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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. But weren't those people who knew Ike? I think that has more to do with personal loyalty and trust. The best excuse I can give for Hoshido characters wanting to side with Nohr!Kamui is them trying to neutralize the threat of Nohr by supporting a revolution. I find it doubtful that Hoshido characters will betray and attack their homeland besides Kamui because that would be a 'bad guy' thing to do. It's possible that, while Nohr is invading Hoshido, Kamui won't actually be personally in charge of attacks on it. So he and Hoshidans who side with him are still 'good guys' despite being on the 'bad guy side'.
  2. iirc, the debuffs given by Silvers are pretty minor (minus 2 strength and skill after the battle) so they will still do more damage than most weapons.
  3. What reason do most Hoshido characters have to join Nohr? Nohr is invading their country.
  4. I think it's telling that no one comments on the Outrealm gate after it's introduced to the player. I mean, it's a gate that links to the MULTIVERSE. No one is interested in that? No one wants to discuss the possibilities that come with infinite realities? People bring up Priam to say Tellius is linked to Awakening. Priam, the guy who shows up in the pre-finale paralogues. Those same paralogues that brought back a bunch of dead characters, who can't support with anyone besides the Avatar and Morgan. Have you ever raged so hard that the floor turned to lava?
  5. That was a confusing OP to read... To answer your question (I think), the world of FE14 is not set in Marth's world (as far as we know). There is no "main series" and most stories are fairly disconnected, even if they take place in the same world. And I'll let maggots consume me before I recognize the Outrealm gate as canon.
  6. For the unpromoted classes at least, all of the screen shots show 1 skill for those below level 10 (not including personal skills) and 2 for those above level 9. Felicia has 2 skills as a level 2.
  7. He appears in a screenshot on the E-shop for the FE14 pre-download. You can also see his battle sprite in an early Nohr screenshot.
  8. I'd prefer if they used another resource to unlock other skills (perhaps something acquired via My Castle). Let's say a level lv 5 Paladin Parallel Seals into a Sorcerer. By that point, you'd have 2 Cavalier skills and 1 Paladin skill. To get the 2 Dark Mage and 1 Sorcerer skills you missed, you'd need an X resource, for each skill you want to get. It would be like Heart Scales in Pokemon. I want grinding for skills gone, especially considering exp will be limited in Nohr.
  9. Wouldn't Aqua have Hoshido retainers, if any? And if Gunther is a retainer to Marx or Leon, why would he defect to Hoshido if Kamui does?
  10. Do we have two more Famitsu releases before the game hits the shelves? I'm hoping for more class information but I predict we'll get more info on supports and Kamui's sex dungeon room. Character Bio's I'm hoping for Nohr: Crimson, Blue Maid, Zero Hoshido: Asama, 3rd Pegasus Warrior, Nomad equivalent
  11. I'm guessing these characters are going to be the same as Awakening in all but name, They will probably drop vague hints about not being from Nohr but not directly state they are from the world of Awakening. If they are the present time loop children from Awakening (and even if they aren't) I hope they at least have unique personalities from their Awakening counterparts. They grew up to have the personalities they do in Awakening because Grima was victorious. Them having the exact same personality quirks and insecurities would be lame.
  12. True but it wouldn't hurt to change up your word usage a bit. "Cooperation is important in a fight. Let's work together in the next battle." But I understand if you were prioritizing speed over creativity. Just a little constructive criticism.
  13. "Fighting together is important. Let's fight together in the next fight!" Thanks Cyrus. Truly inspiring dialogue.
  14. You can invite them to your room to give them a hair cut. Hey, has anyone seen not!Inigo and not!Owain? No? Oh well, I guess they will be missing out on all these meat pies we recently acquired.
  15. Possibly, but multiple people had the hearts so... Kamui harem?
  16. POMF =3 Elise: Wah! What are we going to do on the bed, Oni-chan? Kamui: Increase our support rank.
  17. Oh spare me. You misappropriated the term weeaboo and I called you out on it. I'm not even going to bother addressing your other strawmen. Then we are in agreement that one can like certain parts of Japanese culture without obsessing over it. Fire Emblem isn't a "weaboo game" any more than pizza is a "food for gluttons".
  18. I don't think Nohr needs a shapeshifter but if they had one, a wolf or lion would be appropriate. It's not the hero Nohr needs right now.
  19. I've never heard "weaboo" used as anything other than a derogatory term. The problem is, this title is being bestowed upon people simply for liking Japanese culture and only them. Why? If I like French food and music, am I a "Francaboo"? Why should interest in other cultures be looked down upon? By attaching derogatory words to works because they might interest people with obsessive and superficial interests, you are just enabling pointless stigmas. It's suggesting that all people who like it are cut from the same cloth. As far as stuff like Hoshido not representing "real Japanese culture", let me rephrase it as "inspired by certain aspects of Japanese culture". You'd have to be a fool to think Japan is all about ninja and samurai, but you'd also be a fool to deny they are a part of Japanese history/culture.
  20. I want to see Oboro heckling the Nohrians who join on the Hoshido side "Western piggu go home!" I lot of games have had references to other non-western cultures, this game just happens to be the first that is strongly Japan-leaning for one side. Most Hoshido classes revealed so far have had western equivalents so it's not like these classes don't have a place in the series. This is a game made by Japanese people, for Japanese people, with western fans being secondary. Unless you are suggesting Japanese people can be weeaboos (I'm going to give a pass on Japanese people obsessively using Japanese words), the work itself has no inherit weeaboo properties. If it were made by westerners, for westerners, and fetishized/misrepresented Japan, then you would have a point. Hate the player, not the game. Are western games pandering to "westerboos"?
  21. Archers get a weapon triangle bonus against Lances so you're probably going to want to keep Tsubaki far away from them. Is Nyx's skill that useful though? People thought Counter was not so great as a player skill and that was full damage return on the far more ubiquitous sources of physical damage. Plus, as a mage, she's going to have higher resistance than usual so she won't be taking that much magic damage to begin with.
  22. Weeaboo... people keep using that word. I don't think it means what they think it does. This is a game set in pseudo!Japan, made by Japanese people. Weaboos are gonna be weaboos, but that's not the fault of Japanese people depicting their own (fantasy) culture.
  23. You can see a Pegasus Warrior (Tsubaki, I think) also on the map while talking to Crimson (watch the My Castle video at 6:49) so methinks she's a shared character from Nohr, like Cyrus.
  24. Crimson is thought to be a Hoshido alligned (or shared) Dragon Knight Asama is another Hoshido character who showed up on a character list. He appears to be a cleric/priest, like Sakura.
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