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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I could see Garon conquering Hoshido and installing a puppet regime (if not outright moving there because Nohr sounds like a shitty place to live) but Kamui isn't Garon and his campaign is about internal reform, not a land grab. Based on most FE games. Most games end with the protagonist going back to his homeland to rebuild with no mention of the fate of the enemy nation, other than hope the previous rulers' successors are more decent people. Radiant Dawn is the only game that comes to mind where a defeated enemy country was occupied after the war and even then, it wasn't done by the protagonist's country, it was the already imperialistic ally of theirs.
  2. You can't see why Kamui (or the player) would have reservations about murdering their own family? Winning a war against the enemy nation doesn't mean you're going to go on to be a ruthless dictator afterwards. Hoshido likely won't take over Nohr in their route and Nohr is going to be focused on internal reform, with Garon implied to be an antagonist for BOTH routes. No one is suggesting you should be able to be "bros4lyfe" with the family you betrayed but it's hardly inevitable that another war will break out unless you kill every last member of your family. Give peace a chance.
  3. Oboro is the most SEXUALLY GRATIFYING to me right now, but if she has an annoying character, I might have to retract that statement. Just kidding, Smugface will always have a place in my heart.
  4. What...? I mean... who... who does that? Surely no one on this board.
  5. Yes...YES! This man is saying what everyone is thinking! JothTheConqueror for President 2016
  6. I used the general 'you' to address why people in general are opposed to their friends dating their family. I'm just musing here, so these theories aren't directed at you in particular. In that case, I should probably stop quoting you. That was my plan all along.
  7. This is my thought. Marx and Ryoma are being hyped up as late game bosses, so there is no way they would just have them be low level prepromotes, recruited (for good) as early as chapter 6. The same could be said for the other main characters who show up in those chapters. I predict Camila/Hinoka and Elise/Sakura will be recruited fairly early on but the brothers will be saved for later. Evidence: we've seen the sisters in other screenshots (besides chapter 6) but none for any of the brothers. I can see this happening. Like the above, a number of powerful characters might stay out of your party for a length of the story before joining up again.
  8. There is no proof that Marx and Ryoma are even playable, let alone early recruits.
  9. Fair enough. I'm aware that in real life there is often awkwardness in these kinds of situations but it has more to do with one's own insecurities than a valid excuse for why you object to a pairing. Isn't it interesting that you (the general 'you') would get angry at your friend for dating your sister but not your sister dating your friend? Is it because you regard your family as property to be protected and not as people with their own hopes and desires? Is it that you don't want to acknowledge that your family members will also be having physical relationships with other people? To each their own, but I won't assign wrongness without greater context. For the record, my OTP is M!AvatarXCordelia so I don't have a stake in the matter.
  10. This is again from Shadow Dragon so maybe it's not relevant but some reclass options after promotion didn't have the natural base class to go with it. For example, some characters could reclass to General, even though Knight was never a reclass option before they promoted.
  11. Sorry for coming off as rude. I know you weren't really suggesting Robin x Lissa was on the same level as pedophilia but I couldn't resist making a snark. As for your last paragraph, I agree that you should consider your friend's feelings when choosing your dating partners but I do think it's something you should talk to them about. I only object to the "unspoken agreement" that you can't date your friend's family members on the grounds that it might make them uncomfortable. There is no inherit "dick move" to being romantically interested in your friend's family. If they wrote in something like "Lissa was in an emotionally vulnerable state and Chrom was unhappy with Robin making a move on her" then yes, it would be his duty as a friend to back off. Chrom didn't say anything about Robin getting married to Lucina or Lissa so I assumed he didn't mind (nor should the player).
  12. Or it could just be you get 3 reclassing options regardless of what your prepromote class was. Shadow Dragon did this, although the class sets were larger.
  13. Pardon me then. I always thought the notion of "unspoken rules of whom you're not allowed to date because not making your friends uncomfortable is a greater concern than your own feelings and that of the person who you're interested in." to be rather juvenile and limited to guys. But it's good to know dating your friend's sister is on the same tier as lolicon and incest, lol.
  14. I wasn't aware girls quoted the bro code or that there was a clause in it against dating the time traveling daughters of your bros. Are you okay with Robin x Lisa?
  15. Future Lucina and Baby Lucina are genetically the same but their relationship with Chrom is different. Chrom just met Future Lucina so they hardly have a father/daughter relationship. If I were Chrom, I wouldn't be overprotective of Robin daring Lucina because we're practically strangers. If you can marry Lisa without it being weird, why would Lucina be different? Lucina is old enough to make her own decisions, at any rate.
  16. Here's what a wrote in a similar thread. The general idea is, you can choose to spare or kill characters after fighting them but there will be pros and cons to each choice. Most of the oposite royal family will remain unrecruitable but you'll get benefits for keeping them alive. I don't think IS will have the balls to kill off many of the royals besides Ryoma and Marx.
  17. The difference between Phoenix mode (still don't like it) and a theoretical Ironman mode is you can choose to save over after losing characters but you can't choose to have auto-revive unless you play a special mode. If there were rewards from playing Ironman style, I would vouch for it, but as it stands IS doesn't want to give anything special to veteran players. I guess a LTC mode could be interesting to some players, but in my opinion, slapping time limits to everything would not enhance the experience.
  18. I think you missed the point on her characterization. She doesn't like being called perfect because people mistake her drive for personal improvement with arrogance. Her team mates mock her and are more critical of her because of her natural talents. So it's not "Aaagh! Why am I so awesome!?", it's "I'm bummed that my team mates dislike me, even though I didn't do anything to warrant it. "
  19. That could make for some interesting encounters. Every weapon hit against you would permanently (or at least for the rest of the level) reduce your weapon might, you would have to devise strategies where you kill them at range and/or allow people with shitty weapons to tank the hits.
  20. Isn't Seize basically just "Defeat the Boss" with the added step of having your lord stand somewhere? Why would you want an Ironman or LTC mode when those things are already available in the game? Nothing is stopping you from playing that way, and even if those modes were available, there wouldn't be any special rewards for beating them.
  21. People did like Cordelia but not for the reason that she has unrequited feelings for someone besides her husband.
  22. Wasn't that screenshot showing the "brave hero" explicitly talking about promotion? iirc it also had Nyx promoting to Sorcerer.
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