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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. You have Oboro listed in "unassigned" and if you want to include all the characters, you should add not!Inigo, Nishiki, Crimson and Asama to the unassigned list.
  2. Leak moar class information D:< Hm, if the subordinates are all unpromoted (so far) then Belka's Dragon Knight might be the base class to Revenant Knight. Is it actually confirmed that Camilla rides a wyvern? Last I heard, we only had a map sprite to tell so far.
  3. I want to see the fandom reaction to fedoras. It's doesn't have to be as demeaning as petting someone like an animal for it to be unnatural. Face touching is just a super intimate gesture, something I can only imagine happening between lovers or parents and young children. Unless Kamui is in a physical relationship with each and every member of his army (something fan artists are already working on, I'm sure), Kamui doesn't have the right to just start touching people, and realistically, they wouldn't allow it. People who don't find this creepy or unnatural should attempt it in real life and report the results. NekoKnight does not claim legal responsibility for your actions. Here's what they could do to fix Fire Emblem Amie. Save the skinship for S rank support level ONLY. I'm okay with physical intimacy when there is a relationship to support it but using touching as the standard for relationship building is absurd. These are supposed to be people, not Kamui's submissive play-things.
  4. Wouldn't that be Ron the Deatheater-style? Draco in leather pants is when fans ignore the villainous qualities of a character. Sorry for speaking in tvtropes.
  5. I imagine if they don't cut Fire Emblem Amie, a lot of characters are going to be retconned to 18 years old. That or block certain people from participating.
  6. Not the ruling monarch but married to him. She might not be making the big choices for the country, but if the country is stable and prosperous, she's in a pretty cushy position for the rest of her life. Arguably, that's even better than being the King. If her husband were a jerk and treating her poorly, I could imagine her plotting against him.
  7. I find it highly unlikely. If you're already married to the king, you don't really have that much higher to rise in society.
  8. Some of the effects are interesting but I feel like item management is an important element of the series. I predict that a number of weapons will be so good, regardless of their debuffs, that they will still be used the majority of the time. Silvers and Warrior Weapons on high defense units will be very powerful.
  9. Fair enough. I presume Elise and Sakura will available for Kamui's play room, but even if they aren't my criticisms still hold. The interactions are unatural and inappropriate.
  10. Sorry to beat on a dead horse but I find this increasingly unnerving. Kamui privately inviting his subordinates to his room for some sensual touching is creepy, but what's creepier is the way these 'people' respond. This isn't normal human behavior. It would have to be some really submissive roleplay for anyone to say "It is an honor to be directly touched by you". That's not genuine bonding, it's character worship. Degrading and unrealistic. It's not enough to say "It's optional,so ignore it." If touching below the belt were allowed, would people still say the same? There is no ambiguity here, this game is appealing to the fujos and otaku; people with unhealthy interests. It's a game where you can caress underage girls. AND THEY WILL LOVE YOU FOR IT. Gross.
  11. The first screenshot looks like it's in a desert. Nohr castle, perhaps? But it still has Japanese buildings in it.
  12. People were calling her not!Ninian before they knew about who Aqua was related to or that she had dragon powers. Ninian and Aqua have some thematic similarities, but they aren't literal copies of one another as it is with Severa and not!Severa. Beyond appearance, Aqua and Ninian likely have a very different role in the game as well as personality. I mean, it's possible that not!Severa will have a different personality but if she did, why not just make a brand new character? Like I said before, Awakening exists for people who liked Awakening characters.
  13. I can see them going with "My Castle Town" for the localization. In English, if you say "castle", most people only think of the castle keep so "Castle Town" is more descriptive and has the bonus of invoking Animal Crossing.
  14. I think people really play up the not!Ninian stuff. Their physical similarities are actually pretty minimal. Aqua has longer hair covering her face, a head-dress, leggings, a completely different dress, uses a lance and has a stern, determined expression. But she's a dancer and has blue hair so they must be the same, right? Just like Marth and Ike are the same, being blue haired sword users.
  15. New games deserve new characters. There is a game called Awakening for people who liked characters from Awakening. It's pretty shameful to say your game is set in a new world and then add literal carbon copies of characters from the last game.
  16. It's not just about vanity and everlasting life. Every time she sucks away their virgin power, Nohr loses a potential wizard. She's helping the war effort.
  17. Garon is Troll-Dad! I really want this scene to be the response to Kamui confronting Garon about murdering his father and kidnapping him. Problem, Kamui?
  18. I liked one idea that suggested she is the current timeline Severa from Awakening and was renamed by Cordelia. That said, the Outrealm Gate, if it's to be taken as canon, is an incredibly lame way of writing in characters from other universes. Like, fan-fiction bad.
  19. Maybe it has something to do with the level of the "player"? Like the player has a ranking for accomplishing stuff in the game and your whole team is marked by that level? Kind of weird to put it on the character themselves but it could explain the super low health. maybe maids are terrible units Being able to use two weapon types and having base movement of 6 as an unmounted unit certainly makes them sound like promoted units. All we know for certain is that Felicia and Joker can Parallel Seal into Strategist. Rod Knights might have their own promotions.
  20. Speculated, not confirmed yet. This is my guess. I don't think the game's length really suggests it being possible to reach lv40 promoted unless you grinded for a million years.
  21. Haha, if only. Isn't there some new system of purchasing defeated enemies you meet in My Castle? Catching and trading characters, just like Pokemon! OP was right!
  22. No, but given the length of the game is said to be the same as Awakening, I'm going to assume it's still 20.
  23. What is your explanation for Felicia promoting to level 40? Maids/Butlers must be different from standard promoted units.
  24. Anna has appeared in every title besides Gaiden, in some capacity. So no, not like Anna at all.
  25. With the screenshot of Felicia at level 40, it would appear Maids/Butlers are unique classes, more akin to Laguz than normal units. Which would indicate they aren't tied to Rod Knight afterall. This makes more sense, really.
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