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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. In form, similar to Archanea/GBA Fire Emblem manaketes. In function, something of a mix between Awakening and earlier dragonstone variants. I could see a reasonably strong range 1 dragonstone and some ranged variants that have similar drawbacks to other ranged weapons. What I don't want is the magic based, speed/skill lowering, incapable of doubling dragonstone we got in Fates.
  2. I think it will be largely the same for the localization. There is fixing minor flaws like the Black Knight's survival in Radiant Dawn but Fate's narrative woes are too deeply involved with the gameplay to really change much. I want to believe the manga will be a complete retelling of the story but it seems unlikely. I want to believe.
  3. Man would I love to have actual manaketes back (not the gimped deer-dragon) but I suspect it will just let everyone become a Dark Prince(ss).
  4. I'm not sure what you mean by Awakening only being criticized by the current fanbase. Its story was so heavily panned that IS went out of their way to promote their new writer (not that it helped, unfortunately). The point that contradicts your post is that all the things that made Awakening popular (shipping, goofy characters, avatar focused, fanservice) are also in Fates. Fates isn't a different path than Awakening; it's everything Awakening was cranked up to eleven. So what is different? Mostly the gameplay mechanics which are a net-improvement. Opinions may vary on the new weapon triangle or removal of durability but pair-up was definitely made more strategic and less broken. I can't imagine Awakening having the lasting popularity of FF7.
  5. I'm a little confused. Fates is the black sheep compared to its predecessor? You mean Awakening? Awakening was heavily criticized and several of its negatives were made worse (gimmicky characters, fanservice, children/marriage, lackluster story) for Fates. Awakening was hardly the gold standard for what Fire Emblem is all about.
  6. No, no, no. It will be the children characters. People will think they look like Cordelia, Tharja and Gaius but a plotwist will reveal that they are actually Matoi, Syalla and Gurei who traveled through the outrealm gate! It won't stop until Fire Emblem X is literally the cast of Awakening. Everyone will have identical outfits and wear groucho glasses. I need to commission someone to draw Marx with groucho glasses next to masked Camus.
  7. Sorry, I meant Owain. It's been a long time since I touched Awakening. I took Lodestar and Great Lord to be genderlocked because of Lucina and Marth being opposite gender versions of each other (well, Lucina came second but I digress). I could understand even Vanguard because there is no female Ike but not having a female Grandmaster just seems lazy. Like I said, they were happy enough to include the other Awakening character models.
  8. Recap of current poll results: Most Disliked Shared Male 1. Joker 2. Gunter 3. Izana Most Disliked Shared Female 1. Felicia 2. Azura 3. Mozume Most Disliked Hoshidan/Nohr Male 1. Tsukuyomi 2. Hinata 3. Zero Most Disliked Hoshido/Nohr Female 1. Pieri 2. Luna 3. Camilla Most Disliked Child 1. Syalla 2. Soleil 3. Gurei I wonder which characters are most/least popular in the Japanese fandom. We need to know which 6 characters will be showing up in FE15
  9. >suggesting that animal appendages are sexual Y'know Thane, it's okay if you have something to confess. We're all friends here. Her design is and class is pretty cool though. She's probably going to be one of the priority children to get when I play Nohr or the 3rd route. Good points on the characters. This is why I liked Morgan and felt like she could really be the child of the Avatar as opposed to Kanna who is just... generic cute child. A lot of characters are just a single gimmick discussed ad nauseam. I was reading through the Gerrick, Tethys and Marissa supports and these actually feel like real people.
  10. I'd call it lazy writing if it's just to add dubiously canon cameos from other games. Other stories have multiverses but the better ones actually tie it to the plot in a substantial way (like Blazing Sword). It's for this reason that characters like Priam are criticized. Okay, so Ike went to and passed through the outrealm gate (for some reason) and later had a kid (with someone we never heard of) and an undisclosed amount of generations passed and Ragnell (somehow) lost its blessing, all so we could get a descendent of Ike in Awakening! That's not good storytelling that leaves us hungry for details. It's just a lazily written tribute to a popular character from a past title. Even for Fates which seems to be trying to canonize the multiverse with the Awakening expies, it's not well explained. Were those 3 (or all 6 possibly) characters important enough to the story of Fates they needed to be brought over? Maybe it will be explained in the DLC but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  11. I'm not surprised they went that route but at the same time I'm disappointed. They are using same game engine as Awakening and Grandmaster (technically Tactician) was a unisex class. Why couldn't they import/update a model for women? They already brought over the models for Chrom, Lissa, Inigo, Severa and Owain.
