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Honey Bunny

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Posts posted by Honey Bunny

  1. Yet Slowpoke is psychic type despite being incredibly slow mentally...

    I forgot about Slowpoke. Well then, psychic koala incoming I guess.

    I kind of want want a dolphin pokemon that's Dark/Fairy type. With dolphins it's 50/50 whether they'll save you from the water, or do any of the horrid things mentioned above, so I think the typing would be appropriate. Plus it'd be interesting to find a non-water type while surfing. There's also the fact that fairy type is objectively the best type.

  2. Both look really good. We also get to see Magearna ingame and stuff

    Nekkoala is Normal type with Definite Sleep. It means that it can only be affected by Sleep and not Burn/Freeze/etc. I'd expect it to become Normal/Psychic because all dream-based Pokemon are Psychic.

    Iwanko is a Rock type with Keen Eye or Vital Spirit. It's pure Rock or whatever.

    I really hope they don't make the Koala a psychic type. Real life Koalas are quite possibly the stupidest mammals in the world. Turning that into a psychic type just doesn't seem right.

    I'd like to jump on the Iwanko hype train. That little thing is stupidly cute, and one of few rock type designs that appeal to me.

  3. Oh man, I'm trying not to get too invested in the idea in case it's proven wrong or doesn't happen but this is opening the floodgates. Especially about the types affecting the person they sync with?

    I'm buzzing about this idea, I'm getting my notebook.

    It could add quite a bit of depth to the Gym Leaders too. Why are all the Fire Gym Leaders hotheads? Because they literally have fire in the brain. Or fire type I guess, the point still gets across though. It would explain why same type gym leaders have similar personalities. It would also explain what it takes to become a gym leader too, and possibly why they have those underlings in the gym.

  4. I don't know about you guys but I'm really interested in two things: 1. all the references to Johto and 2. Lillie.

    There may be references to all of the past Pokemon games, since this game's coming out to celebrate an anniversary, but the Japanese-styled villages and the pagoda (and the clouds) seem to hint a bigger connection to Johto than any other region so far. It's possible that maybe a lot of the Alolian citizens have ancestors that moved here from Johto, bringing their culture with them, much like real life.

    Because of that, it's also possible that the park with the pagoda is a homage to the pagoda in Johto that's used to summon Ho-Oh or Lugia, and maybe, you can also summon and catch Ho-Oh or Lugia from that pagoda.

    It could be possible that maybe that's the region your player character comes from (although your mother looks like an Alolian native and also looks more like the olive-skinned, brown-haired trainer than the default one).

    As for Lillie, well, her disliking to battle is a thing that prevents her from being a trainer. But then they brought up the synergy thing from the anime, and maybe that's why she hates battling. Because she's synergized with her Pokemon before and felt their pain, and thus feels guilty about making them fight. It's also stated that Lillie likes to read - maybe she's well-read about something vital to your mission like the legendaries or the lore of Alola. Or, even synergy.

    I almost wonder if synergy ties into the evil team's goals. Could they maybe try to synergize with the legendaries and convince them on their own will to plunge the world into darkness, rather than capturing them and forcing them to.

    I mean. These are all theories, but it's something to think about.

    If that's the case then it looks like I might like a mainline pokemon game again. Now you've got my hopes up Vashiane, perhaps synergy could let them build a deeper story than usual. Actually understanding these what pokemon feel could bring up a whole slew of new interesting topics. Possibly even what it means to synergize with a pokemon. I don't watch the show so I don't know what synergy entails exactly, but I think it would be interesting if they delved into what that means for the trainer. From what little I do understand it sounds like the trainer is so in sync with their pokemon that they actually mentally synchronize. (If that's off it kind of throws everything I'm writing off.) Think about what type of person could synergize with a ghost type, would they be resentful at most living people? Detached from most of life? Or a normal type, would they be extremely ordinary? Meek? Good at getting along with everyone? Imagining the psyche of people who can synergize with different pokemon is a very interesting topic to me.

    Of course they could do the usual pokemon thing where it just means you're the best of friends, and they never go any deeper than feeling a pokemon's pain.

  5. I don't know which version I want now. Look, I think making a Psychic/Steel lion that's supposed to eat the sun is pretty cool, but how does Solgaleo's design convey that in the slightest? He doesn't look Psychic/Steel, he looks like a Fairy/Fire, which would've been a really fun typing by the way.

    As over-complicated as Lunala's design is it still conveys Psychic/Ghost. Sure I thought Psychic/Dark when I first, but Psychic/Ghost was very easy to see. Not only that, but it's a far more interesting combination than Psychic/Steel to me.

  6. I'm afraid I don't know how I'd sign up to be an NPC. I feel like I should mention now that I'm a little strapped for time at the moment since I just got a new job, and I'm taking summer school. Being an NPC sounds like it'd be less involvement, so I don't think it'd be a huge issue, but I figured I'd let you know ahead of time.

  7. While true, MN9's Kickstarter played in an entirely different ballpark then Undertale. I mean, Mighty No. 9 made almost 4.000.000$ while Undertale made slightly above 50.000$. So I bet a lot of people don't know that Undertale had a Kickstarter. But Mighty No. 9's Kickstarter was a big thing in the gaming world at large. Everyone knew about it.

    Nevertheless, everyone seems to be using Kickstarter these days. So I doubt that MN9 can do anything to put a significant dent in it's reputation.

