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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. I'm just going to pretend it doesn't exist and chalk it up to more random tell don't show characterization. Just like [spoiler=LazwaldXdaughter support] In this support she's shown to be great at getting girls and better than her father at it by a large margin . In her other supports she relentlessly stalks girls and I'm honestly more comfortable with Tharja (and Sylla) than her. At least Tharja doesn't add assault to her list.
  2. Bors, he could slide like a penguin with his armor though. WCWY ask to take care of a kitten.
  3. ░░░░░░▄▀▒▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ░░░░░█▒▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ░░░░█▒▒▄▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▄ ░░▄▀▒▒▒▄█████▄▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▄█████▄▒█ ░█▒▒▒▒▐██▄████▌▒█▒▒▒▒▒█▒▐██▄████▌▒█ ▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▀█████▀▒▒█▒░▄▒▄█▒▒▀█████▀▒▒▒█
  4. 1) I complain a lot about Fates for someone who bought the special edition. [spoiler=Awakening] 2) Emm is actually brought back to life by Henry who thought Chrom and Lissa were too sad about her death and wanted to make them happy. Since he could only reanimate the body and not bring back the soul she's pretty much a zombie. 3) EliwoodxHector is canon and their children are so weak because they used a village maiden as surrogate mother. Welp, I need to do a playthrough of Awakening where I name every weapon I have.
  5. 1. Everyone in Awakening is a psychopath except Ricken who's been kidnapped and forced to fight. See his Lissa C support where Lissa gives really no shits about killing people. 2. Kamui is actually a manipulative fuck and that's why everyone gives them what they want. 3. Priam is a filthy liar, he just found Ragnelle at Ike's grave and took it. Why else would he get shitty Sol+Luna and not the real Aether. 4. I usually forget forging exists because it costs so much for max forges. Except in PoR where you get way to much money to ever actually spend. 5. L'Arachel and Erika get married in their A support. There's a ring and everything. My current PoR playthrough has a steel axe named Sam and steel sword named Jir. Earlier Ike had a sword called Cat but that broke.
  6. I'll definitely end up using him just because his son is cute. I plan on running him with rally+aura. Skills would probably be Bind, Devilish Wind, Magic Seal, Battle Command, Rally Resistance. His reclass path would be Dark Knight>Strategist. That'll help his speed a little and give him more auras. Though it is a shame to lose his sword which would help as an attack stance partner.
  7. 1) Localization changes for some characters, same with story 2) Lunatic+ because I hate myself 3) 1st gen lesbian option for Nohr and Hoshido 4) Pick the servant at the start, Joker looks much better stat wise 5) Buff Odin pls (and other meh units) 6) The free DLC released in Japan to come out free here 7) Make children come from alternate dimensions instead 8) Give Camilla and F!Generals pants, or at least shorts
  8. Eponine being so high honestly pisses me off more than the Kamuis. I'm glad Foleo scored high though, he's adorable.
  9. Link was my favorite character so I played him. Jiggly I didn't understand so I never played them.
  10. C. Falcon Falcon Punch D-air F-air U-tilt D-throw I care more about dunking than winning.
  11. I think what most people complain about is the difficulty of it combined with having a set number of lives. The game is probably one of the hardest I've ever played and when you only have three tries before having to go all the way back to start unless you pick up little one ups shaped like Link. Unfortunately you're going to want to save most of those for the final dungeon since that shit is insane. Another one would probably be lack of a sense of direction, which pretty much every adventure type game on the NES had. Where you have no clue where to go and some things are really hard to find without guides. I don't have a problem with the latter but the first one gets pretty annoying.
  12. There are a lot of people that absolutely love Majora's Mask and Zelda II. Don't try and speak for everyone, just because you don't like them doesn't automatically make them the worst.
  13. I usually talk to myself far more than necessary on higher difficulties.
  14. Well since we're confessing our plans to kill people. I killed Gonzales because I didn't like his face [spoiler=Children] If I don't marry Zero to M!Kamui I'm killing off Eponine because I find her completely disgusting. Unless localization does something really crazy I'm going to kill her off no matter what. Same goes for Soliel, though to a much lesser degree since I think localization can help her a bit easier. Zero would easily be on this list too if he couldn't capture in Nohr. On IK though...
  15. I'll probably keep it if it fits my N3DS XL with its case on. If not I'll just give it to someone else since I doubt it'd sell for too much.
  16. I probably will since I think the art in this game is terrible. I don't have any specific numbers though.
  17. Usually magic or because the weapon requires special training. At least that's what I tell myself. Not according to Chrom. Seriously why can Chrom use rapiers it looks so bad.
  18. Lilina time! Since Glaceon posted a huge spreadsheet I'm going to calc Hector with males now instead of females. Hector: 90 HP 60 Mag 45 Skl 35 Spd 30 Lck 50 Def 25 Res FE6!Lilina 45 HP 75 Mag 20 Skl 35 Spd 50 Lck 30 Def 5 Res FE4 Style~ Eliwood!Lil 130 HP 82 Mag 70 Skl 55 Spd 52 Lck 65 Def 42 Res Oswin!Lil 135 HP 80 Mag 60 Skl 50 Spd 47 Lck 77 Def 40 Res Mathew!Lil 127 HP 75 Mag 65 Skl 70 Spd 55 Lck 62 Def 35 Res Matthew!Lilina is obviously canon.
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