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Honey Bunny

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Posts posted by Honey Bunny

  1. if it means anything, parasect in super mystery dungeon makes jokes about how both the mushroom and the paras are in control

    like, parasect has one quote that is literally "it is me the parasite and I am super cool"

    it isn't that creepy in this context. think along the lines of a steven universe fusion

    "It is me the parasite and I am super cool" sounds like a paper thin disguise if I ever heard one. Also Opal never went, "Steven it's Amethyst, wanna go get some bits later?" plus, you know, fusion isn't normally something that's forced.

    I don't know, it still seems creepy to have some mushroom turning your brain into a democracy.

  2. You know something, after reading Water Mage's post I'm beginning to wonder if Rowlet will stay Grass/Flying. Fire/Poison is beginning to make a lot of sense for Litten, and everytime I see Popplio as a Water/Fairy type. It almost makes me wonder if Rowlet will end up Grass/Dragon. Of course Litten could even more easily be dark type which would lend itself to the infinitely less ridiculous Grass/Psychic.

  3. My friend, you understimated the internet and paid the price.

    Let us postpone our duel. I want to face you at your strongest, and right now, you need to rest. Your mind is at a broken state at the moment.

    Seriously though, it's impressive that there's even fanart at all.

    Actually, I remember that when X and Y were first released, Ken Sugimori gave an interview and said that they were already working on Gen 7 back in 2013.

    Ha! You're just trying to trick me into...into...damnit I concede the point. I shall postpone for now.

    I just reread the interview, and to be fair, what he said was that he wanted the Pokemon designs of Gen 7 to more simple.

    They weren't exactly working on the actual Gen 7 games by then, but it seems that they already were planning the designs of Gen 7's Pokemon.

    Oh thank god. For a while it's been a growing concern of mine that pokemon designs have been growing overly complex. Good to see this generation should deal with that a bit.

  4. Two very small chances my dear! Very small! While I have an entire ocean at my beck and call!

    Anyway, that's why I think people will like Popplio's evolutions.

    Remember that people mocked Oshawott and Froakie, but later loved their evolutions. While Samurrot and Greninja are cool, maybe people's low expectations played a part in it? There wasn't a lot fanart of Oshawott and Froakie when they where forst revealed, but look at them now!

    Maybe the same thing will happen to Popplio. People already have low expectations for it, while they have very high expectations for Rowlet and Litten. So the same thing could happen again.

    HA HA HA! My my my, you play the fool quite well! Hasn't anyone told you of an ocean's tides? On high tide it'll crush you, and on low tide you'll be left high and dry. Meanwhile I have an ember which could easily be kindled into a homey flame, and a plant which could easily become a mighty oak.

    Honestly I expect to end up liking Litten more than Rowlet. I can already see ways in which Rowlet will evolve poorly. Litten on the other hand won't be the most interesting thing in the world, but right now I don't see any elements that'll lead to an ugly evolution. Of course there is the problem I've been noticing more and more with starters.

    Instead of evolutions looking like the natural progression of a pokemon they instead look like someone designed a cute 1st stage, another person designed a cool 3rd stage, and a poor third artist had to figure out how to connect the two. I really think that was the problem Chespin, and a few others too. It's lead to me and my friends calling the 2nd evolution the "Awkward Puberty" of a pokemon.


  5. You speak as if it is even possible for it's final form to be bad.

    You poor, sweet, naive child. It's about quality, not quantity.

    And remember that Popplio can probably learn Water and Ice attacks, meaning that it deal with both Rowlet and Litten with ease! Math means nothing!

    Joking aside, remember the Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox incident?

    Everyone loved Fennekin and Braixen, loved them. But when Delphox was revelaed, the family's popularity dropped a lot. It was still popular, but nowhere near as popular as before.

    But I believe there's a reason. I've noticed before.

    When starters are first revealed, there always those who are very popular like Snivy and Fennekin.

    But because of the popularity of some starters, it creates expectations for their evolutions, and when said evolutions are revealed, they never meet the fans's expectations.

    So I expect a lot of people will not like Rowelt ans Litten's evolutions becuase of said expectations.

    See, your fool nature is showing itself! When I said I had two starters I did not mean that both together could manage to take down Popplio! I meant that you have one chance at greatness, whilst I have two!

