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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. There are 6 shared chapters so you'd pick casual or classic before the route split. I don't see why they'd arbitrarily remove casual on one game. Why would they be happy with selling just Hoshido to casual players when they could sell Nohr to casual players as well?
  2. I think Pokemon as it is, is already a pretty close analogue to casual Fire Emblem. If your Pokemon faint, they are unavailable for the remainder of the area you are in, unless you return to town. It would be a pretty shitty game if Nuzlock runs were the standard mode of play. I've never heard a single person argue that classic shouldn't be in the game or that casual is the proper way to play Fire Emblem (unlike so many others here who argue the opposite) so I'm not concerned about classic ever being removed.
  3. It's not like Marx or Ryoma has a real choice. The armies are assembled and the battle is set to happen no matter who Kamui sides with. It's not like Marx or Ryoma can say "Well, this has been a very emotionally draining encounter. Everyone go home! The invasion starts tomorrow!" I expect that defeating anyone of the family you don't choose will just cause them to retreat.
  4. This is exactly how it was implemented in Valkyria Chronicles, as I mentioned earlier. If your character lost all of their HP, they were knocked unconscious and needed to be rescued within 3 turns or they would die. Furthermore, if an enemy unit walked up to the downed character, it would instantly kill them. This generally only happened when there weren't any other allies close by (if there were, the enemy would be focused on shooting them instead) so it wasn't too punishing. I think casual mode is good for players that want a low-stress environment but if a compromise could be made to allow that but also maintain the gravity of potential casualties, it would be best.
  5. If Kamui starts on the "evil" team, maybe his promotion will reflect a moral change of character. Granted, he'd have the same class whether he was with Hoshido or Nohr but in the early Nohr campaign you might be involved in some dickery vs Hoshido before you turn your attention to more noble goals.
  6. I endorse this idea. Another idea is to have a limited number of turns to revive them before they really die, such as it was implemented in Valkyria Chronicles.
  7. I think Dark Lord has some overly insidious connotations for a character who is fighting for justice, be in internal reform or defending a country against invasion. Sauron was misunderstood!
  8. My question is, will Kamui be a Dark Prince(ss) if s/he joins Hoshido?
  9. I didn't know they were reprinting FE10, cool. What is this Ambassador Program you speak of? I'm still convinced that the bulk of new sales will come from Awakening and post-Awakening games, not the games from before. The problem with this debate is the tendency for people to believe that players are monolithic. People like you think that casual will ruin the expectations of new FE fans and be unable to appreciate titles in the series without casual. I think players who refuse to play on classic were never the type to get involved in Fire Emblem classic to begin with so casual really is the only way to keep them interested.
  10. IS doesn't need to encourage people to play older Fire Emblem games because they're not being sold (as much) anymore. IS is and should be focused on making FE14 and subsequent titles enjoyable for a large audience (made larger by the inclusion of such things like Casual). Bolded: That's exactly what casual mode can be to some players. Something to ease them into the "true" Fire Emblem experience. Underlined: I hate to be overly hostile but this is another bad idea. If you want to add greater incentives (like bonus chapters or items) for classic, good! But you don't punish people for choosing the easy mode. It's there for people who don't like the pressure.
  11. Your idea of Casual mode being unlockable is absurd. Make the easier difficulty setting unlockable? Now your stance is "Okay, casual mode can be included BUT it has to be used the way I used it!" Maybe some people will develop this "Casual Mode Stigma" and never play classic. So what? Maybe a lot of people with fringe interest in the genre will start with casual and level up to classic. The point is, they are all playing and enjoying Fire Emblem.
  12. Your argument would be valid if casual replaced classic but since it's optional, everyone has the chance to get something they want, if the series continues. What you're saying is like going to a party and saying "I've had enough cake. No one should get any more cake unless it's the kind of cake I like, because I don't care if the party ends and there is no more cake." That does sound douche-y and unsympathetic By your own admission, you got sick of classic and switched to casual for Awakening. And then you switched back to classic when you understood the value it gave to the game. But later you say "we're preventing others from experiencing, learning and growing as tacticians". Huh? That didn't stop you, apparently. How exactly is someone prevented from becoming a better player by an optional mode? And stop talking about grinding. That is not at all intrinsic to the inclusion of casual.
  13. To add onto this, even if Fire Emblem would survive without casual mode, who knows how much better it could do with it? Wouldn't people love to see another console Fire Emblem game? If Fire Emblem remained a super niche series, you'd never get one. Awakening's popularity (probably boosted considerably by casual gamers) evidently lead to FE14 having a much more ambitious design. We got 4 characters in Smash, guys! Who could even imagine such a thing before?
  14. Haha, oh come now! This is a response tailor made to represent your specific views in this thread and not how anyone should describe Fire Emblem. Are you not going to mention strategy for this strategy game? FE14 is already setting itself up as having to make some heart rending choices. But maybe it's just a "grand adventure"for Kamui and friends, because casual is a thing now, right?
  15. >Equating casual mode to rape Tee hee
  16. The difficulty of Dark Souls is far more tied to the identity of the game than permadeath is for Fire Emblem. The tagline of the game is "Prepare to Die". It's expected that the game will be difficult and including an easy mode would fly directly in the face of that. I do think permadeath is part of what makes Fire Emblem what it is, which is why I always play classic, but casual mode is hardly contrary to the very spirit of the game. If someone asked you to explain, in one sentence, what is the core of the Fire Emblem experience, would you really say 'permadeath'? I would describe it as gathering a large diversified cast and strategically using different unit types to defeat the enemy.
