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Acacia Sgt

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Everything posted by Acacia Sgt

  1. Okay, time for the Mana Fortress! Let's end this!
  2. Actually, they already removed it in the European version of the original NGC release.
  3. Damn fascists appropriating the Roman Salute. This ain't new, sadly. Changing the salute goes far back.
  4. Takes place between the first one and The 2nd Runner. It's a gaiden game, pretty much.
  5. Oh, it's now on the cards, huh. Well, I would certainly say to go for it.
  6. Well, it was no doubt named after the concept. The game also has a town named Mandala.
  7. Phew, man, that sure was a long run. Random subway train was random, haha. Though I understand is to represent the "lost civilization" aspect of how the world previously got sundered due to the clash between the Mana Beast and the Mana Fortress, bad use of Mana, and all that stuff. Okay, it's off to the Pure Land now... but that's for next time.
  8. Alright, time to go through the Mana Palace.
  9. Wasn't changing equipped weapons/shields a free action anyway? Wouldn't have made much of a difference... Unless I'm mixing it up with Dragon Quest. In those you could change equipment mid-battle (at least in the early games for sure) without consequence.
  10. Well, they still did a two year delay in a way. Game was finished in 2021, but then withheld it because of Three Hopes.
  11. If the final boss ain't a giant octopus witch, we riot. Poor unfortunate souls...
  12. To be fair, if it wasn't for the pandemic, it may have come out in 2020 in time for the 30th anniversary as originally planned. Anyway, what I'd hope for the 35th anniversary... hmm... I can only hope the botched way the 30th one came out for didn't sour them on trying to do more anniversary stuff.
  13. Okay, reached the Mana Palace, and got all eight magics. If only there was a faster/easier way to max out magic levels... ah well. Will continue tomorrow.
  14. Ah, well, that is actually a big plot point of the game. Well, it certainly tackles themes, alright. What with the "New Yevon vs Youth League" secondary plotline and all.
  15. Dude, one of them is his granddaughter! Yeah, story-wise, they do "job change" in cutscenes and the like, but it's still the same principle. Need to transform via shard/sphere. I think that was also among my first FF's too, heh.
  16. Also, no joke, X-2 was my first FF game. It was an appeal, alright. XD Though admittedly I was there first for "the world Tidus and Wakka who I saw in KH came from". Then stayed for... well, you know... lol
  17. I'm pretty sure Bartz was Charlie. Now that you mention it, X-2 and V do have the class jobs work as a "they transform into their classes only in battle", unlike III. Also, the jobs in V were in crystal shards, while X-2 had them in Spheres. So that's also quite similar too. You got me there with the minigames, though, hahaha.
  18. Well, not entirely. There is still a form of ATB where many abilities, such as magic, still rely on it to be able to be used. So it's more of a hybrid action/ATB system, which in itself is an evolution of what XII began. As it is, FF has used ATB for a long time. Past IX they did started to get creative with it, but ATB had always existed in some form since its inception.
  19. X revisited turn based, at least. Though more as going individually than having everyone act at the "same" time.
  20. I'm gonna guess they also wanted some old school gameplay, not just the setting?
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