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Everything posted by Azz

  1. I think so omg... this will be interesting As for Roy, feels quite underwhelming to me (I mean that's kinda the Roy experience if you play Binding Blade lol). Maybe it's just because every other emblem has had so much super OP stuff but Roy feels quite tame.
  2. Personally I don't mind there being a lot of siblings. It creates pre-established relationships that can easily be built upon solely based on the fact that they are siblings. Same with the lord-retainer relationship, which I certainly would like less of but still, quite an easy way to have interesting dynamics already established and show that the characters have history with one another. I think if any relationship thus far is interesting is that Citrinne is a cousin of Diamant and Alcryst, which we've rarely see. Also, big agree with Crubat, I hope this implies less romance is gonna occur/the game wont be as 'ship everyone with everyone!'
  3. Oh yeah TH had a lot of free stuff, however sans Cindered Shadows, I would argue most of the paid stuff was pretty shite since it was costumes, stat items, auxiliary battles and Anna a waste of a unit in TH. So tbh, despite the shittiness of pre-release day 1 DLC, I do think Engage is already providing more for its money's worth compared to 3H if we're ignoring free updates (which I'm hoping Engage has plenty of too tho like Saint Rubenio said, considering Engage's mostly complete looking state, I'm somewhat doubtful, outside of maybe a maddening/lunatic mode if there isn't one at launch).
  4. Day 1 DLC for TH was paid and it only contained the academy uniforms for Byleth. Maddening mode and Jeritza didn't come until several months later (September and November precisely) as free updates alongside waves 2 and 3 of the paid DLC. The Rhea update with her being available for tea time and having her lost items being around didn't come until February with the Cindered Shadows DLC. Nothing was free with the first wave of DLC. Also, hope I don't come off as telling you not to be angry btw. Just want to contextualise that this is a repeated pattern for FE since Fates and that we really shouldn't be surprised at this point imo.
  5. Both SoV and TH had day 1 DLC. SoV's was announced at the start of May, meanwhile TH's was announced was announced in the beginning of July. SoV is kind of in a different state because it was released in Japan before it was released worldwide, however TH is in the pretty much same situation as Engage with its DLC being announced pre-release and being dropped on day 1. Really the biggest diff is how much time before its release Engage's DLC was announced but its become a pattern with FE now with the only game not having DLC announced pre-release being Three Hopes.
  6. Yeah pretty much. But gaming as an industry has been anti-consumer for a long time and will continue to do so because they can get away with it because people will keep buying games. Not saying people shouldn't be mad at it cause it's shitty, however, it shouldn't be surprising when so many game nowadays have day 1 DLC or their whole schitcik is 'look at this cool season pass that you can use to unlock a lot of things for 20 extra quid.'
  7. Since Fates, DLC has always been announced a month/on the month pre-launch. This is really nothing new for FE or the modern day gaming market. Fair enough to be angry at it, but it's nothing new and shouldn't be surprising at this point.
  8. I think for Leif, the only real Thracia mechanic they could've brought was with him was stamina I feel like and even then I'm not sure how that would work necessarily (maybe a self-refresh?). Capturing generics would've been a bit much I think. At most maybe stealing enemy weapons and removing enemies from the battlefield perhaps at the loss of EXP/SP would've been the best way to implement that I guess. I do like the nod to how in the Jugdral games (or at least FE4), enemy unit did change their weapons to get rid of WTD which is cool. I definitely do see why people would be upset given how Leif is more like his FE4 self as a Master Knight than his FE5 self.
  9. I do forget about Azura often lol. If any Fates unit were to get in, I would hope it would be her. Would make for some very interesting mechanics. I do agree with KoriCongo that a lot of MCs are kinda redundant based on who is already in the game. Seliph, Eliwood and Chrom really don't have a place tbh since their respective family members do their jobs but better. I also just can't see them pulling from any of the Jugdral games unless they want to give us Julia possibly but I don't see anyone from Jugdral getting in. Same for Magvel unless they add villain rings in which Lyon would be pretty up there (but I also think unlikely...) I personally think we'll get 5 more Emblems, 2 with wave 2 since that wave has mentioned other additions, and 3 with wave 3 since that wave is solely advertising Emblems. As I've already mentioned before, I think Robin is a shoe in. They are the only avatar not present, sans Kris (who we now know is in the game as one of those other rings). And since Robin actually has no OA, I don't see them as being one of those rings and I also just think they are a shoe in. Azura I think is another one. She has a unique playstyle, what else is there to say. Alm is also a pretty big possibility and out of all the unincluded main lords, I think he is the most likely. He has a lot of potential for a kit compared to others. Elincia would be really cool. We don't have a flier Emblem and I'd consider her a big player in Tellius. As for a final one, I guess Hector. Would kinda make me sad since Eliwood would be excluded and Blazing Blade is quite literally his story for the most part but I can't see them being a duo Emblem with Hector since they don't really match. Also Hector would just bring more unique things to the table by himself, being really the only axe focused Emblem if he was added, excluding Ike. As a side note, as other have mentioned, I wouldn't be too surprised to see Alphonse or Veronica (or both) added as a tie in to Heroes which very obviously had a big influence on Engage.
