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Honey Bunny

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Everything posted by Honey Bunny

  1. "Oh, I found the berries in some bushes back there. It shouldn't be too far off, just a bit up the path." Ulysses motioned up the path he just came from. He took a step towards the food-bush before remembering his initial job. "Hey, Velvet. Do you think you'll be fine if I go get some food? These guys seem alright, but you can never be too safe; and this might take a while." He turned back around to look at his new-found traveling companion. It's not that he didn't think she couldn't take care of herself, he was just worried that she might want to keep her bodyguard nearby. After all, he wouldn't be very useful as a bodyguard if he wasn't close enough to protect her.
  2. Marcus had a perfect vantage to see everything that happened from his position. One of Prince Owen's group had been felled, and he'd just stood around and watched. Damn it! You're a Gryffin Knight, act like it! One of the Toulousian elite! What the hell are you doing! It was at that point that he threw caution to the wind. He had a delivery for Prince Owen and a message to give. Not to mention his less official request he was not fulfilling. Marcus leaned down towards Scarlet, and without a single word spoken they rushed forward. Now this...this is how Gryffin Knight should act. Facing danger head on, knight and gryffin acting as one. Marcus to (13,12) He shouted as loud as he could, "Prince Owen! I come bearing a message and a gift from Duke Herman!" "SKREEEEEEEE!" Marcus sighed, Why must you always make me look the fool?
  3. Of course we're not all the same, I'm a shark and you're a snake. He sighed, it was clear that talking to her was going nowhere. "Heh, thanks Velvet. I'll try to remember that it's secret next time." It was good to know Velvet wasn't upset with him. He hadn't been on the road long, and it was new to have to be alone. For the past week Velvet had been the only company he got, and he wasn't sure what to do without that. The last time Ulysses felt alone was when he was with Bartholomew, and that...Never again. Ulysses turned back around to address Kolmar, "Sorry, I don't believe I got your name. Thanks for standing up for me back there. Hey, if the offer is still open I'd love to help you cook. I could really use a bite to eat right now."
  4. Damn it! Is there still nowhere safe? Damn these archers! "Rggghhhh." "Yes, yes, I'm frustrated too you know." "Rargh." "Yes, I'm well aware he called you a duck." "Grgh!" "And then what Scarlet? Do you really think risking your life over an insult is a good idea?!" "..." "Then we stay up here, and wait for an opportunity." Marcus twiddles his thumbs! (He stays in place and doesn't do anything.)
  5. "Heh, sorry Velvet. I guess I got too excited." Ulysses scratched the back of his head as he talked. He didn't even think about Velvet's secret, and didn't mean to out her. "At least they're accepting right?" After all, they had a woman who was half-snake in their midst. They couldn't be that against beastkin, right? Well...apparently the snake could. He'd be lying if he wasn't irritated by the response he'd gotten from this new woman. Then he remembered what the druid of his tribe, Mother Dren, had told him, Life out there will be rough Ulysses. They don't take kindly to what's different to them, and you're different to most. It'll only get harder the longer you're out there, you're still growing, and your size will already scare them. Remember, you're only as big a monster as you let them make you. A snake strikes not out of anger, but fear. How apt that last bit had been. Here he was, standing in front of a snake that had snapped at him while scared. The thought made him chuckle. Oh, if you only knew how right you would be! His chuckle turned to laughter and soon he was absolutely roaring with amusement. "Same kinda freak as you miss!" He managed once he'd calmed down some. "Well, not exactly, but you get what I mean. I find a little hard to believe you just now noticed, I'm a little hard to miss!" He offered her a friendly grin, making sure not to show his teeth. He glanced back at Kaya and said, "Eh, I think my skill with an axe was the reason she hired me. If all I was good for was spilling secrets and looking scary I wouldn't be very useful as a bodyguard!" Wait a minute...are those...the same kind of tattoos Mother Dren had? No, not quite. Mother Dren's were runes, writing in an ancient tongue, those are different. I'll have to ask her about those later.
  6. A-another one of us!? A beastkin! Ulysses took a moment to process the woman with a snake's tail trailing behind her. Before he could get in a word so much had already happened. "Err, wait! Miss, what's your name? I didn't think I'd meet another beastkin, much less one that's kin to snake. Demi-human, sorry. Back in the tribe that's what they called me and the people like me. They said I was closer to my predatory instinct," It was hard for him to contain his excitement. He had met so few people like him that he was ecstatic when another popped up. "Uhh, sorry. Don't mean to talk you ear off. If you wouldn't mind could we talk some? Besides you Velvet is the only other beastkin," He had started before quickly correcting himself, "-demi-human I've met. People like us...we've got to stick together you know?" He turned to Kolmar. "Uh, I was always more of a hunter myself. Though I suppose it's never too late to learn. Plus I'd likely get first share of the food..." Ulysses was getting off track though. He needed to talk to the snake-woman he'd just met. "Later though. Just give me a holler when you get started. I'd love to try my hand at it." Ulysses hoped he would understand, but there were some things that were simply more important than others.
