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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. This. Some weapons are not worth using with their drawbacks and you end up using iron weapons more often than not because they don't have penalties. I do like the weapons that affect doubling rates. I feel like that was a very progressive move.
  2. The nature of the supports and the game makes everyone not want to take anything seriously. The game isn't trying to make you dislike Joker. It's a gag to emphasize that Joker is being "hilariously" petty and vindictive. The subjective part is whether or not you think it's okay because it's being used as a joke.You can see this in a lot of questionable supports such as SoleilxMamui. If you want to look at characters as a series of gags not to be taken seriously, then Joker is not such a bad character. If you want to look at their behavior objectively, beating up your son over something so petty is child abuse.
  3. I have mixed feelings about it. One one hand it's dehumanizing for the reasons Brightbow outlines but on the other hand, it's a chance to see characters up close in beautifully detailed models. I think what I'd really like for future games is to have some kind of interaction with characters using the close up models, be it for support conversations or something else, but have it be more wholesome. I can't take 1/2 of the game seriously because of absurdity of so much fanservice so I'd like them to improve player interaction with characters without taking away their dignity.
  4. Shinonome has Ryoma's armor as a Trueblade so it's possible.
  5. The current game already has a FE Fates like balance but the inclusion of PP means they don't need to put crippling penalties on most attacks. Hyper Beam and Zap Cannon are like FE Silvers. Strong but the drawbacks are too severe for them to be effective. Hydropump, Thunder and Fire Blast are like FE steel weapons. Strong but not without risk. Ice Beam, Thunderbolt and Flamethrower are like FE iron weapons. Reliable and strong enough in most situations. Attacks with less than 60 power (barring certain strategies) are like FE bronze weapons. Weak and only worth using until you have something better. I can't even imagine how removing PP would wreck the game.
  6. I would hope in a redrafting of the story that they make Kamui's character more equal or even subordinate to his siblings in terms of authority and influence on the story. Special dragon form or not, he's just an adopted child/step sibling and not even the eldest child. He'd be better suited as a viewpoint character rather than have the story centered on him. I know supports are optional so the pseudo incest isn't canon (besides Camilla's feelings for Kamui) but I'd like the sibling relations on both sides to remain familial bonds. Having fake incest that is never discussed by other characters is bad for the story and undermines the family theme.
  7. Steel weapons are still good for characters who don't have to worry so much about losing attack speed. Silvers were made too situational, however. It's ironic that they removed durability so people could use their good weapons without worrying about losing them, and now we don't use them because of stat penalties.
  8. Although I agree they should have just stuck to the advertised premise, even if they aren't related by blood, Hinoka and Ryoma still remember you as family so that's enough reason for them to want you back. The only reason Kamui has to join Hoshido is honoring Mikoto's sacrifice and that Nohr is a shit place to live with a crazy king.
  9. -It's not that bad. On enemies, it just means a single weapon type won't be effective which isn't exactly a rare occurrence. On you it will have very situational usage. -The skill system is far superior in Fates than it was to Awakening. Now rather than pointlessly grind up your characters 10's of levels, you change their class, gain a few levels to get the skills you want and then change to the next class. Attack and guard stance are designed to balance each other out. If you are fighting a lot of enemies who can take advantage of attack stance, then guard stance is preferable but you also miss out on a lot of extra damage by not using attack stance. This is especially relevant if you have supporting characters who can either debuff the enemy or deal effective damage with weapons. In the order that you posted: -What customization were you hoping for and why is it just Hoshido that has this problem? -What makes the gameplay more "veteran"-like and how is that a bad thing for newer fans? -Missing out on one child isn't a big deal for Nohr because you likely won't be able to get all the children characters without grinding -And if you don't like Shara, that solves the problem for Hoshido as well.
  10. Naratively speaking (which for the purpose of a fanfic is the primarily concern, I suppose) two generations is an alright premise to work with but I don't think it's very appealing in terms of a game. FE4 might have the best implementation of a 2nd generation but I don't think it would really fit in a modern FE game where you grow attached to characters and don't want to lose them. Besides, isn't the scope of a two generation spanning story kind of unnecessarily large? What exactly does it contribute to the story other than to say that the conflict couldn't be resolved by the first gen?
  11. You probably accidentally clicked the option to lower the difficulty, in which case you can't change it back.
  12. Yikes, how could I forget. You can't have a theme about family and then say "Well... sometimes they consider you family and sometimes they want to fuck you." It ties into the problem of S supports suddenly being romantic, except it's even worse because they convert sibling love to romantic love as if the two are even remotely related. Stranger still is that the siblings (who may or may not consider you like family) don't have anything to say about Kamui engaging in incestuous relationships with their other siblings. Camilla is probably the only one who has wanted to jump Kamui's bones since the beginning and none of the other siblings find that weird.
