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Elibean Spaceman

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Everything posted by Elibean Spaceman

  1. For me, It's Toradora. Nice anime, other than some of the fanservice.
  2. Time for more art! Greil Mercenaries: http://ashikai.deviantart.com/art/FE-Greil-Mercenaries-263776551 Geoffrey and Elincia: http://kiu227.deviantart.com/art/FE9-10-Dancing-193573474 Another Geoffrey and Elincia: http://ashikai.deviantart.com/art/A-Queen-and-Her-Knight-213308985 Leanne and Naesala: http://kiu227.deviantart.com/art/FE9-10-Santa-Exchange-mmh-189772238 Oscar, Zihark, and Boyd cooking: http://ashikai.deviantart.com/art/FE9-Cooking-stuff-277878819 Greil and Petrine: http://ashikai.deviantart.com/art/You-ll-Not-Escape-Me-274888679 Lucina in a Dress: http://marthheroking.tumblr.com/post/112084043455 Edit: Here's a bonus. FE14 Girls (Minus Kazahana): http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48248066
  3. Yep. No mention of Marcia, Mia, or Lethe right now.
  4. That Louise, man. That Louise.
  5. Those animatronics. Holy. Crap. They're creepier than they were before.
  6. Here's some more art. Mia and Titania: http://meibatsu.deviantart.com/art/Fire-Emblem-Titania-and-Mia-183080031 Sailor Moon and Fire Emblem Crossover: http://generalsnaz.deviantart.com/art/Sailor-Emblem-69675727 The many characters of FE9: http://amayamariesuta.deviantart.com/art/Fire-Emblem-PoR-Group-Shot-119051937 Fire Emblem Protagonists: http://ashikai.deviantart.com/art/All-the-Fire-Emblem-Protagonists-474664362 FE13 Lyn: http://lehoangvu639.deviantart.com/art/Lyn-Fire-Emblem-Awakening-502187806
  7. I was playing FE7 recently, and I arena abused my units to about level 6 promoted in FFO. Then at that point on the game was easy. The final chapter was pretty easy, too.
  8. Gaiden does look like a cool game. I haven't played it yet, though.
  9. Meh, I'm fine with my 2DS. The roms are probably hard to find anyway.
  10. I don't see how the units in the first generation are bad. Lex isn't useless either. Then again, I've only finished the prologue of this game
  11. Is at a house of someone that isn't real.
  12. Likes one of the hardest Fire Emblem games.
  13. Yep. This topic appeared to be much more popular then I thought it would.
  14. Hm. Thanks for the answers. I guess this thread should be locked now.
  15. Yep. And yet a lot of people say that he's either descended from a orphan or Boyd and Mist.
  16. I've been wondering, when would Gaiden take place in Marth's time? I don't think it would before FE1/FE11, but perhaps between either Shadow Dragon and Mystery, or after Mystery. What do you guys think?
  17. He is? Well, no wonder Chrom is also able to use Tyrfing!
  18. Found some more art. Dancer Girl: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48273224 Chris, Marth, and Katarina: http://emblem-art.tumblr.com/post/16563098947/pixiv-id-15491295-member Janaff and Lucia: http://emblem-art.tumblr.com/post/54664766777/by-eggtart Lucina: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48737446 Sumia: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=43494451 Ced and Teeny: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=15797778
  19. To be honest, I don't like Ike/Soren. If anything I'd just ship him with some laguz girl.
  20. Oh, I see. Freaking Sara, trying to copy Deirdre and Julia's looks.
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