  7. I must apologize, but I need to rescind my offer. Real life has started to pop up, and I will only be able to handle the two I'm already in. Sorry.
  8. "Aww, Velvet slow down." Ulysses said, as soon as Velvet came back into his sight. "You ought to take some time to enjoy nature. See, I found some berries earlier!" As the sentence came out of his mouth he held out a hand filled with the berries he'd talked about earlier. However as he tipped his head back sliding the berries into his mouth, it became obvious that he wasn't offering any. "See what you could get if you just took some time to enjoy things?" He smiled showing off his sharp teeth, which had been recently stained purple by his antics. It wasn't until after all this that he realized Velvet was talking to some strangers. "Errr..." Ulysses was supposed to acting as Velvet's bodyguard. Part of that was trying to seem intimidating so people wouldn't even want to start anything. Although, it was incredibly obvious that intimidation wouldn't work. "Well, so much for the scary barbarian act. Name's Ulysses, of The Graystone Tribe, I'm acting as bodyguard for little Velvet here. As long as you don't start anything I think we'll get along great." Ulysses then wiped his berry stained hand off on his pants, and offered it for a handshake. "Don't worry, I know the eyes freak people out, but I promise I'm not planning anything." Recent events had shown that people tend to be creeped out by his eyes. They are entirely black, and being large, gray, and shark-toothed didn't help matters either. Of course Ulysses found it made the intimidation aspect easier, and he was quite fond of trying to find the silver lining in things.
  9. What's going on? There appeared to be a battle going on around him. Dozens of forces were spread out in the scene before him, and seemed to be a advancing against a much smaller group. A much smaller group that was incredibly well armed and armored, and appeared to be making short work of the forces ahead of them. Marcus didn't have time to find answers to his inquiry though. He was on a mission from the duke. He needed to find and relay a message to Prince- Does that one have pink hair? Well, I guess that's one less thing to worry about. But how am I going to get to him? No matter where he looked it seemed that there was an archer waiting to shoot Scarlet out of the sky. Normally mages wouldn't be an issue for Scarlet, but it seems that one of the closest ones was armed with a wind tome. Why are they so well prepared!? Damn it. They couldn't have been tipped off could they? No...no, that's ridiculous. Despite his best efforts he couldn't help but be unnerved by the thought. "Sorry to disappoint you Scarlet, but we'll have to play it safe for now." "Rrrgh." "Don't give me that, it's the right choice, and you know it." Marcus to 20, 12
  10. Name: Ulysses Graystone Appearance: Ulysses is 6'3" and 250 lbs. He has gray skin with a patch of white on his torso, covering his stomach and chest. In addition the palms of his hands, and the soles of his feet are white as well. Webbing goes halfway up between his fingers, and toes. His eyes are completely black, lacking any visible pupil, or sclera. Adding to his physical oddities his teeth are all flat, serrated and sharp. Falling out, and growing back quite easily. He has messy black hair atop his head, and is otherwise hairless. Ulysses tends to go both shirtless, and shoeless. Instead preferring to keep himself covered with nothing but pants made from the hide of an animal, and an axe. [spoiler=Backstory] Believe it or not, Ulysses Graystone actually belongs to a noble family. Minor nobility, sure, and from Grunan, but despite his mannerisms and appearance he is a full blown noble. His parents weren't happy with their stature, his father stuck teaching magic to children of the more powerful families, and his mother was left to heal knights. Sure they were far better off than most others, but it wasn't enough for them. They wanted more, needed more, but had no way to get it. Until Ulysses' mother found out she was pregnant, that is. Though his father was cynical about the prospect of their unborn child getting further in life, the mother had heard of experimental magics in Rathuum. Magics which could turn a man into a monster, or a wizard into an archmage. The two of them couldn't resist spending their precious noble gold finding this magic, and the people who use it. So, after spending a sizable chunk of their family fortune they bought the services of the best pioneer mage, Bartholomew. For eight months Bartholomew performed ritual after ritual, and spell after spell. Promising that their son would powerful, and magic. Then the day of truth, Ulysses' birth date, and he was a very healthy baby boy...with fangs, gray skin, a white belly, black orbs for eyes, and membrane between his fingers. Ulysses' mother was immediately furious, but his father managed to calm her down. Demi-Human though he may be, he still could be that intelligent mage they wanted. From that point on he existed as their dirty little secret. Never let out in public, and never seeing anyone other than his parents, they tried their best to teach him in tome and staff. Due to his Demi-Human nature, and the gold they'd spent on him, they had very high expectations for his capabilities. The moment he could read his parents immediately tried teaching him magic, and to their credit they