    More seriously I do get what you're saying about Rowlet. While I was never overly wowed by Fennekin I did love Chespin. Then Quilladin rolled out (heh heh) and I immediately switched to Froakie. That's why I'm waiting to see the evolutions before making a final decision.

  6. Challenge accepted. I shall defend Pipplio's honor to the very end. We shall meet at dawn on the hill where everthing started, bring your best blades. You will need them.

    Especially when Pipplio's undoubtably cool evolutions are revealed. Don't say I didn't warn you!

    Ha! You must be a fool, since only fools would defend the honor of other fools! Doubly so since I have two starters to rely on instead of one. Math is quite simply on my side good sirrah!

    At the moment I think I'm going to go sun. The moon legendary just seems a bit over-designed. It's certainly not the worst I've seen, but compared to the sleeker design of sun I know which I choose. However the animation for its special attack is pretty cool looking.

  7. You know I'm pretty sure a certain subset of the Pokemon fandom will get Litten once this comes out. So much so they'd be stupid to not have an event for a shiny Litten March 20th 2017...I'm not sorry.

    I didn't like starters at first, but they've grown on me pretty quickly, well, except for Pipplio. Pipplio sucks. Fight me.

    Rowlet reminds me of an overly excited door to door mormon, nottosaythatheisn'tbyfarthecuteststarterbecauseheis, but that was just my first impression of him. Even though he's the best starter (Fite me) I'm a little cautious to pick him after Chespin...

  8. One from my childhood was Monster Rancher. My favorite part of mons games is raising my mons, and Monster Rancher was a game that focused on that like no other game I've seen. I really wish that series had gotten more popular, or at the very least gotten a spiritual successor.

    GrimDawn is a more recent one. While it's not exactly unique it's one of few Diablo-Clones to really hold my attention.

  9. hm...thanks for the feedback, I think Guardian angel might be a bit overpowered so how about just this

    Tackle: This unit may select the "tackle" command to attack using their defense stat (has 80 hit)

    Tackle again runs into the problem of only being useful if you have no weapons. Not only that, but you can't counterattack with Tackle. I think a nerfed version of Guardian Angel would be more effective.

    Guardian Angel- Add half your defense to counterattack damage. Deal damage equal to your full defense when you're unable to make a counterattack.

  10. Guardian

    Staves: B

    Description: A person who defends and aids their allies. Has high Def and Res

    (essentially has good enough defense and resistance to live and maybe just act as a wall since no counterattcking...at first)


    Level 1: Divine Protection: When healing a fully healed unit that unit gets a one time immunity to one attack that would deal under 10 damage for one turn

    Level 10: Countersmash: If this unit has no weapon equipped but has a stave in his/her inventory they can counter attack using just their strength stat.

    stats HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Mov

    Base 17 2 5 3 2 4 6 5 4

    Max 40 18 18 19 17 25 23 20 Stave: B

    Growth 15 5 10 5 5 15 20 20

    Pair Up 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3

    Promotes to: (I am open to ideas)

    Please give me honest feed back on what is good and bad like if I should swap the skills or something

    I'm going to be honest, I'm not really good with stats. Abilities and ideas are more my thing. That said, I don't see any reason for this class to have countersmash. One issue is that it's based off strength, an non-primary stat for the class. The other being that it's literally only effective if you have nothing but a staff, which becomes an issue if even one of the possible promotions has a weapon. I think a better ability would be:

    Guardian Angel- When an enemy attacks you add extra damage to your counter-attack equal to your defense. If you have no weapon simply deal damage equal to your defense.

    Promotion wise this class looks like it'd be perfect for a War Monk-esque class. The decent strength, and magic would make it a great fit statwise. From an ideas standpoint this seems like what Maid/Butler should've promoted from. Maid/Butler is supposed to be this secret bodyguard that can use staves, and this is a not-so-secret bodyguard that can use staves.

    More mages, because why not.


    Dark Priest

    A Nohrian priest who worships Nohr's Dusk Dragon.

    fefates-icon-staff.png C

    Ambiguous gender

    Promotes to Sorcerer or Dark Bishop (see below)


    HP: 35

    Str: 17

    Mag: 23

    Skl: 21

    Spd: 20

    Lck: 18

    Def: 17

    Res: 19


    fe15skill_164.png Dark Prayer (Lv. 1): During combat with this unit, enemy's Crit -10

    fe15skill_152.png Misfortune and Sin (Lv. 10): If this unit misses their attack, then Crit +5 during the next combat session with this unit.

