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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. "Nohr = Chaotic, Ruthless, Hoshido = Stable, Peaceful" is one of the few things that doesn't need to be changed so Edo Japan seems the most fitting. The question is how Hoshido maintains that peace and stability. The popular suggestions seem to be Hoshido as an isolationist, possibly racist or having an iron-fisted rule over their own people. Personally, I'd like these things in addition to more infighting and political scheming. Mikoto's sudden death (and perhaps her rule even before) would probably led to some power-hungry people to plot to take over the throne. These internal squabbles could be part of the reason why resource poor Nohr is able to get so far in the war against them.
  2. While these skills aren't good enough to be "end game" skills, they are still useful for single player, which I'd argue is a significant portion of the Fire Emblem experience. Shove and Rescue can be very useful for unit placement (Substitute is meh and Cut Through is much better for the enemy) and Eastern Heart is consistent healing if you can get the very easy condition of having a nearby ally. If you want some extremely niche skills, think about either of the Herb Merchant skills. I mean, yikes.
  3. I found the Nohr leadership to be unusually small. Where are all the other lords and court members who make up the realm? You'd think Nohr was ruled exclusively by the counsel of three meanies; Garon, Macbeth and Ganz. I plan on introducing some other minor Nohrians to pad out the (reasonable) leadership. Someone has to run the show while the three meanies are busy kicking puppies.
  4. I thought about it but I still doesn't explain why Leon and Marx couldn't be surrogates for that attention. Maybe Leon was too young and Marx too busy? In my rewrite, she's going to latch onto Kamui (although not as obsessively) because s/he is a stable person beyond the power squabbles in Nohr (if only because as a foreigner, he can't take the throne) and someone she'll never have to fight...unless Kamui sides with Hoshido. Thanks. I seem to recall there being two places renown for their art but maybe it was talking about Amusia with its opera house and Muse as a whole.
  5. Is Muse and Amusia the same place? I mean, they sound similar but the game was pretty vague on its world building. JupiterKnight's point is that dragon degeneration is a common element in the series so it seems silly to use that as a point of criticism. It's not a rule they have to follow, it's just something the writers like, in the same fashion that dark magic (in the GBA games at least) is often described as dangerous and evil. It can be a good theme, although it's underdeveloped in Fates. And are they seriously planning on resurrecting Illidan? If they wanted to salvage his character, they should have left him dead. Resurrection is one of the laziest and contrived writing tropes, next to prophesies. I can complain about Fates story but WoW will always be worse.
  6. Thanks for the ideas. I'm not sure how much time can be spent during the invasion uniting dissatisfied groups because the war mostly takes place in Hoshido, but I was thinking of Garon giving Kamui some domestic missions while Marx and co. handle the big boy war. After Kamui had proved himself, he would lead and auxiliary force to support Marx's invasion. [spoiler=Map] If I recall correctly(playing through Nohr again), the opening battle in the war takes place on the Hoshido plains which would imply Marx's forces crossed the infinite chasm and started moving eastward. I was going to have Kamui do a few missions in Nohr, maybe visiting the ice village, Chevalier and Garou Peak before leading a second invasion force across the sea to attack from the south end. He would later reunite with Marx and Leon's soldiers at Fort Jinya. There are still a lot of factions that need to be accounted for but I'll try to incorporate at least some of them before the war ends so Kamui is making friends at home. I like the idea of Garon being a jaded and cynical version of Marx after a long reign in a brutal country. All of the villains will be getting greater context for their actions and motivations beyond making Kamui sad, but I'll try to frame Garon especially as being someone who is ruthless for (usually) the right reasons. The turning point will be when his actions become more cruel than pragmatic.
  7. I was actually thinking of them being Switzerland until Kamui decides to rebel (the backstory is that they sold out Sumeragi in return for not being attack by Garon). I figure that Crimson would side with you if you had plans or overthrowing Garon.