did give him a couple of years. Well, his father did anyway, his mother gave up on him after a few months. It was clear that he had no talent with a staff, and his mother none for teaching. His father on the other hand did his best. He tried to teach him Anima, then Dark, then finally Light magic. Over the course of two years it had become staggeringly clear he had no capacity for magic at all. After finding out their prized mage was a dud there was only thing left to do, find Bartholomew. That's the way Bartholomew told it anyway. Ulysses couldn't possibly remember any of that, and really, they expected him to use magic when he was six? However that was the only story Ulysses ever gotten from Bartholomew about how he ended up in his hands. A story which he was rather fond of telling as he would do his experiments. As Bartholomew would put it, "When a lesser man would see nothing but failure, a wise one would do further experimentation." Day after day Bartholomew would use this excuse as he experimented upon Ulysses. There was no way he'd been wrong, Ulysses was surely magical, but he just had to find out how. After holding Ulysses' head under water he found that he could breathe water just as a fish would, by using curses and spells on him Bartholomew found he was much stronger than boys his age, but that even the mildest exposure to light magic was fatal. The last test, as painful as it was, ended up being Ulysses' ticket out of there. Whilst on death's door after being hit by an Illuminate spell Bartholomew felt his research was done, and dumped Ulysses by the river near the mountains. Luck had not been on Ulysses' side until that point. There near the river lived The Graystone Clan. A tribe of people claiming to be one of the few who remember the old ways. They found him nearly dead by the riverside, and despite everything, despite his inhuman appearance, despite him being an outsider, they decided to heal him. The Druid of the clan was the first thing Ulysses saw when he woke up. The strange woman only had one question to ask him, "What happened?", and Ulysses told her everything. It wasn't something Ulysses had wanted, or expected to do, it just happened. Sobbing the young Ulysses told her everything that had happened to him in his life. There were several things Ulysses expected to hear come from the runed woman's mouth, and several things he was afraid that the woman covered in pelts would do. None of them were what happened. He felt her arms wrap around him and heard her say, "Ssh child, no more. No one will hurt you here. You're one of the Graystone now." While a surprise to Ulysses it wasn't as surprising as what happened next. They accepted him, everyone, the whole clan. Just like that. From that day on he was one the proud members of the Graystone Tribe. Everyday he did his best to learn their ways, and make himself useful. He learned to hunt, to fight, to acknowledge the spirits as well as the dragons, and how to live with honor. He became a member of the Graystone Tribe. Now at seventeen years of age it is time for his final part of joining the tribe. The Search. Every member goes through this coming of age ritual where they leave the tribe, and only come back once they've found what they seek. Ulysses has seen other members of the tribe leave and come back later. Months, sometimes years can go by before they return with what they sought, but most annoyingly to him, no one ever tells the others what it is they search for. They just come back having 'found' it. And now it's Ulysses' turn. [spoiler=Stats]Class: Tribesman HP: 22 (55%) Str: 6+1 (50+10%) Mag: 2 (15%) Skl: 5 (40%) Spd: 8 (65+5%) Lck: 1 (15%) Def: 2 (22%) Res: 3 (21%) Trait: Leviathan's Blood - Unit automatically has Piratewalk and gains +10% bonus to their strength growth along with +1 base strength. However the blood of the oceanic demon causes them to be susceptible to light magic. Bonus: Survival instinct - +30 avoid while under 30% health. In addition this unit gets +5 speed growth. Alignment: Light-0, Anima-20, Dark-40 Affinity: Wind (SHARKNADO!) Skills: Banditwalk, Vantage Weapons: Axes
  11. As Jumper should I PM you my character submission? That way it'll be more of a mystery for the other players.
  12. Cool, could I take Berserker? If that's not okay I'll go Jumper. I'll work on build the servant properly later.
  13. Ahh, okay then. I think I might be interested then. I'd go with the second one. Also I'm unsure of how creating a servant works. There's stuff about cost and points, but I don't quite understand it.
  14. I've only watched Fate/Zero, and it was one of my favorite anime. Would I need to watch Fate/Stay Night proper in order to really understand this RP?
  15. There is no color is there? It's been a lie the whole time hasn't it? Green.
  16. Oh my god it's actually part of the code of conduct. I suddenly feel very sorry about my smarmy post above.
  17. I'd be interested in this RP. It'll take me a bit of time to go over the summaries though. So, I'm throwing my name into this ARGH PEE. EDIT: Is there any one place I could find all the summaries? I haven't had the chance to go read them yet, and if there happened to be anywhere they were all in one place it'd make my life a bit easier.
  18. What a funky little guy. I like him. It's nice to see a melee focused troll. He kind of looks like he's the joke(...ish) character.
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