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Acacia Sgt

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Status Updates posted by Acacia Sgt

  1. Y tu, ¿que habrías hecho?

    1. itzcoatl


      Un chingo de otras cosas mejor que el :V

    2. Acacia Sgt
  2. Not really hopeful for 2017, but who knows.

  3. The question we should be asking isn't "Are we?", but rather, "By how much?"

  4. Happy Birthday!

    1. TheEnd


      Thanks! (I saw that btw)

  5. One week isn't enough for Summer Holidays.

  6. ¿Quién soy yo, para negar mi próxima muerte?

  7. I so like researching...

  8. Waiting for Saturday.

  9. Frustration. Frustration that I am frustrated. Frustrated that being frustrated gives me frustration. Why can't I just get over things that bother me...

  10. Why can't I forget stuff I'd rather forget... and remember stuff I'd rather remember...

  11. Happy Birthday!

    1. Rei Rei

      Rei Rei

      Thank you Acacia!

  12. Happy Birthday!

  13. Still alive. What else is there to say.

    1. Daiya


      Or are you?

    2. Acacia Sgt

      Acacia Sgt

      Maybe I simply am, rather than be.

  14. It can't be erased... it can't be taken back... apologizing won't remove it... IT WONT GO AWAY IT CANT GO AWAY IT WILL REMAIN FOREVER THERE

  15. ¿En mi mente? ¡Por supuesto que nada serio! Que te dio esa idea...

  16. Un día de estos... un día de estos... ¿estos que? Ya quisiera saber...

  17. Would you consider "equality" as having to be the same, or having the same to be?

  18. The feeling of being teared apart from the inside.

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