  10. Based on previous DLCs, I can imagine these new classes will be throwbacks to older FE games and will probably be locked to specific class changing items. Would be pretty cool if each class was a throwback to each Emblem ring's base game class, but I dunno if they would do that and not charge for each class like they did for SoV. They could also do a SoV and have higher tier classes, but I'm more inclined to believe it will be throwback classes like what we got with Fates and Three Houses.
  11. I do think that most of the superfluous Somniel mechanics seem quite optional and unneeded to beat the game. Like the exercising, fishing, eating etc. seems pretty much like 'it's here I guess if you wanna mess around' which is a nice change from Three Houses where so much of the Monastery activities were required for character growth and such. I think the only one that seems like it will give a noticeable boost is the Emblem stuff, but even then I think it will mainly be the case if you want to min-max as much as posisble. For example, if you want a character to have a high bond level with as many Emblems as possible, then I do think the cleaning thing will be a must, but if one character is using one Emblem for the majority of the game, I doubt it will be. The skills part will probably be pretty important and seems like the only way to actually get new skills for units thus far. As for the boosted stats, probably on the hardest difficulty it will be handy, but I doubt if will make that much of a difference. Overall, I think Somniel has a lot to offer, most of which will be mostly optional unless you're really going for min-max stuff with units.
  12. Now having seen the majority of the cast: Vander is still one of my favourite designs. He's so dashing and just *chef kiss* and when they showed him with that earring, very DILF energy The twins are also amazing I think. Diamant is also up there as one of my favourites. I do like Hortensia's designs, idc if its not very FE, I am a sucker for Harley Quinn types. Also Rosado and Goldmary are pretty cool too. Overall I like the majority of the designs tbh. I think the only designs I'm like eh on are Lumera and Panette. Lumera has a bit much going on and its like 'woah, I get you're a queen but calm down' Panette's is just weird to me. I don't get the facial make-up. Hortensia's makes sense, she's pretty much a clown, but Panette's doesn't. Especially knowing that her and Pandreo are siblings and he has nothing like that it just confuses me.
  13. Oooo I am so excited. I still haven't actually beat Hades I but I will definitely be purchasing this. Hades is probably one of the best games I've ever played
  14. Nope. Only staves and consumables have uses
  15. So I was watching the DLC trailer again and noticed something which I do believe was noted before: This is the scene of Jade engaging with Tiki however if you look at Alear you will notice he has an Engage meter but no Emblem of note. I believe I did see people suggest that is IS directly trying to hide something before the game comes out however, I think at this point they don't really care to hide any new Emblems and they have pretty much shown off every major character they could at this point I believe. Instead I believe this to be Alear transformation gauge. We know Alear fought 1000 years ago and is technically a hero in their own regard. We also have seen that being a dragon provides them with many boons while engaging. What if Alear themself can use the power of engaging to transform into their divine dragon form? Considering their promo class is called Divine Dragon, it would make sense for them to be able to transform and it would certainly be a neat way to have transformation in the game and not have it be too OP (well, as not too OP as Emblems have been thus far).
  16. I'm really curious to see how promotion works in Engage. No one really seems to be promoting into the same things and what weapons classes can use are interesting to say the least (like Hero using lances instead of axes is certainly smth). I have a feeling there will definitely be branching promotions (based on how we've seen ChloƩ as both a Griffon Knight and Wyvern Knight which seem like pretty natural promotions of Peg. Knight)
  17. I believe we'll probably get 4 or 5 more emblems with waves 2 and 3 of the DLC. Since wave 2 has emblems and accessories, I think we'll only get two there and since wave 3 is only advertising emblems, I hope we'll get 3. As for who... They will definitely consist of plot important characters. The likes of Alm, Seliph, Eliwood, Hector, Robin and Chrom have a high chance of getting in imo. I am hopeful that they wont give any games favouritism and that Marth's games and Three Houses wont have any more additions since the leaders and Tiki are here, but I do think the Whitewings in one emblem would be really cool, tho I don't want it to happen. I think the one I want the most is Robin. I think having a normal Robin and a Grima form would be really cool, especially considering Robin and Alear seem very similar, both having amnesia and possibly both having evil sides.
  18. Finally home from work so I can have thoughts about this now. Honestly I'm not very surprised at the fact we already have DLC announced, this has always been the case with FE since Fates (not sure about FEA). It's only 30 quid which isn't the worst, especially considering previous FE DLC ventures, and at least we're gonna get probably around 6 or 7 new Emblems which will be nice. I would say I'll wait to buy the DLC but I have no impulse control so it will probably be a day 1 purchase I make as soon as I collect my special edition from the store, though I will definitely not be touching the DLC's contents until after I finish my first playthrough, especially if the Silver Card is always applied rather than it being something you keep in your inventory.
