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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. That's fair. Everyone knows Katana, and many people are familiar with eastern style polearms, even if they don't know the names. It would probably take a Japan enthusiast to recognize Kanabo so changing it to Club is a fair compromise.
  2. Pretty sure halberds are specifically an axe-head. A closer western equivalent to the naginata would be the voulge or glaive. [spoiler=Voulge] [spoiler=Glaive] Personally, I wouldn't translate Katana, Naginata and Kanabo when they went out of their way to choose a Japanese theme.
  3. Why such an insistence on using 'halberds'? Halberds are axe-spear hybrids, much more specific than the sorts of polearms we see Hoshidans using. Naginata aren't halberds.
  4. The difference is, generics are supposed to be generic. They are just extras, not intended to contribute to the story, world-building or interpersonal relationships. The children characters might not be necessary for the completion of the game but it's still a missed opportunity to contribute to the story. The children are just fanservice, as far as we know.
  5. I think that's a good and bad thing. The good part is that the plot will hopefully remain focused on the Hoshido/Nohr conflict and Kamui's role in it. The bad part is that a chunk of the cast will have no relation to the story at all and just be these random weirdos from another dimension. Furthermore something as momentous as the existence of a multiverse won't even be commented on, leaving us to wonder what is canon and what isn't.
  6. There is a pretty serious disconnect between their philosophy of 'simplifying' Japanese names to be less difficult to pronounce (even though Japanese is a phonetic language so they're actually EASIER to pronounce) and the other "western" names in the series. Beyond character names like Kjelle, we have weapons such as: Hauteclere Vidnofnir Gae Bolg Audhulma Tyrfing But heaven help us if we have a Tsubaki or Suzukaze.
  7. It's strange how a number of characters (such as the royal siblings) have had their profiles featured multiple times but they never reveal their personal skills.
  8. Kamui regularly feels up his sisters in his room. I think we passed the weird threshold already. Incest is a game the whole family can play.
  9. Tsubaki x Hinoka is Cordelia reborn. Let's make it happen. Will she have a big crush on Kamui?
  10. In the favor of Maids/Butlers being normal promoted units, we have: -2 Troubadour (Rod Knight) skills -base 6 movement -Multiple weapon types (something only cavaliers generally have as unpromoted) In favor of them being a special class we have: -unpromoted exp gain -unnaturally low health -possible level 40 cap Normally I'd say that there is enough evidence to say they promote from Rod Knights but the latter 3 evidences make me doubt that.
  11. With loloutrealms and 3 character (now 4) directly ripped from Awakening, it's not hard to see why people are making connections. IS asked for this.
  12. I'm just hoping there are fewer children characters in general so we don't need to embrace alternate dimensions/time travel to get half the cast, but that's probably not going to happen. Oboro has a dark, faded blue hair color so I wouldn't say she's spot on either.
  13. I'm still of the opinion that they are a special class. How could a promoted class have HP that low?
  14. Kamui is a full bloodeddragon (not really, but still!) so it would be weirder for him to do it with a human than a fellow dragon. It's time to tap the scales! ohgodwhy
  15. Is this really a spoiler? I'm sure everyone knows about this by now. We only had about half a dozen threads created to discuss it. Well, whatever. So, children are primarily tied to the fathers now, huh? I think it would be best if the available pairing were limited to allow for better supports for the mothers. I have a hunch that not!Cordelia will be the daughter of Tsubaki. Not!Gaius is harder to place but Hinata or Saizo might be options.
  16. I'd like a case of Denethor, someone whose sanity is failing from the general despair of the situation, but I don't really see it. Garon is joyfully evil. He actually relishes the idea of Kamui suffering. I'm getting more of a Mad King Aerys feel. He is paranoid, orders the execution of anyone who even slightly opposes him, uses fire to kill people and seems pretty jolly about his cruelty. He also orders his closest subordinate (Jaime in GoT) to personally kill a member of his family.
  17. It's all over the place. Some names are cut in half, others have a single letter removed and others have them arbitrarily added.
  18. I'm curious to see where Nintendo will take this concept. Pokemon Amie begot Fire Emblem Amie which combined it with marriage and children. What's next for Pokemon? Fans: We want to be able to marry our Pokemon and make children. Nintendo: Oh, Pokemon breeding is still a mechanic so... Fans: No. We want the player to be able to marry their Pokemon and make children. Fire Emblem did it. Nintendo: P-please understand! Sakurai: *laughs*
  19. Jesus... does the localization team think so little of the western audience that they think we'll be unable to say words with 4 syllables? Yato, Hana, Kaze... And now we have 'Subaki'. What are they expecting? "These names are too hard to say! I hate this game! I'm going to tell all my friends not to buy it!" These sound like the sort of names weaboo fanfiction writers would give to their OCs. "This is my character Yomi. It's clever because it means 'read' in Japanese and he reads magic talismans!"
  20. I wanted S supports to be in to mark paired endings for other characters and marriage for Kamui but children is too much. My only hope now is that the second gen characters will not be focused on heavily in the story. I want an interesting story about the two warring factions, not more outrealms shenanigans. Procreation! Your real little sister! Procreation with your real little sister! sorrynotsorry
  21. "Wait, come back Sakura! This skinship is just a traditional Nohrian greeting. My adopted sister Camilla taught me this. What? Of course I'm not wearing clothes. Camilla said that's the most important part! Where are you running?" Camilla is a very bad nee-chan.
  22. My waifu of Awakening might become my daughteru of Fates... who will kill my not!Severa daughteru in Nohr.... this will get confusing. I don't know, I feel like if they wanted your siblings to be completely off-limits for children and marriage, they wouldn't have included them in Fire Emblem Amie. Skinship in your room! Your real little sister! Skinship with your real little sister!
  23. My Japanese is pretty shit but from what I can tell from this page, they are officially acknowledging not!Severa, not!Inigo and not!Owain resembling their Awakening counterparts in both appearance and personality, as is reflected in their skill and lines. They also mention something about support conversation with them so maybe there are even more nods to Awakening there.
  24. The child of Tsukuyomi and Orochi is...not!Tharja?
  25. It's one thing to be ruthless and not tolerate insubordination but to kill one of your own children is over the line. Considering Kamui's siblings love and are protective of him, outright ordering his execution only serves to alienate the rest of Garon's kids. If Kamui were a nuisance, Garon could always just demote him to an insignificant role in the army or imprison him. As for being a possible spy/traitor, Garon has small evidence to believe this other than Kamui having gone missing in Hoshido for a while. Certainly not enough to go by to order his immediate execution. When Kamui returns, Garon is enraged as though Kamui failed his mission by not dying. The fact that he's so happy about Kamui suffering and dying alone makes me think he's just insane. I'm starting to think of Mad King Aerys now.
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