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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. There are multiple points of discussion on her character that lead to major disagreement. The first was her Mamui support and whether or not it has unfortunate undertones. The second was whether or not Soleil is a bisexual as she claims or if it's just a exaggerated gimmick and a joke. The last point which is involved in the first two is if Soleil is just a poorly written/considered character in general.
  2. Mostly agreed on these points (although I'm playing Hoshido). I think the actual battle system is one of the best improvements. The Attack/Guard stance is possibly the most well thought out battle mechanic ever added to Fire Emblem and I hope it stays for the next title. I edited your comment to stress just how cool it is. I don't think enough people realize this. We GBA Fire Emblem again and it LOOKS SO COOL.
  3. I think he means that the fact that she continues to tell people that she's a lesbian-leaning bisexual, but can only S rank men is disgusting. Not the Soleil x Grey support by itself (but I could be wrong).
  4. Just playing around with some ideas without thinking about how it would work (without directly purchasing the skills). Only the 3rd set mentioned can be done very easily. The one you mentioned is simple but sounds effective. The game's shift to more offensive play (all those strike skills and other effects that only activate during your turn) make the enemy phase contrast greatly with the player phase in how well your character will manage, so creating balanced sets is a little tricky. Line of Death in particular could be a death sentence if not used carefully.
  5. What are some skill combos that people are considering for various characters? I've thought of a few builds I'd like to try eventually. Strength Seal Magic Seal Renewal Defensive Formation Four Fangs Notes: This is one I'd place on a General or other high defense class. The idea is you'd walk into a large group of enemies and weaken them with the seals and Four Fangs. Defensive Formation keeps you safe from double attacks and Renewal increases your longevity. Kind of bothersome that the skills are gathered from all over the place. Four Fangs Snake Poison Defense Seal Resistance Seal Draconic Curse Notes: The offensive debuffer. Without even damaging the target, this set will reduce the enemy health by 40%, and lower their defense and speed reduced by 10 and everything else by 4. Add on the debuffs of hidden weapons and that enemy is officially out of commission. Probably overkill but I'd love to make a streetpass team where everyone has this. Too bad Four Fangs and Draconic curse are so exclusive. Vantage Line of Death Astra/Sol Breaking Sky Lance/Swordfaire Notes: This is kind of an offensive/defensive build that centers around Vantage. Even if you drop below 50% health, you are still likely to do heavy damage through your counterattacks, especially on crit-happy classes like True Blade and Holy Lancer. Originally I was trying to put together the "Danger Mario" build but with Wrath removed and Vengeance nerfed, this was the next best thing. This is a nice setup because all the skills are drawn fro two class lines. Ogre Strike Aggressor Luna/Astra Breaking Sky Galeforce Notes: This is a max offense build that tries to do the most damage possible on the player phase. Maybe all the offense skills are over kill but it all increases the likelihood of killing 1-2 targets per player phase. What do you think?
  6. You guys might want to spoiler your posts. The Hoshido sibling stuff isn't common knowledge yet.
  7. There is something for everyone in this game. Fancy your sister? Got you covered! Your friend's daughter has a sweet ass? Go for it, he probably doesn't mind. Underage girls more your thing? Take two, they're small! I lied though. They have yet to introduce an underaged girl who is both your sister and friend's daughter so some people will be left disappointed.
  8. Female Nohr is missing Ninja and Priestess.
  9. I'll ask again to see if anyone knows, but are there more dark tomes besides Nosferatu? I ask because the Witch class has shadowgift which sounds really cool.... if only there were more spells to use. I can't see a heavily nerfed Nosferatu being worth spending a skill on.
  10. I'm only talking about buddy seals. iirc there are no male Herb Merchants in Nohr. I don't think any 1st gen characters can get villager besides Mozume because when I tried to use a marriage seal on her husband, it just gave her secondary class.
