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Mikey Séregon

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Everything posted by Mikey Séregon

  1. I knew that, but I already reached the top, if the top is FF of course.
  2. Ok, I need opinions about these BBG: In order: Plains, Forest, Village Mountain, Peak, Castle Hallway Fort, Fort (Different palette), Throne Room Village Destroyed? (I haven't found a better image...), Plains and Forest (Afternoon palette)
  3. Really? I didn't know XD
  4. Turtles, Turtles Everywhere! XD Those animation look very awesome, it's really a shame that I ran out of slots for custom animations in my hack X( Yeah, that really surprised me.
  5. That worked! Thanks! Support conversations... I haven't changed them yet XD
  6. No, it's inside the box: I'm trying to avoid that XD
  7. The first: I'm changing the BBG of my hack, I everything goes well except for this: And apparently is just with that BG, because with others doesn't occur the problem: The Second: How can I change the position of the faces in the stats window? Because I have this problem with Florina: And I don't want to change the slot because that means that I have to reassemble almost 15+ chapters... I don't want >_> And the last one: I know that this problem already have a solution, is the Weapon Icon issue, but I can't find the fixing patch... can someone give me the link? Please...
  8. Yeah, that was the first that I made, plus I'm bad with design things... I'll try to improve it.
  9. New Battle Backgrounds: All from FF series. It's a shame that these backgrounds were added after the FEE3 submission... Well, if everything goes well, these BBG will be available in the next demo.
  10. *Watches the video* Less than 1 sec about my hack... It's something XD Well, I'm waiting to see more about all the projects, especially the Arch and MK404's ones.
  11. Not yet, but I'm thinking about asking TBA to use his FE10 Swordmaster to make his own animation (With long hair)
  12. Well, I haven't update this post in a while... But I don't have any interesting to show (because this hack will be showcased in the FEE3 (?)) Meanwhile I'll show some custom sprites: From left to right: Risha, Saon, Luzan (These three are Thar's enemies), Sora (I'm still working on it), Othin, Thar (Promoted), Celice (Promoted), Eirika (Promoted w/Sieglinde) and Ephraim (Promoted w/Siegmund) Credits: Darwing (From FEWoD) - Thar and Luzan. Luzan - Risha, Saon, Othin, Celice, Eirika and Ephraim. Me - Sora. Special Thanks to Lumi/Luminescent Blade for Saon base sprite. But I haven't coded most of them due my lack of time... And Ephraim and Eirika will have a secondary weapon when they promote. Also, I revamped the Ch. 19 (Ch. 16x in FE7) and now all enemies are woman: That's all for the moment, I'll release the demo a few days after the FEE3.
  13. Female Pirate Download Credits to Sploder for the sprites.
  14. Patch sent. Now I'll go to sleep -w-
  15. [0xF,0x3,0x9,0x20], I used this AI with a unit with Physic, 0xF is the parameter to heal, 0x3 and 0x20 is for stand still and 0x9... I'm not sure what it does, but apparently is used along with the healing AI. So, [0xF,0x0,0x9,0x0] should work.
  16. Now I know how kinda ASM works... more or less XD, but I thought those patches had data that were placed in somewhere and then it was used by repointing offsets... I was wrong XD So, there's no problem in apply them, right?
  17. I want to apply the "Enemy Luck", "Status Effect to Weaponry" and "Personal Music" to my hack and my question is: Do these patches overwrite a lot of data? And if they do, in which offsets do they put the data? Also, is it possible to repoint the offsets to don't overwrite other data and how to do it?
  18. I tried the program in other PC with W7... It works perfectly... Now I have to figure out what is wrong with my PC. Thanks for the help.
  19. I just open the program, click on the button, and when the name of the midi appear in the program it shows the error... I've tried with different midis, even with midis that are already included in the hack. I haven't tried yet... No. I didn't rename the folder when I had XP and it worked normally.
  20. I downloaded the program from FEShrine, and apparently it's the only source XD, because in other forums (Most of them PKM Hacking related) have links to FEShrine... Anyways, looks like I have to use other PC.
  21. No... that doesn't work... It shows me this error:
  22. Is there a version that works on W7? Since I changed the OS, it doesn't work... Or there is a way to make it work on W7?
  23. Lilina Mage: Download What is the difference with the original? - Rearranged colors. - It can be used along with the other Female Mage Animation. No permission is needed to use it.
  24. Fixed. I forgot that XD Well, 4 request left.
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