  13. A few more points -Smaller cast of characters per route -Victory conditions in Hoshido are uninteresting -Generic color pallets for classes. It seriously shouldn't be that hard to give characters unique color pallets for at least their natural promotions.
  14. For Hoshido, I would create some backstory between the relationship between them and Nohr. Let's say that long in the past, the ancestors of the Hoshidan royal family cursed Nohr or otherwise stole the source of their prosperity. While the current Hoshidans are not directly responsible for Nohr's condition, they are largely indifferent to the suffering in Nohr and won't do anything to help them. For Nohr, I'd do a combination of secretly reforming Nohr/plotting to overthrow Garon leading up to an invasion of Hoshido in order to undo whatever the Hoshidans did to curse Nohr originally. Hoshido might be devastated by the war but the seeds of hope for self-sufficiency and peaceful relations in Nohr will be planted. For characterization, I would definitely like it more if less people trusted Kamui and that he is not put on such a high pedestal despite being an outsider (Hoshido route only). The individual motives and beliefs of the siblings should be explored in greater detail.
  15. Mostly a positive impression but there are some negative traits. -The much hyped story was either typical for Hoshido or a complete trainwreck for Nohr. -Kamui's character -Children and marriage returning. -Children, listed again for just how contrived and utterly pointless their existence is. -Weapon icons not being unique -Certain weapon penalties being so severe you end up using iron weapons most of the time -Not being able buy the limited stock weapons of other players -Kamuisexuals -Ridiculous class outfits for several female classes (battle panties for everyone!)
  16. I have the game so I've played most of the new classes already but Revenant Knight and Witch sounds pretty rad. It's regrettable that there are so few magic using classes in Hoshido considering those have always been some of my favorites. But bows are good now so I guess I can't complain too much. I hope the series keeps some of the Japanese themed classes, even for the eventual return to primarily European themed Fire Emblem games. Ninja, Samurai, Golden Kite Warriors, Oni... Bring back nomads~ Also, yay fellow FE fans from Seattle!
  17. He's also kind to Sakura, although their support isn't very well written.
  18. As others have said, the Japanese version is a complete game and people are giving their impressions on it. Maybe they don't know for absolute sure what the characters are "really" like but this is what they understand so far. The localized version will not be the same as the Japanese version and is thus not a "final verdict". If you'd like to be a huge crybaby and complain about the very purpose of a thread, you know where the door is. It's like going to a "What S-supports do you have planned" thread to tell everyone how much you hate shipping. You have a very apt profile picture.
  19. I also did the Hoshido characters earlier in the thread (lol). Let me make a few additions to your list. Basara, Blacksmith, Great Merchant, White Blood, Puppeteer, Weapon Master, Exorcist and Golden Kite Warrior are generic on everyone except for the characters who start off as the last three (Fuuga, Izana and Yuugiri respectively). All Elite Ninja, Holy Pegasus Warriors and Trueblades (with the exception of Hisame and Tsubaki because their default colors are blue) are unique. Rinka has a unique pallet as a Shura.
  20. Dunno if other people discussed it but a video here confirmed Vanguard to not be genderlocked. http://boards.4chan.org/wsg/thread/692914
  21. I didn't realize how much I wanted FE tanks until now. The witch animations seem a little over the top though, and that clipping... I wonder what new weapons will be released to along with these classes. One would hope we get more spells for Shadowgift to work with.
  22. Most of the Hoshido side characters are likable or at least non-offensive but there are a few that annoy me. Joker for being an insufferable asshole and Tsukuyomi for being a self-absorbed brat. People can be abrasive but likable if written well but some of these characters just miss the mark and make me dislike them. Tsundere is another archetype I don't care for. Everyone assumed she'd be a Cordelia because it's mentioned in her bio that she has a minor crush on Takumi but it really is that. Minor. There are no canon pairings, least of all for side characters so you can accept whatever pairings (or lack there of) you like. What people like about Oboro as a person is that she has a character beyond her unrelated love interest. But it's okay to hate her voice.
  23. Raven: Loner, Avoid +15 when there are no allied units in a two tile radius Lucius: Blessed, Critical Avoid +10 Rath: Precision, if this unit attacks twice, the second attack with have +20 hit and +4 damage Stephan: Lion Blood, +5 strength within two tiles of an allied Laguz, +3 defense within two tiles of an enemy Beorc Tanith: Flight Leader, allied flying units in a 3 tile radius get +10 critical and +3 damage. Mia: Destined Battle, When fighting enemies equipped with a sword, +4 damage Micaiah: Sacrifice (duh) Pelleas: Naive Prince, +10 critical when adjacent to an allied unit but -10 critical avoid when adjacent to an enemy. Lekain: Divine Appointment, damage received -10 Cordelia: Dedication, triple weapon experience after consecutive use of a weapon. Robin: Prime Tactics, allies with a two tile radius get +10 hit and +10 avoid Gregor: Battle Experience, attacks from adjacent enemies do -3 damage.
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