  12. Grandmaster remains the best playable spellcaster outfit of all time. I was confused by this. It didn't show up in her class list (nor Vanguard) but she had the Grandmaster skills in her skill list.
  13. Furbait because she's a demi-human like the laguz or do her supports make her act more animalistic?
  14. I can see it working. Protag gets some magical weapon that takes the form of the weapon the user is most skilled with. inb4souledge The stats and model would need to be modified per weapon but it doesn't seem that hard to do.
  15. To be honest, all of the interconnected worlds (post Awakening) seem to be written as "Sure, why not?" and not given serious thought. It's just an excuse to insert characters from other canons into the game, such as it was for the Awakening expies in Fates.
  16. Shared male: Probably Izana. Izana's "goofball with divine appearance" doesn't do anything for me. Shared female: Felicia. Clumsy moe girl with high pitched voiced is rather annoying. Males: Tsukuyomi for being an arrogant child, Zero for being a dick and Marx for his unwavering stubbornness in both routes. Females: Pieri for being psycho. I don't particularly dislike any Hoshidan females. Children: (So many to choose) Hisame for being boring and a class I already have a ton of, Grey for being candyman expy of a class I already have a ton of, and Soleil for being FemInigo and being a bait-and-switch lesbian (although this is more the fault of the developers than the character herself) Edit: I should probably make Kamui my least favorite male/female character. Do Mamui and Femui behave differently?
  17. Soleil and Mitama look out of place. Most children got the same or a similar hair color as their canon parent (exception for the Awakening expies) but not these two. Sakura x Asama is canon
  18. It's still not as explicit or binding as marriage. With both Franz/Amelia and Will/Rebecca, they pledge their companionship but that could be any number of things. True love? Sure, that's a possibility but it could also be an oath of friendship or the beginnings of romance. The characters are becoming close but the degree of that affection is left vague enough to where we can draw our own conclusions on how their relationship will eventually develop. Marriage is too cut and dry, not to mention has some unfortunate implications when it's children getting married to adults. As for some of the other supports you mention, it's easier to swallow "sudden" romance when it's with characters who had existing relationships before joining the player, such as the case with Gerick, Tethys and Marisa. Those supports felt very natural to me and their affectionate relations were more "revealed" than "spontaneously created to satisfy the player's shipping preferences". Mind you, I'm not saying supports were always done flawlessly in the past, just that the current system is objectively worse at selling believable romance. Infinitely so when it comes to being romantically involved with your adoptive/step-siblings.
  19. Only the Nino/Jaffar one is explicitly romantic and Jaffar having a special attachment to Nino is established before you even support them. It's not like the typical Awakening/Fate dialogue: Character A: Marry me! Character B: Huh-what!? Um, sure, I guess I love you.
  20. I know but they did more with it here to make it balanced, interesting and better explained than in previous titles. With weapons that affect doubling rates, you have weapons that slow you down, weapons that speed you up and others that increase the likelihood of you AND the opponent doubling.
  21. Ironic considering Hinoka was the one happiest about you returning to Hoshido and most saddened by your kidnapping. I could see Silas joining you in Nohr because, well, he's a Nohrian knight but I can't see him betraying his country for a guy who doesn't even remember him.
  22. Marriage in the game is almost as much as an insult to the writing as children is. How many characters have s-rank supports that don't come out of nowhere? What would compel characters to get married during the war? Why would they feel like getting married without even starting a romantic relationship? Let S-ranks just denote Shared endings. I think the sad thing about Fate is that IS will think they covered the family focused story already and not do it again in future titles, even though Fate's attempt was a total failure.
  23. Vader being Luke's father is a plot twist. While Kamui's parentage is plot relevant, him not even being half siblings to the Hoshidans is contrary to the advertised premise of Hoshido. It's not even relevant unless you play the 3rd path.
  24. I think the way it's phrased is that Elise was thinking of "sleeping together" as young children often will but Silas is psyching himself up for the adult understanding of "sleeping together". Silas: I’ve been preparing myself for this. Elise: ….. That may be so, however… Silas: Yeah. What’s the matter? Elise: I’m getting a different impression than lying down on a bed. *pomf* And when he proposes to her (ie wants to start a romantic/sexual relationship) Silas: So, ever since you said you wanted to sleep together… I’ve been tormented by my conscience… Elise accidentally unlocked his inner lolicon.
  25. Half joking. http://pastebin.com/RdKrqZ92 Silas the lolicon.
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