  17. Umm, even though I support the inclusion of casual mode, giving Dark Souls an easy mode really would be crossing the line. Dark Souls' brutal difficulty is very much a part of the intended experience and atmosphere.
  18. Fair enough. I really need to play Radiant Dawn again. I was trying to refresh my knowledge of the story and Micaiah's involvement in it but the wiki is unusually sparse on details. In regards to the spoilers... I won't speak any more on Micaiah beyond that I still enjoyed her character (particularly her relationship with Sothe). I do hope Kamui is given some depth, even if it's unlikely as a self-insert character. I hope they play up Kamui being torn between two worlds so he doesn't really belong to either of them.
  19. I don't think Path of Radiance really needed to foreshadow her. Micaiah didn't know about her true identity before Radiant Dawn nor did she have a reason to be involved with the plot until Begnion occupied Daein. It's a new game and new games get new characters. Although not named specifically, Sothe does tell Ike that he's been searching for Micaiah so there IS some foreshadowing going on, however minor. Ike's humbleness is one of his selling points, I agree, but Micaiah also has shades of this as well. As I mentioned before, Micaiah comes from (as far as she is aware anyway) humble origins and rises up to free her country from oppression, while not desiring glory or power for herself. She often puts herself at risk (literally in the case of Sacrifice) just to save as many lives as possible. Micaiah indeed has a long list of special qualities, more than Ike, but they aren't even unique to her. [spoiler= Radiant Dawn Character Spoilers] Micaiah is a powerful mage, gifted tactician and well as a Branded with a very exotic heritage. So is Soren. Micaiah can see glimpses of the future and hear the voice of the goddess. That's standard for Begnion Apostles. Sanaki would have those powers too if she were the firstborn. I don't think she needed ALL of those traits, particularly the revelation about her true identity, but I don't think the story is made worse for it. I don't see how you can say the story centers on Micaiah. As I explained, she gets to be in charge of one portion of the story and after that she is at the mercy of the plot. She's forced into the Laguz-Begnion war because of a stupid plot device and when she finally gets to stop being retarded, she's hijacked by Yune and it's Yune who moves the plot forward. Ike never loses his agency and gets to be the badass, morally flawless hero. I think I answered my original question. People like Ike but not Micaiah because in spite of their similarities, Micaiah was used and abused by the writers whereas Ike never fell from grace. If I could rewrite Radiant Dawn, I would get rid of all the blood-pact nonsense and ditch the post-part 1 story revelations for Micaiah because they're just clutter for what could have been an interesting and competent character. You mentioned before that you don't want Kamui to be another Micaiah. What did you mean by that?
  20. Did the story really serve her? Micaiah was the main character of the first part of the game, covering events that were incredibly minor compared to the significance of the story yet to unfold. Who was the main character after that? Ike. Micaiah stuck around to be handed idiot balls and conflict balls by the writers and occasionally to be the host for Yune. As far as "being too much of a special snowflake", I think this is an odd criticism for a main character. People become main characters BECAUSE they have things that set them apart from everyone else. This is my biggest point of contention. Micaiah has some Mary Sue traits but Ike has even more of them. Ike is loved by virtually everyone he meets, gets an extremely powerful sword and Aether, and even becomes the main character of Micaiah's game! You can't even beat the final boss without him. Despite all of this, Micaiah is frequently cited as one of the worst main characters and Ike as one of the best. Disclaimer, I don't dislike Ike nor do I love Micaiah, I just find the double-standards held by the fandom to be confusing. It's grating because IS actually gave us a main character that wasn't another blue haired swordsman, but they utilized her so poorly.
  21. Your recuperation mechanic sounds like a fair compromise, but the more often a unit dies, the harsher the penalty will be until it's no different than playing classic. If they have a penalty for the unit being defeated, I think it should be a flat rate of skipping one mission. If they miss too many missions, they'll be underleveled and unusable anyway,
  22. I never saw her that way. As far as the 'knight' classes go, it's pretty much a "boys club" with only Sully and her daughter being the exceptions. All of the female characters from Ylisse are either Pegasus riders (associated with feminine grace) or magic users. I don't personally enjoy "girl with the mouth of a sailor" characters but I don't think she was an out of context straw feminist. What do people dislike so much about Micaiah? She followed a pretty common Joan of Arc archtype for the section of the game focused on her and she only became a toolbag later on because of the stupidity of blood contracts. That's the fault of the story writers and less Micaiah's character. Personally I liked her for being one of the few people not to jump on Ike's dick, something she snarks about when Sothe is singing him praise.
  23. This. In anime-land, everyone over the age of 30 is officially in the veteran/mentor role. Most heroes do their first world saving before they graduate from high school. Ryoma and Marx both appear experienced and responsible (but not anime!old) so they are probably late 20's. Kamui looks young and inexperienced so 16 seems like a standard hero age. With that in mind your two imoutos are probably 12-14. As for the others: Dancina: 19 Camilla: 23 Blarth: 18 Felicia: 16 Other Maid: 17 Garon: 65+ Hinoka:19 Hoshido's Archer: 18 Kazahana: 16 Tsubaki: 24 Orochi: 26 Hoshido Ruler: 30 Purple Jeigan: 52 White Jeigan: 33 Rinka: 23 Saizo:27 Yet to be announced loli-dragon: 10,000
  24. Oh boy, it was only a matter of time before the "stop liking what I don't like" crowd showed up. As someone who has never played on casual and doesn't want grinding to be a big part of the game (never did arenas either) I can comfortably say that optional modes don't affect my enjoyment of the game.
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