    Dark Bishop

    A talented priest and mage who heals with Staves and hurts with Tomes.

    fefates-icon-tome.png A* fefates-icon-staff.png B

    *Includes dark magic.

    Ambiguous gender


    HP: 45

    Str: 24

    Mag: 34

    Skl: 31

    Spd: 32

    Lck: 25

    Def: 26

    Res: 27


    fe15skill_145.png Sacrifice (Lv. 5): If this unit defeats an enemy, then all units within 2 spaces recover up to 10% HP.

    fe15skill_144.png Staffbreaker (Lv. 15): If unit is targeted with an offensive staff, attacker's Hit -50.

    I love these classes, very interesting to have a more evil healer. Nothing productive to say here.

  11. I've been meaning to add alternate promotion options to my classes for some time now, but I've never gotten around to it. Luckily with this one I can hit two birds with one stone.


    Leaders who have risen through the ranks of the army. Uses both the soldier's lance, and the weapons of nobility.

    Promoted Class

    Promotes From: Soldier/Spellsword

    Highest Attributes: None

    Lowest Attributes: None


    At Ease Soldier- Every allied unit within three tiles of the Officer gains +4 to their lowest stat.

    I've Got Your Back- If an allied unit is about to receive a fatal attack and the Officer is a part of the combat (Allied Unit's Luck+Officer's Luck/2)% chance of the Officer blocking the attack. Can take effect while in attack stance.

    Maximum Weapon Ranks: fefates-icon-lance.pngA fefates-icon-sword.pngB fefates-icon-tome.pngB

  12. I guess we know now where Shara gets her stalking from. He must have actually watched Takumi sleep, to find out about the nightmares.

    Oh god...That's perfect material for one of these comics. I'd love to see one that deals with exactly how he finds out everything about these people.

    Up until now I'd always assumed it was Corrin writing those reports. Considering how odd he was, and his naivete it always made sense that way. Now though...

  13. @Honey Bunny - You know, given that the iconic image of a pirate to my knowledge is an individual with a Cutlass and a Pistol, I just have to say that Pirates + Axes in RPG's always throws me for a loop. That said I understand why this is the case. We have no shortage of class options in RPG's that can logically wield swords. Axes meanwhile tend to have a smaller pool. And axes aren't entirely nonsensical for pirates. Pirates used Boarding Axes after all(well most naval fighters who could potentially end up in a boarding action did). In addition the Viking raiders, which serve as inspiration for berserker type classes, were sea born raiders which is effectively what a pirate is. And of course if you image search viking you are going to see a lot with axes.

    So yeah I get it, game balance and it is even historically inspired. Still I prefer to call the Axe 'Pirates' Raiders or something. Particularly if they have no water based skills, which thankfully you avoided doing.

    As for the weapon rank issue. given that it seems a lot of folks are more than happy using forged irons as their mainstay weapon I doubt a low weapon rank is too inhibiting. I mean with a B rank max you are only giving up Brave Axe, Venge Club, and the S rank Aurgelmir. The bigger hit would be your triangle advantage loss. B -> S is a decent amount of lost hit when you are advantaged and Axe wielders need every point of hit they can get. Still depending on how much higher that stats were in skill you could easily make that up. That said Berserker is a moderately high skill class so even a Very high skill class would only have a few points on them. Not enough to reverse the advantage bonus. That said the skill boosted hit would always be effective where as Triangle hit would only be good against lances and hidden weapons.

    Ah, I get what you mean about pirates wielding swords and such, but the reason I made the class wield axes was because Pirates in older Fire Emblems wielded axes. Specifically Ross, a favorite character of mine, became a very badass pirate. To a certain extent it's a bit of a love letter that was the badassery of Ross, thus the extremely high stats. Personally I'd actually have pirates wield hidden weapons because they were not known for being kind, but I find certain charm in a seafaring axe user.

    Would D->C weapon rank be right then? Looking at that rank progression seems like it'd be too much of a hindrance to me.

  14. Pirate

    A seafaring combatant who fights using axes.

    Base Class

    Highest Attributes: Str., Def., Spd., Skl.