  19. Ooooo I'm really hoping Rosado is transfem/non-binary, would be a nice addition to the game and series (but they'll probably just do the stereotypical 'cute boy who is really girly and everyone is confused' thing... headcanons are a thing and wont stop me). Small cast is small. I don't mind this tbh. With the 12 Emblems and what seems to be reclassing, I feel like there will be enough customisation in the game that the small cast wont be feel so small. I'm just curious to see if Veyle will be playable. I can see her being a Gotoh (or she could easily be the evil hooded figure who kills Lumera, we'll have to see). Am upset I have to go to work now cause I just want to sit home and watch these trailers sigh...
  20. By the looks of it, for Marth's games at least, we'll only being getting those who got OA for SD/NMotE RIP us Archanae fans lol. I wonder how much art TH will that game also has like no OA of its characters. As for the base, looks like a lot lol. At least it looks more akin to Fates' My Castle than the Monastery so hopefully using it wont be too integral to everything. Am in love with all the casual outfits I have to say. They may be a bit modern but hell I don't really mind. Not gonna look too much into it since I have to get up for work in like 2 minutes but I am excited. Also DLC wtf. Nice to see we're getting a Tiki emblem.
  21. I can see Leif being called the Emblem of Liberation or smth like that. I feel like he's the hardest one tbh. Roy will probably be the Emblem of Flames or Binding, some shit like that. Eirika will probably just be the Emblem of the Sacred Stones tbh. Twin Emblem would be better but since the pattern is 'Emblem of ...', the Sacred Stones works best. Ike will be the Emblem of Radiance while Miccy will be the Emblem of Dawn. Lucina I can see as being the Emblem of the Future, or the Emblem of Change. Something along the lines of her changing fate or coming from the future, without stepping on Corrin being the Emblem of Fates.
  22. Same... like let me play as an older dragon lady instead of killing her off or making her evil. Pretty sure Nagi and Adult Tiki in FEA the only older dragon ladies we've ever gotten... I do hope we have some kind of transformation mechanic with Alear and possibly Veyle provided she is playable but I dunno if we'll get it tbh. Engaging I think will be the closest thing we'll get to transformations... You can't trust FE marketing imo lol. I mean Mikoto was super promoted and is shown in the opening BR cutscene despite dying before the route split lol. The slithers were also super promoted, especially Kronya who I believe got into Heroes before the game launched/was a unit added to commerorate the launch, despite again, barely being present in TH, so I wouldn't personally trust the game marketing the Four Hounds a lot as a guarantee that they will all be playable. They definitely could be as a NG+ feature or like the SpotPass characters of FEA, but I'm doubtful that if they are playable, it will be story related
  23. I definitely think we'll have a few more than 32. For some reason, FE games nearly always have a roster that is divisible by 3 since some many of their menus have units lined in threes. I just hope we have a few more characters that are independent from the royals bar Anna and Yunaka. I feel like there is a high chance that Veyle will more than likely be a playable character. She just has too much importance not to. Also, she has a battle sprite on the website so... (I also can't imagine them just having Alear be a Dragon type). I can see the two queens of Firene and Solm possibly being playable since unlike Lumera, Morion and Hayacinth, they don't seem pegged to die (in fairness, we do know next to nothing about them bar their names). I don't know if I can see the other Four Hounds being playable. Zephia is definitely solely gonna be an enemy, and I can't see Griss and Marni being turncoats. I feel like there could be chance they make the Emblems playable in some manner in some type of NG+ or as a special feature once you beat the game. We have seen what seems to be Micaiah as a stand alone enemy unit in what looks like a 3-13 recreation so who knows. However, I would be quite content with a small roster tbh. Most of my fav FE games have smaller rosters (Sacred Stones, SoV) so I personally wouldn't be too upset with a cast of 33~
  24. So seems like Thieves are gonna be reminiscent of their Arachanea variants and be a unique tiered class that goes to level 30 presumably like Dancer. Very interesting, ngl. Also damn at covert units wtf. I wonder if most covert units will have shitty res to allow for magic to counter their high avo from terrain. We now know what each pro of each class type is bar armoured. Dragon have Engage superiority, cav and flying have movement, backup have chain attacks, mystical ignore terrain bonuses, covert double terrain bonuses and qi adept have chain guard access. I feel like armoured should have that but whatevs. Lyn seems cool, but definitely the least exciting emblem thus far imo.
  25. So if all things go as they should, we'll be getting Lyn tomorrow. Then I presume at some point we'll get both Hortensia and Fogato at some point this week since every other character on the website has been shown off. I wonder what we'll get next tho however. Will be interesting to see if we get the rest of the Emblems.
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