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Elibean Spaceman

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Everything posted by Elibean Spaceman

  1. When I first saw Eliwood, I thought he was Roy. Though to be fair, it was my first time playing FE7 and I haven't played FE6 at the time.
  2. I did actually think that Marx would be the main antagonist (or at the very least, one of them) when they announced the game.
  3. I don't think Severa is half bad. I'd probably like her as a unit. I don't know, since aside from playing the demo, I have yet to play FE13.
  4. This is probably going to be a stupid question, I know, but how do you patch FE4? I'm going to be playing that and FE5 after finishing gen one of the former after I finish playing FE8 and FE12, but I'm not sure how to patch it. And I guess while I'm at it, how do you patch FE2?
  5. I'm... just... I'm jacked up right now. I know it's going to be M rated, but still... Atlus, I don't hate you for this, and a lot of your games are rated M. but c'mon.
  6. In fact, if they do add in a story mode, It could be a DLC.
  7. Well, I was talking about fire emblem games, but yeah. Him too.
  8. Here's a thread that I wanted to post yesderday. I've thought if there was a story mode in the new smash games, what would the plot be? Would Tabuu make a return? Would Master Core be the main antagonist? What do you guys think?
  9. I voted for Leif to be in smash. We could use a bit more characters from games that weren't released outside japan. Roy is the only one, and even so, he's not even in smash in anyway. And I have heard that Leif was originally going to be in Melee, too.
  10. Camilla fits Lust well right now. I guess she could probably considered the Ms. Fanservice of the game, we don't know.
  11. Sage Lillina: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=32584128 Tharja: http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/942208-fire-emblem Inigo and Nah: http://tea-and-dreams.deviantart.com/art/Nah-and-the-boys-pt-3-361194643 Wedding Dress Cordelia: http://kid-shiro.deviantart.com/art/Wedding-Bells-Cordelia-512982233?q=gallery%3AHQ-Emblem%2F38219157&qo=1 Lyn: http://finalx001.deviantart.com/art/Lyn-the-Girl-from-the-Plains-521354580 Any places where I can find more art?
  12. Bartre and Karel because they're playable in FE7 too.
  13. Eh, I don't really know. Doubly so since I have yet to play Gaiden.
  14. I don't actually see any SMT or FE, aside from a few lookalikes from the latter. Tiki (or at the very least, a lookalike) appears at 0:54, A girl that looks like Lyn appears at 1:07, The girl at the end mimics Caeda, having some sort of lance, blue hair (though it's darker), and some sort of robotic pegasus. and the guy at 0:32 looks like Gangrel. Not sure about SMT, never played 'em.
  15. Saw the trailer yesderday. If I do get this game, I'm probably gonna love move it even more than FE10. Or any game in general. Can't freaking wait.
  16. Well hey, I didn't for this thread to be negative. It was just a april fools joke. It's april fools, let people have some fun. Seriously, the poll was unnecessary anyway. I'm just hoping this thread is removed from the site, or at the very least locked.
  17. Woah, woah. It was just an april fools joke. I didn't think I'd have some negative posts, yeesh.
  18. I really didn't intend on this thread to have an argument about Ike, let alone an argument about someone else.
  19. All I care about is new info on FE14 and SMTXFE. And maybe a new pokemon game while they're at it.
  20. Uh, how did this turn from a 'who is your least favorite character' thread to an arguement regarding FE10 Ike?
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