  11. It's not a matter of it being an exaggerated trait or that it's never intended to have comedic appeal. The question is "Do people assume Inigo is anything but heterosexual?" No, clearly he is not gay. But when we transplant that exact same personality onto another character people think she's just faking it and that it only exists for comedy. Double-standards. People didn't need an S support to understand that Heather is gay, even if she is similar to Soleil.
  12. Well spotted. I keep forgetting what classes the children characters are.
  13. The problem is people are assuming that the mechanic (marriage) serves the writing instead of the writing serving the mechanic. Soleil might self-identify as bisexual but because she has no same sex romantic partners (as a game mechanic) people jump through so many mental gymnastics to try to justify this. "Merely pretending" "Just likes to flirt." "Is okay with dating girls but isn't 'for real' gay" "She's just emulating her father." and my personal favorite "It's a trope! You can't understand Japanese culture!" Despite all the evidence to the contrary, people try to ram an obviously bisexual character into the frame of a strictly heterosexual character. If there were no S supports and we didn't have a game mechanic to "confirm" a character's sexuality, no one would doubt Soleil being bisexual. Because...she literally tells you she is.
  14. Let's say that Soleil is completely heterosexual and that all her supports where talks about her love for girls and even explicitly tells another character that she is bisexual don't exist. Why does Femui not respond to her advances? Femui at least should be into Soleil even if Soleil is "not-serious gay". Answer: This is still a very het-norm game with two (odd) exceptions. Correct. The writing of who Soleil is as a character is unimportant in the goal of letting men romance whomever they want.
  15. I don't think IS really put much thought into gay romance. There are only 2 gay characters and one of them (Shara) seems to be only a Kamui-sexual, rather than a legit bisexual. All orientation compatible people can marry but Femui can't marry Soleil. Why? Because Femui isn't consistently written. Soleil is a lesbian-leaning bisexual forced into a game that only has a framework for heterosexual pairings. Dufuq does this even mean? "Mom, just because I have a girlfriend, doesn't mean I'm gay. We're in a romantic relationship but we always say 'no homo' before kissing!" The denial game is too strong.
  16. For the bolded, I included those on my list. These are the classes you CAN'T turn into via buddy seals. "Everything except for..." Noted on Lutz and Anna. I don't have those characters yet.
  17. You can get all classes specific to a certain route either through marriage or buddy seals but here are the classes that you can't get through buddy seals Hoshido: Mamui - Villager, Oni (all Nohr classes except for Outlaw, Cavalier, Rod Knight) Hoshido: Femui - Villager (I think), (All Nohr classes except for Wyvern Rider, Cavalier and Rod Knight) Nohr: Mamui - Wyvern Rider, (All Hoshido classes except for Ninja and Priest) Nohr: Femui - Outlaw (All Hoshido classes except for Herb Merchant, Pegasus Warrior, and Bowman) Naturally, you can't get Singer, Garu or Spirit Fox for any route. There might be some mistakes.
  18. I have this pairing. Hinoka gets Samurai from Tsubaki and Tsubaki gets Lancer from Hinoka. The spouse gets their secondary class. For example, Rinka got Nishiki's Spellcaster line.
  19. Okay, I just checked. I married Setsuna (secondary class ninja) to Saizo and if you use the marriage seal on her, it just lets her turn into a ninja. In other words, she doesn't get another class to use.
  20. It's kind of like the whole "older than she looks" thing that pops up in games and anime. You can say "she looks 10 but she's actually thousands of years old" but it won't change anything if she looks and acts like a child. *coughnowicough* This is a silly form of denial anyway because it's not like Soleil acts bisexual but claims otherwise. She's pretty vocal about the fact that she is bi.
  21. If I recall correctly, if the character can already become their partner's base class, or are unable to (unique classes), they they get the second class option of that character. So Felicia would get whatever Lazward reclasses into.
  22. Obviously she's merely pretending to be bisexual. I wonder if anyone would deny a male character being gay if his personal skill was "boy lover".
  23. I just looked at the Tome list and... is Nosferatu the ONLY dark magic spell?
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