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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I think the point Random Person was making was that it would be naive to think surrender should be the first option for a "peace loving nation" because your nation will still be lead to ruin. (what country are you from, btw?) "Speak softly and carry a big stick" You don't need to start conflicts, just have enough military strength to let your neighbors know you shouldn't be messed with.
  2. I envisioned a Miko class that used bows and lances (naginata) but this could be cool too.
  3. I guess? Fire Emblem is a strategy RPG so "slow and elaborate" seems par for the course. I'm not sure how these things "wouldn't work" in a console game. Do menus scare people that much? I loved all the stuff you could do in VC.
  4. You can have a big army and still be peace loving if it's for defense. Why do you think South Korea has forced military duty?
  5. I guess my question is, is being a manakete an ability or is it a part of being a species? If it's an ability, then both dragons and humans with dragon blood can be manaketes. If it's trait of the species, then only dragons are true manaketes. I guess it's a matter of perspective, is the dragon or the human the true form? Is Nah a dragon with her powers sealed in a dragon stone or a human with enough dragon blood to use a dragon stone? Interesting point on the longevity. I wonder if Kamui will outlive all his siblings because of his higher concentration of dragon blood.
  6. I'm thinking that Aqua was kidnapped (is it confirmed that she was kidnapped or merely that she is a Nohrian princess currently in Hoshido?) after Kamui was taken, possibly in retaliation for them taking Kamui and also to ensure an equal peace through possessing a hostage. If Aqua was kidnapped first, that would make their "peace loving" statement a flat out lie.
  7. It depends on how you define what a manakete is. If it's someone who can use a dragon stone to transform, then yes Kamui is one and his siblings are not. If it's a dragon (as in a species) that takes on a human form until they use a dragon stone, then Kamui is simply a human with "dragon blood". I'm not bothered by the distinction. Kamui is a manakete, in practice if not also in name. Question: If a Elibe, Magvel or Akaneia Manakete lost their ability to transform and was stuck in their human form, would they still be a manakete?
  8. Free demo of the first 6 missions? Yes please! Even if you couldn't transfer the save data to a retail copy, you still get to experience both Nohr and Hoshido and make an educated choice when paying up. It could draw in a lot of on the fence players too. Nintendo will never be this generous, however. Edit: I voted yes on the presumption there would still be the other versions available. I'd vote no if I can't get a hard copy of the game.
  9. What makes something a "PC-style game" and why would such things not work well in Fire Emblem?
  10. What kind of character is Kreia for us non Star Wars versed folks?
  11. I'm a little curious about how her being a reverse Kamui will be treated. Kamui is shown to be highly sought after by BOTH of his families and yet Aqua has hardly been given a mention. Did Nohr forget about her? Kamui is the most loved child in the world and Aqua is just awkwardly standing off to the side.
  12. I dunno, Sirens are often malevolent creatures in mythology so I don't think it would fit a hero...it must be foreshadowing! Because she's Nohr and you weren't raised with her, you can probably bone her.
  13. This is another reason I'm not overfond of the removal of durability. A lot of weapons/items are balanced around having low durability so without that limit, they just won't exist (or be annoying as fuck enemy only weapons, which is arguably worse than being completely removed).
  14. I'm guessing they're just fancy names for preexisting classes, just like Conqueror is basically a Great Knight, but I wouldn't be opposed to some new classes either. Maybe Camilla will be able to use dark magic after promoting? That would be neat. Light magic for promoted Pegasus Knights, please.
  15. How about Disarm? It will have a small chance of disarming an enemy allowing you to take their weapon.
  16. Canto for mounted and Shove for un-mounted Steal for Thieves Iote's Shield and Conquest as Tellius style scrolls Corrosion, all enemies in Lunatic have it.
  17. And yet many of the people in support of the removal of weapon durability say so because they felt they couldn't use their good weapons for fear of them breaking. But that's not possible, according to you, there is no item management past the first handful of chapters, right? Unless you are so familiar with the game to know where every item is sold (including the secret shops), know exactly how much of each item you'll need and when, and how much money you have to spend, you still feel the need to manage your items. Besides Awakening where you could buy any item you want at any time, I've never felt completely free to use all my weapons and that is a good thing. You only addressed my first point. How will they balance powerful weapons early on besides just not giving you them?
  18. I don't know what you've been playing because in games without grinding and free access to shops, item management and conservation is important in most titles. You need to think about what gear you need at any given time and how much funds you have to spare. Will you buy that Killing Edge now and blow most of your cash, or with you need that money later? Even if one had enough cash to buy everything they needed, the uncertainty and planning for what your characters need is welcome. How do we limit the use of unlimited weapons? Availability, you might say. So instead of having a limited use Killing Edge early on, I don't get a killing edge AT ALL until later game because it'd be too broken otherwise. When I have limited use weapons, I still have a reason to use weak weapons. Characters with unlimited weapons will get their Master Sword and never look back.
  19. Massive eyeroll for Fetus Mode but it's optional so I can't complain too much. Though for people who don't want to employ even a grain of strategy in this strategy game, I encourage them to, um, not play. Maybe the Fire Emblem of this game will be a Warp Whistle that maxes out the stats of all your characters and teleports you to the last level. I am very disappointed for the loss of weapon durability and it looks like another way to streamline the game and remove strategic depth. Even if they were to balance it around making weapons rarer, it would still be far less interesting. Are people thinking this through? Unlimited Killing Edges? Unlimited Brave Weapons? Making TMs unlimited in Pokemon was a positive development because most TMs couldn't be repurchased, and unlike trading weapons in Fire Emblem, only one Pokemon could learn a TM and then it was gone forever. I'm getting the urge to play Rekka again.
  20. It's rarely used as a name but it exists. It derived from an Ainu (people native to Japan's northern most islands and ethnically different to Japanese people) word that refers to various deities. They are similar to the 'Kami' of Japanese mythology.
  21. I think Aqua and Marx are likely to be changed. Marina and Marks/Marcus, perhaps. I think Kamui should stay the same to reflect his not!Japanese origin. Giving him a western name would defeat the purpose of his character. Kamui is a real name, Reflet isn't and sounds awkward as a name so it's appropriate that it was changed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc
  22. Considering Kamui's feet in his dragon form resemble fingers more than the traditional clawed foot, it could be that Kamui is not a true manakete and is just granted manakete powers. The dragon's colors match Kamui's outfit as well so methinks it's a unique magical transformation.
  23. The Well Dressed Man is Robin from the outrealm gate. Trust me, I'm from the internet.
  24. I haven't played the Future Past DLC but if its story is highly relevant to the main plot, maybe it should have been in the base game. They can put it in the base game and take out the spotpass paralogues.
  25. I understand and respect your position but I think we are running on different definitions of "the entirety of Kamui's story". To you and Arvilino, the story of Kamui is complete for each route because it has a beginning, middle and resolution. My definition of 'complete' is the sum total of all of Kamui's choices and their results. 'what if' only becomes significant when the other possibilities are explored. If I only played Hoshido, I'll have no idea about the civil conflict in Nohr. I'll never know if siding with neither was the most reasonable path for peace. You can call that complete but I call that missing 2/3 of the greater narrative. Yes, the stories are exclusive and can't exist together in a single canon but I still need to play them all to appreciate every angle of the Hoshido/Nohr conflict.
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