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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Unbreakable weapons sound nice since I won't have to scroll passed a million different iron swords. My Castle sounds amazing, I really can't wait to build a base and then walk around in it.
  2. Fake confidence The skill would say it gives me +5 every stat but actually lowers every stat by 2.
  3. Since there is already a thread dedicated to games you really enjoyed, why not have one for games you didn't like so much? I'll need my hipster glasses though. Persona 3 (PSP), I just couldn't get into it. The protagonist had omega special syndrome and the coffins just seemed like they were trying to be overly creepy. Bloodborne, Fallout 4,
  4. No, you're not being rude at all. I also apologize again.
  5. I've talked to my friend (also a gay man) quite a bit about it after we read translated supports and yes, he was offended by it. Different people find different things offensive. I shouldn't have been so absolute about it, I apologize. Edit: Please make tab not select the post button.
  6. Her shipping real yaoi couples is terrible. It's treating gay men like a fucking fetish.
  7. I'm probably forgetting a bunch of games since I don't remember when I started most of them. Undertale, spoilers Fire Emblem 5 and 6, awesome games with great difficulty. Super Smash Bros 4, a smash I'm not terribly at on handheld. Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, one of the strangest games I've ever played, also I love it. SMT: 2, 3, and 4. All great games and I love difficulty RPGS. SMT: Devil Survivor, very fun with actual choices for the most part. The new game+ kinda makes you stomp the entire game though. MH4U, a little hard to get into but amazing once you do.
  8. Her only S supports are men, most of which end about as bad as you'd expect.
  9. Then we can apply the same thing to LGBT people in Fire Emblem.
  10. Alright, thank you for the help Czar and Radiant! Now to grind up so the children have every skill they can get.
  11. If the game was really based off medieval Europe no females would be allowed to fight.
  12. Yea I tried out Virion!Noire and was very disappointed. [spoiler=Updated Team] Sumia!Lucina Libra?Owain Henry!Inigo Lon'qu!Brady Gaius!Kjelle Chrom!Cynthia Avatar!Severa Stahl!Gerome Cordelia!Morgan Virion!Yarne Gregor!Laurent Ricken?Noire Vaike!Nah Ricken!Noire sounds good too, the Pavgis silliness sounds fun for spotpass. Though does losing Luna hurt Owain much?
  13. Only T? Better ramp it up for FE15. Yea, this is pretty much what I expected though. The problem with Henry was they changed him, and then sometimes forgot they changed him screwing everything up.
  14. Yea, I'd rather have two good units than one great one. Especially since I don't like Kjelle that much. Edit: How about Libra as Noire's father for tomefaire access?
  15. +Spd -Def I'll think about it, I've also never done Gaius!Noire so that would be interesting. I thought Kjelle was considered better with Gaius though. Oh, thank you!
  16. How are these pairings? I have all DLC skills and classes except +2 All and Iote's Shield. Nah is just for being annoying in a spotpass team and won't be deployed in Apothesis.
  17. Likes My Castle sounds awesome since I love having bases to build. Dressing up characters regardless of how stupid it can get I'll still love it. I fully blame it on my TF2 days. Gameplay sounds amazing. More than 3 save slots (with special edition/extra routes) Revamped weapon system seems better than the old one. Foleo is cute. Dislikes Incest is not wincest in this case. Some character designs are awful. Camilla's offical artwork is just horribly bad. So is F!kamui Impossible boob physics. Story stuff. Kamui is terrible RIP unique weapon icons ;~; Eponine is the worst thing in this game and you can't convince me otherwise. Some lines should be changed. No Lunatic+ Camilla is bad. Overall the likes are still bigger than the dislikes even though there are more dislikes.
  18. Is there any point to playing Hoshido/Nohr over IK if I'm grinding characters to have max stats and all skills? These characters will be going in the logbook too so that might make a difference for someone like Odin.
  19. I always main Marth because I liked how he looked and I liked swords. Also my older brother mained Roy so it it might have also been because we always picked opposites.
  20. Thank you, I enjoy suffering!
  21. Two big things, 1) Shipping people who are real in the game world. It's like people who do shipping in real life, something that is really fucking creepy. 2) She's a yaoi fangirl, the horrible kind that finds things like lesbians gross but loves the idea of men having sex.
  22. The character I hate most is Eponine, she seriously pisses me off more than any other character in any video game I've played. And with all the other characters I don't like that's saying something.
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