    I feel like MN9 is going to have the exact opposite of what happened to Undertale. It got really big in the kickstarter stage, but no one will care once it comes out.

  8. Undertale was a kickstarter project? I had no idea.

    Not only that it reached 10x its kickstarter goal well before it ever became the phenomenon it is now. However he didn't want to just throw random crap into his game so he's using the extra money to make a comic. More recently he's said that if he has enough money left over he might make a sequel.

    I don't even know when or if a sequel to Undertale will come out, but I'm already more hyped for it than this game.

  9. Quinn's hip looks weird, his entire torso makes him look like a skinny guy in huge armor.

    I honestly don't have a problem with that. It's a little odd how every single male person in heavy armor is a mountain of muscle. Like, is it somehow too hard for a soldier who does the same training but gets lean muscle instead to put on heavy armor? I kind of like how he looks for exactly that reason.

  10. 16735499e230234184d135d064582c7c.png

    -Much thanks to Lord of Gabriel Knight for his tweak to Winter. Here is all the Lords together at last! (Quinn still needs to have his spear angle changed XD)

    I have to say this is the best batch of sprites so far. All of your stuff is really good, but this is amazing. Literally the only thing that I could complain about is the spear, and you're already addressing that.

  11. I don't know what country I'd base a region off of, but I know what one would be funny. Missouri, U.S.A., you'd go through all the cornfields finding pokemon, and battle corn farmers. You'd find fire types in the summer, and ice types in the winter with a weather system that's completely nonsensical.

  12. Recruitment occurs between maps, as in-map recruitment was less consistent than Hammer and I wanted.

    At Nino 4, that would probably be after the 3rd map of Hammer's 5-map test.

    Alright, that'd be fine by me. Just be sure PM me when you get to map 4. It's a playtest so I doubt you need any roleplaying reason for me to join in between maps, but I'd like to know if there's anything beyond just joining late I need to do.

  13. I do not believe that Hammerpriest ever wrote an actual ruling for how recruitment would be handled with regards to starting level being based on party average* and you did not specify anything beyond interest in the system. Thus, I felt that it would be best to respond assuming that you would not know the former. As there was no way for me to know when you wanted your character to be recruited, I made the suggestion in the case that you would prefer an earlier recruitment.

    If you are still offended, please PM me and we can discuss this in further detail.

    *He may have added this information.

    Nah, I'm over the whole -3 thing. You may have to explain the recruitment thing to me. It seems like it'd be simple, but I understand that it could throw a wrench in things.

    Perhaps I should PM Hammerpriest?

  14. It's still in testing, yes.

    Honey Bunny, you can't nino your level down past level 1. Please consider changing your character stat assignment to reflect this, else you'd have to wait for the party average level to reach 5 before your character becomes available for recruitment.

    I'm well aware that I won't be available for a while. I wanted the extra stat growths and I'm willing to wait to get them. I know full well that I won't start at level -3, and to be completely honest with you I'm a little insulted you'd think I wouldn't know that. I know I'm not the brightest bulb but...level -3?

  15. Are you still testing this system? If so I'd like to throw in my own character.

    (Nino'ing 4)

    Name: Marcus

    Class: Knife Trainee (Thug)

    HP: 20 (70%)

    Attack: 3 (30%)

    Skill: 3 (20%)

    Speed: 8 (40%)

    Luck: 0 (10%)

    Defense: 3 (35%)

    Resistance: 3 (35%)

    A remarkably tough youth with a bad attitude. Despite his rough demeanor and violence-prone tendencies he still does what he can to defend everyone. Hates nobles.

  16. picking a version right now is way too premature and this fighting is really silly

    what if your favorite new pokemon is exclusive to the opposite version

    what if an old pokemon you like is exclusive to the opposite version

    i picked X because I liked Xerneas, but it made it very hard to use my favorite new Pokemon, Skrelp.

    Well, yeah, the fighting is supposed to be silly. Look at the argument Water Mage and I had about starters. Do you think that was serious?

    We know all that already, arguing over which version is best is purely for entertainment's sake. Relax, we're odd, not insane.

    Naive child, that is no simple spark.

    It shines with the true magnificence of the Moon!

    And what of Sun's legendary, who does not shine at all?!

    You are the fool!

    HA! You are the fool, for only a fool could tell such splendid jokes! Sun's legendary doesn't need some gaudy trinkets to be so grossly incandescent!

    Besides The Grand Lion can walk on the ground it shines on, can your Kleptomaniac Bat do the same?

  17. No, no!

    Heed my words Moon players! We must fight! We cannot let those silly sparkly Sun players win!

    Show them the true magnificence of the Moon!

    In the name of the Moon, we must punish them!

    Oh dear, it would seem all of your opinions are wrong. HA! How do you accuse Sun players of being sparkly? Our legendary doesn't look like it recently flew through a jewelry store!

    You must truly be a fool! HA HA HA!

  18. Not confirmed, some guy on Youtube used the Inspect Element feature on Google Chrome to investigate the type icons on the Japanese site regarding the starters. A "Ground" icon was found between Flying and Fire numbering wise, while a "Fighting" icon was after Water.

    It could've potentially just have been a formatting error on the site though. Somebody could've mislabeled the icons and Fire/Ground ended up being Ground/Fire. Since it's not confirmed I'm now skeptical of Rowlet ending up Grass/Ground.

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