves up and kills the fighter. On enemy phase the mage dies to Orson and gives him a chest key and the merc attacks Ephraim. Player phase Orson damages the merc down to two, Ephraim finishes him off. Next turn Ephraim moves up first and Orson follows and uses a fortify to heal Ephraim up. A cavilier charges Orson, who crit kills him instantly. An archer follows and Orson misses the final blow. Ephraim moves up and Orson ignores the archer and takes out a fighter. The archer attacks Ephraim who counter attacks on my turn killing him and leveling. Orson moves up and snipes the Armor Knight. Afterwards Orson and Ephraim are both low, Ephraim moves closer and Orson moves down just out of enemy range and heals Ephraim. Enemy phase an enemy shaman does one damage to Orson and explodes. Orson moves up one and kills a monk. Ephraim trades him an elixer to heal. Orson takes out the enemies near the entrance and Ephraim lags just behind. Orson moves up and kills the armor knight while ephraim follows. Orson's thunder breaks before the boss and final shaman die, Ephraim has to finish the rest of the level. Ephraim kills the shaman and is traded back the elixer. Ephraim finishs off the boss thanks to bonus damage from the Shadowkiller and levels. (15/44) I really wish I'd gotten a second weapon for Orson.
  11. PegKnt!Cormag, also what promotion item do bonewalkers use?
  12. Woops, Myrm!Marisa who's stat spread is improved and FalconKnight!Dussel [spoiler=Chapter 4] Before I started the chapter I snagged Artur's free bright lance and gave it to Franz. Everyone went south, Franz blocked the skeleton from moving and finished him off on enemy phase, Eirika took a free shot at a zombie, and Seth took out the tree snag. Next, Franz flew to the right and took out a Mogoll and Seth followed taking out a zombie. Eirika moved just out of enemy range near Lute's village. On enemy phase Franz gets a level up. More speed which I really need. The boss (a dracoknight) flies up and attacks Seth who kills him easily and levels again. Franz flies down and kills another zombie inching closer to Eirika who entered enemy range. Seth picks off another Mogoll. Enemy phase Eirika finally doubles something and almost kills the zombie. The bonewalker brings her down to 7 hp. Seth moves up and starts finishing clean up on the rest of the monsters. Eirika moves into the forest for the +def so she doesn't die and Franz moves in and kills the zombie, getting C rank in lances. Enemy phase the bonewalker dies to Eirika leveling her up. Another great level, maybe soon she'll be able to do something. Player phase Eirika grabs the village bringing in Lute. I really wish she was a combat unit. Franz takes out a zombie to the north, and Seth finishes off the last one ending the chapter. (6/24)
  13. The thunder tome was a trap, 5 con Eirika is dropped into doubling range of the chapter 2 barbs and had poor hit rates. [spoiler=Chapter 2] This chapter was annoying, thankfully I could ignore Ross and Garcia since Ross was a Myrm so he couldn't die and Garcia doubled both enemies. Seth, Eirika, and Franz all charged down with Franz front lining and Seth cleaning up. Eirika managed to snag two kills though so she's almost leveled again. Franz leveled up again at the end of the level. Pretty much everything I need him to get. (6/12) [spoiler=Chapter 3] Eirika and Franz broke the closest wall turn one and Seth took out the fighter inside. Next turn Knight!Colm spawned with a very nice heavy spear. After that Eirika took a free shot at the barb locked in with his chest and got a free level. That's better. The increased speed lets her avoid being doubled by the hand axe barb on enemy phase. Seth auto breaks the wall and Franz takes a swing at the hand axe barb. On enemy phase the thief steals a vulnary from Franz and Franz face tanks an archer. The hand axe barb goes after Eirika and is brought down enough to die in one hit. Player Phase Eirika finishes off the barb, Franz uses the +2 damage from the heavy spear to one shot the theif, and Seth kills the archer. Franz flies forward in front of the boss chamber door and uses a vulnary. Eirika lags behind here and Seth kills the final barb. Next turn Franz weakened the barb enough on enemy phase to kill it on his turn. This gets him another level. More strength is always nice. Eirika moves up and heals to get her in throne range while Seth moves up and kills the boss getting him a level. Eirika is doubled by the merc but doesn't die, afterwards Franz finishes him off and Eirika caps (6/18)
  14. You do [.spoiler] without the dot. If you want to add a tag into the spoiler you type [.spoiler=texthere]
  15. Dussel and Marisa, I'm pretty much out of usable units
  16. Monsters are already pretty weak anyways, I say allow it. Manaketes can use them too btw.
  17. Shovel Knight's really good. If you're not sure about Undertale you can always try the demo here.
  18. Lonk Lots of nice sales, Dark Souls, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, ect. I finally managed to pick up Dark Souls 2:SotFS since its over 60% off. I do wish I waited to grab Transistor though since it's 4$ now.
  19. We both got Pupils and mine is worse. She came with a thunder tome though so at least that helps a little. I'm hoping the extra levels will give her a chance to build up her mag, otherwise she's probably eating all the str/mag boosters. D rank in tomes. Seth is literally a monster and will be great up to chapter 8. Eirika is up 53 exp by the end of the prologue. [spoiler=Prologue]Eirika fights one soldier before taking a pot shot at the boss. Seth kills the rest. 2/2 turns Next is Chapter one where my carry arrives. Edit: Chapter 1 Franz is looking pretty good and has decent growths. He'll probably end up being MVP. He comes with the basic iron lance + javelin and a normal D rank in lances. [spoiler=Chapter 1] Eirika opens with a quick shot at the closest fighter before Seth finishes him off. On enemy phase another fighter charges in and dies to Seth. Next player phase Franz snipes the soldier right of the boss. Eirika moves and takes a free shot at the soldier near Franz's spawn point. Seth moves just out of the fighter and soldier's range. Enemy phase the other soldier dies to Franz and the Fighter is weakened. Eirika takes a shot at the weakened fighter, almost killing him. Franz moves back and kills the last soldier leveling up, He gains 1 Str and 1 Skl. Seth moves up and fights the boss, getting him a level too. Seth gets + Hp, Str, Spd. Enemy Phase the fighter dies to Eirika and she gets a level up. She gets everything except what I want her too. Next turn Franz kills off a reinforcement soldier and Eirika seizes. 4/6 turns
  20. I'll take Wyvern Rider!Franz and Cleric!Lute The auto allowed units classes are, Pupil Eirika Gwyllgi(dog) Seth Bonewalker Ephraim Mage Knight Orson
  21. I think you should tag the second video as spoilers. Ryoma really sounds great, makes me want to play Hoshido more. Sakura sounds about right. Takumi seems to keep his distrust so that's good. Aqua's song was decent, I want to hear it in game for myself. Garondorf sounds like a pedophile when he's talking about Kamui. Kamui is alright.
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