    Lowest Attributes: Mag., Res.


    Sea Legs- This unit can walk over water, and cannot be hindered by it in any way. In addition they have +5 Hit/Crit. when within two spaces of water, and +15 Hit/Crit when on a water tile.

    Sea Shanty- You may now select the Shanty action. Shanty restores 20% health on land and 30% health on water.

    Maximum Weapon Ranks: fefates-icon-axe.pngC

    (This class was meant to have good stats but be balanced by it's awful weapon rank. I'm not sure if that would actually work)


    A seasoned seadog who's skilled at tearing foes apart.

    Promoted Class

    Promotes From: Pirate

    Highest Attributes: Str., Def., Spd., Skl.

    Lowest Attributes: Mag., Res.


    Iocaine Resistance- Halve all debuff effects from hidden weapons. Poison Strike no longer affects you.

    Overwhelm- When you would normally double attack an enemy gain 3 attacks instead.

    Maximum Weapon Ranks: fefates-icon-axe.pngB

  15. Here is some stats to compare for a Silver Sword and Silver Shuriken. The Shuriken has 2 less might, and 5 less hit rate but gives +2 speed, can attack at 1-2 range with no penalties and drops the enemy's speed/defense/resistance by 4. Hidden weapons are not that weak and their benefits are crazy. Not to mention Master Ninja having high speed and avoid, and possibly having Poison Strike, Lunge or Inevitable End(the horror).

    Heh, guess this goes to show I was right to be confused on Master Ninjas having swords. Honestly, it looks like it'd be fine if you just added a Str. debuff. Perhaps getting more severe the better the Shuriken is? Starts at -2 Str. for Brass Shuriken, and ends up at -8 Str. with Silver Shuriken.

  16. Revenant

    A human who's love of carnage has turned them into a monster.

    Special Class

    Highest Attributes: Strength, Defence, Resistance

    Lowest Attributes: Magic, Speed


    Monstrous Surge- Gain Surge command. Surge increases Str./Skl./Spd. by 5, but monster weakness is doubled (Monster bonus damage is x6 instead of x3). lvl. 1

    Cull The Weak- When an enemy's attack deals no damage to you deal +5 damage on your next attack. This bonus stacks. lvl. 10

    No Mercy- If you attack an enemy in guard stance and kill them gain an extra attack action. lvl. 25

    Rapacious Surge- Surge gives an additional +5 bonus to Str./Skl./Spd., and gain a +5 bonus to Def./Res. lvl. 35

    Maximum Weapon Ranks: fefates-icon-sword.pngS fefates-icon-axe.pngS fefates-icon-lance.pngS

    Types: Monster

    [spoiler=Armor Design]


  17. Heart seals are in the base level rod shop

    I can't believe I missed that...holy god I feel dumb. Thanks dude.

    I'm glad I thought of it then!

    Yeah, I'm always afraid to start threads like this. Thanks person of undisclosed gender.

  18. Hmm...I might just end up making a whole custom lord system...God, threads like these really get the juices going.


    One who uses both martial and magical weaponry. While not great at any one stat, has the greatest options of any class.

    Base Class

    Highest Attribute: None

    Lowest Attribute: None


    Always Prepared- While wielding a sword gain +2 Resistance. While wielding a tome gain +2 Defence. lvl. 1

    Arcane Toughness- (Skill+Luck)/2 % Chance of adding one half of your Res./Def. when it wouldn't normally apply. lvl. 10

    Maximum Weapon Ranks: fefates-icon-sword.pngB fefates-icon-tome.pngB


    Well versed in the nobler weapons, Warlocks add a certain finesse to a Spellsword's style.

    Promotes From: Spellsword.

    Highest Attributes: Skill, Speed

    Lowest Attribute: None


    Parry- (Skill+Luck)/4 % Chance of negating enemy attack and reflecting half damage on them. lvl. 5

    Veteran Scholar- If an enemy initiates an attack during enemy phase, initiating an attack on the same foe in player phase will grant you +4 Skill and Luck during that fight. lvl. 15

    Maximum Weapon Ranks: fefates-icon-sword.pngA fefates-icon-tome.pngA

    I'd like to do that cool armor design thing that NekoKnight is doing, but I'm too lazy to search for an image that fits each class.

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