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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. It would be funny if they made a kiddy localization but kept the innuendo in. Kamui: You've been visiting the prison a lot lately. What have you been doing with the prisoners? Orochi: Oh we were just... "baking a pie." Kamui: I know what that means, Orochi!
  2. They might look the part but their stats are different. Oni's highest stat is defense, followed up by strength, so they are more like Knights. I could see them promoting to a Warrior parallel class. All archers are welcome in Bowshido.
  3. Outside of streetpass interactions, you won't be able to.
  4. Next thing you'll say is that wearing orange is counter-productive to being stealthy.
  5. Orochi's recruitment chamber Zero's recruitment chamber
  6. I doubt we'll get multiple endings per route but one can dream, right? Each route split (within the route) would be at least a few extra maps, so I can't see them putting in that much effort to change the ending.
  7. I think they'll use one hand to control the puppet and one hand to attack with their weapon. I wonder what their second weapon (if they have one) will be. Lance to imitate cavaliers?
  8. YES, I need this. But they will probably take deployment slots.Hinoka's pegasus battalion will have to remain a dream.
  9. I'm still hoping there is a base class or two that's yet to be revealed but I have a feeling that they would have shown them all by this point. NekoKnight: No Nomads? IS:No, u mad? Thanks, added.
  10. New capture question. Do you think Capture will be used as a way to collect rare weapons? You can't capture bosses (unfortunately) but there are probably generics running about with interesting weapons to take. There's a chance you won't get their weapon... I wonder how many characters you can have in your prison at a time and if there is a limit to the number you can recruit.
  11. I just say call them Hero's because they seem identical to the Awakening Hero class (same weapons and base classes). Good call on the Amiibo characters. I'll hold off including them until their classes are confirmed, but that could theoretically be another 4 classes. Maybe some of the Cipher card DLC will have unique classes as well. You can see her legs, unlike Oboro who wears a long skirt thing. It might just be a special sprite but who can really say.
  12. Updated the OP to include some new classes that were revealed (the shapeshifters and Puppeteer [tentative name]). According to the translated intro trailer that was released recently, there are over 60 classes. Let's do a run down of what we know and what other classes can be inferred. I'll put the unconfirmed classes in red. There will undoubtably be shared promotions but for the purposes of theory-crafting, I'll assume they are all unique unless stated otherwise Dark Prince(ss) Dark Prince(ss) Promotion Songstress Samurai True Blade Weapon Master Pegasus Warrior Pegasus Warrior Promotion 1 Pegasus Warrior Promotion 2 Bowman Sniper Bowman Promotion 2 Priest (Asama) Priestess Priest/Priestess Promotion 1 Priest/Priestess Promotion 2 Villager (Mozume) Lancer Lancer Promotion 1 Lancer Promotion 2 Spellcaster Spellcaster Promotion 1 Spellcaster Promotion 2 Shinobi Puppeteer Shinobi Promotion 2 Oni Oni Promotion 1 Oni Promotion 2 Spirit Fox Fighter Berserker Hero Mercenary Bow Knight Dark Mage Sorcerer Dark Knight Cavalier Paladin Great Knight Knight General Rod Knight Strategist Rod Knight Promotion 2 (Maid/Butler?) Wyvern Rider Revenant Knight Wyvern Rider Promotion 2 Thief Thief Promotion 1 Thief Promotion 2 Maid Butler Garu I count 53 classes, under the assumption that Maids and Butlers are considered different classes (despite being functionally the same) and that Dark Prince and Dark Princess are considered the same class. Aqua and the shapeshifter may promote but I'm assuming they don't based on past games. So what are those missing classes? Are they counting enemy only classes like Nosferatu? Special classes like Lilith? Boss classes? Edit: Added Priest for Asama and Villager for Mozume.
  13. "Captain of Human Affairs" is Kamui's new official porn name. "Touching for deeper interaction" I think you know exactly what that means. Don't be absurd...it was just a handjob
  14. I think it sounds exactly like it is. But don't let me rain on anyone's sister rubbing parade.
  15. There are a lot of tasteless jokes I could make about Kamui's dragon virility but they're probably not appropriate for here. Aqua clearly wants the D..ragon
  16. Looks like a Japanese Shishimai. They promote from Shinobi so they presumably use Hidden Weapons in addition to whatever else.
  17. You can customize his/her appearance and gender, you can choose with whom you support with and possibly romance, everyone speaks to you as their leader, the story is focused on you, etc. There are a lot more things to being a personal avatar than being able to change their class.
  18. I think the pained/happy expressions indicate your anticipated damage. For example, if you would take over half of your health in an attack, you have the painful expression and if you don't you have the happy expression. This is supported by another screenshot that showed both Kamui AND his enemy having a pained expression, despite the two of them having full health.
  19. Is anyone else concerned that limiting the Capture command to these two characters will make capture difficult and unreliable? Think about it. If they don't good level ups (or you just prefer to use other units), a whole mechanic will be locked out. And how about their ability to defeat the enemy? Will it be difficult to capture high defense units for Zero and and high resistance units for Orochi? It seems awfully arbitrary that only those two characters can manage non-lethal attacks.
  20. Aqua doesn't have enough badges to train Kamui.
  21. While they might all look like anime characters to us, I'm fairly certain that Hoshidans and Nohrians are supposed to be ethnically different so you'd think they'd realize if one of their key retainers wasn't from Nohr.
  22. Awakening supports were often poorly done because they needed to come up with reasons for two characters to talk to each other so they could eventually make a child. It was a matter of quantity over quality and it shows. Giving no one characterization doesn't make it "fair", it makes them flat and uninteresting. Your point of view sounds like someone saying "The best books are just blank pages, because then you can make up your own story." I threw half my characters to the wolves because they were so totally devoid of character that they may as well have been nameless generics. Some people didn't even get an introduction. I guess it's not so bad. Had they been better developed, I would have felt bad about killing them all to unlock the gaidens.
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