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Everything posted by DRTJR

  1. To quote Major Chip Hazard from Small Soldiers " Are you scared? We're all scared. You'd have to be crazy not to be scared." NoA tries REALLY hard to be family friendly but Fire Emblem has a reputation of being for a more "mature" crowd, but they did that Ridiculous curtain covering Tharja bit so it's a crap shoot what will and won't be censored, Fire Emblem has never been more high profile so what is changed is going to be under a much more fine scrutiny that ever before. The future is mysterious and fraught with both danger and wonder beyond imagining so in the end all we can do is wait and (If you're of a religious bent) prey that the resault will be better than you feared.
  2. Fire Emblem will have reached the huge point when Marth is in an inappropriately sized go kart along side Link and the Villiger in Mario Kart In all seriousness a Civilization X Fire Emblem game would be awesome!
  3. Stuck in the middle with Ignis and Hinoka
  4. That is Dark, FE4 is basically a playable a Song of Ice and Fire novel but if it's close to that DAMN this is REALLY dark.
  5. From somebody who lurked on here before Awakening it would be an understatement to say the fan base has grown, a lot. To pull a parallel Awakening is to Fire Emblem what FF7 was to final fantasy, the series has gone from a final hurrah to a new stratus of popularity that the series has never had before ever. IS and Nintendo have the confidence and balls to go ahead and release what is in essence three whole FE games at once. It's the difference of being about to be cut from the minor league team to being at bat in the world series. There are FIVE FE characters in Smash bros. same as Zelda. We now live in a new age, filled with both wonder and terror but in the end I'm still mad that Canto isn't back. I'm Kidding... sort of
  6. usually both but the fact that I if Nah wasn't a BEAST! then Nowi would collect dust along with Vaike, Gaius and Kellam. in the Unshipped box of shame, So victory for Eugenics Still Henry x Cordelia is my OTP because that support is a lot better than the supports than Henry x Olivia, Severa is TERRIBLE with Henry as a dad but that is immaterial!
  7. It depends on if Fates definition of "limited" supports mean, but I would hope that each parent and child have unique conversations.
  8. I'm likely to go with my name if I can have a beard on my chinny chin chin, but for the inevitable Hoshindo run I'll call him Kamui in the English version to be meta.
  9. Eiffel and Rinka, because Who wants to walk the day after their wedding.
  10. PANIC! PANIC! THE END IS OPON US!!! Colour me not surprised but more disappointed, I was looking forward to not having time travel but is there be time travel then there be time travel
  11. While Camilla is definitely in the running for "Most likely to turn a guy into a pez dispenser" her design doesn't bother me partly because I'm an easily distracted Man-Ape and partly because Chereshe's outfit is worse by several magnitudes.
  12. I Live, I Die, I Live Again For Nohr!
  13. I will have a Roy figure! Hahaha! I hath joy Hahaha! Also I like the redesign.
  14. I don't understand Kanji BUT tithes are my long and Quasi humourous tome names "The scalding hatred that boils in my blood is like that of a million George Forman Grills." "The punch which has an impact great enough to bend the very fabric of reality." "The Tome from beyond the stars that of great Cthulhu, bound in human flesh and written in the blood of the innocent."
  15. Gather an army of nameless healers to keep the actual fighting units up and ready for war! And if the generics can be named then I'll have an army of Steve's
  16. SoC, May your imports be quick and your translations true. We Salute you Shadow of Chaos.
  17. Personaly the Scar we keep seeing on that one F!Kamui The one with the scars, I hope this means that Scars are a part of the character creator, but if their is facial hair part of me thinks it will be an "accessory" that will be apply-able to any unit, That seems the more likely option. Although as somebody who has had a beard since age 17 I'd like some face fuzz.
  18. JRPGs aren't know for their divergent stories, although if true it would explain the choice marketing angle as well as the expanded number of save slots if this is true, which I hope it is in my boots. Since this seems almost too good to be true alow me to put on my skepticals
  19. Specifically non-bosses so if a unit is not a boss then you might be able to snag yourself your very own Hoshindo/Nohr excursive unit.
  20. We now know that Garon is actually an old, bored Shang Tsung. Seriously if Garon slouched any harder he'd be absorbed by his chair.
  21. Long flowing Fabio hair for guys, and facial hair. I wish for my pointy eared Dragon prince to have a beard like I have, FULL AND GLORIOUS!
  22. Or both, both is a very real possibility. Also do I need to break out my cheep trumpet 70's Porno music because I will.
  23. We know almost nothing of the Third path, It could lead to Kamui as the king of the cinder, or both sides come together to fight some kind of demon. There is no way to accurately predict what FE IF will have as the option C. I'd love a Kamui as a Dr. Doom Type ending where he finds a way to rule eternal and in peace.
  24. As somebody who does have a conservative bent, I never got the disconect between the enjoyment of fantasy fiction and it. The Plegia seemed to have an evil Ancient Egypt vibe
  25. Wow, that was fast, like are you connected to the Speed force fast. Shadow of Chaos, you are credit to team
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