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Everything posted by Selah

  1. I think some people get tired of the blatant fanservice simply because it doesn't make any since, especially in this context. You're wearing a suit of armor, etc. yet you're leaving part of you exposed. I think it's more that and not that people find it offensive.
  2. I'd like to see the game have more difficulty and different win conditions. Lunatic+ was quite silly in my opinion, and I'd like Lunatic to be harder in certain aspects but not need someone like Frederick to carry your units.
  3. Normally if I feel like that I try to create something, or do something that will last and help others.
  4. First game was FE7. My grandmother randomly bought it for my brother for Christmas the year it was released. I didn't really like most of the pre promote units with the exception of Jaffar so there wasn't much exp wasted, although I did lose a couple units in my first playthrough, and it took me forever to figure out how to get Raven. For the longest time I thought he was unrecruitable.
  5. Not sure who I want to pair my male MU with for my next Lunatic Classic playthrough. If this wasn't Lunatic I would probably pair him with Aversa for a shadowgift sage, but I'd rather have him get supports early. I don't really want a defense based Morgan because I take that route pretty much every game, so what would you guys recommend? I also never optimize for galeforce so that doesn't need to factor in anywhere.
  6. I didn't think anybody actually cared that much about what is canon and what isn't to actually get upset about it. I mean the game is meant to be played in a way where you can choose people's relationships so I never really cared or was concerned about certain pairings being canon or not.
  7. I recently downloaded it on the Wii U E-Shop so I've been playing it again as well!
  8. Nice to meet you! I see we have the same favourite FE Title. FE7 master race.
  9. Not sure who I want to pair him with is the problem. If this wasn't Lunatic I would probably pair him with Aversa for a shadowgift sage, but I'd rather have him get supports early. I don't really want a defense based Morgan because I take that route pretty much every game, so what would you guys recommend? I also never optimize for galeforce so that doesn't need to factor in anywhere.
  10. Currently grinding in Lunatic Classic and Normal Casual.
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