  8. So what kind of "internal reform" would you guys like to see in a rewritten Nohr route? I plan on keeping Kamui's "help with invasion but reduce the number of casualties" philosophy up to the conquest of Hoshido but after that, I need to decide how Kamui plans on fixing the mess. Open rebellion is a decent direction but I think it would be a bit lazy to write the first half as invading Hoshido and the next half as turning back and "invading" Nohr. Should there be a focus of recruiting/uniting dissatisfied groups? Should it be clandestinely killing off baby-eaters like Ganz and Macbeth? This would cover around 9 chapters so I can't put too much on Kamui's plate. Another question would be of Garon's development. He's the final antagonist but I'd like a believable descent from kind father who makes hard choices for his country to someone whom even his own children agree must be disposed of.
  9. That feels similar to the Lyon and Reeve relationship in Sacred Stones. Reeve served the Demon King so it can't be said that he was misleading possessed!Lyon but he was scheming to destroy the world, which goes behind the agenda of Grado's invasion of Magvel.
  10. "I'm not a pedophile. I married Midoriko ironically." NeptuniasBeard is the kind of writer we need on the team. I kind of half want this. I don't want Fire Emblem to fall so far into fanservice otaku-culture that it only has value through satire, but I would totally play a parody mode. Kamui not remembering his life in Hoshido is really the only way for his conflict of loyalty to be somewhat credible. With Theon's choice, he had to choose between his awesome adopted family and country vs his shitty real family and country. If Kamui grew up in a shitty country like Nohr, all the while remembering idyllic Hoshido, the choice would be a no-brainer (it still is heavily in bias of Hoshido but that's a topic for another thread). Marx and Camilla (if she knows) knowing about Kamui's real heritage and not telling him makes some sense, but not for the Hoshidan siblings. I have to wonder how Ryoma would have broke the news to Kamui in real life. "Yeah, I'm not your real brother. I thought I would keep it a secret until we started a romantic relationship, haha! Your mom is related to you tho. You can trust me, I wouldn't lie to you twice."
  11. They are probably mentioned in chapter summaries somewhere but does anyone have a list of the locations/territories/factions that exist in Hoshido and Nohr? I want to get a better idea of the locations for worldbuilding organization but only a few of the big ones come to mind. Izumo, Fuuma, Chevalier...
  12. They sure are taking their time to put her in. It's one thing to have her tucked away, only available to dataminers but her silhouette already appears under Kamui's available supports. You'd think she'd be the first available, free DLC rather than the Awakening stuff. Seems kind of sloppy.
  13. I don't know about how the critical hit formula plays out but Takumi (aka Critkumi) is pretty ridiculous.
  14. No, I am slowly but surely writing the framework for the Nohr story and where the conquest ends and the reform begins. The conquest of Hoshido will be complete around chapter 15 after which Garon's control of Hoshido will become increasingly more brutal in response to Hoshidan resistance. By the end of chapter 18, half the Hoshidan siblings are dead and Hinoka will convince Kamui that Garon won't stop until Hoshido is completely destroyed. Elise, Leon and Camilla will be on board for dethroning Garon (Kamui wanted to rebel against Garon since his mother died but his siblings were hesitant until now) but it won't be until around chapter 20/21 that Marx is convinced that things need to change. Even writing chapter summaries is a tiring affair. Props to the writers for the effort, at least.
  15. Well said. The idea that the siblings oppose Garon in the end because of how he looks, rather than all of his actions up to that point doesn't say positive things about them. What would have happened if Garon wasn't a goo monster? Marx tells Kamui to fuck off and Garon continues his evil mustache twirling ways? In my rewrite, Sumeragi is invited to Chevalier to discuss a peace treaty, which turns out to be a trap. Originally, he was going to take Ryoma to observe political affairs (Garon's original target for kidnapping) but Ryoma suddenly took ill and Kamui was brought along instead (I might age up Kamui to where he is old enough to appreciate the gesture). Garon's goal was to kill Sumeragi and abduct his legal successor to force isolationist Hoshido to accept a trade agreement but the plan failed when Kamui was taken instead (the Hoshido royal court overrules Mikoto's wishes to recover Kamui, saying that it isn't worth it when they still have Ryoma.) Normally, Garon would have killed his useless hostage but when he saw Kamui's special features, he sensed he may prove useful in the future. As for why Sumeragi was naive enough to fall for the trap, I'm imagining a situation like the Red Wedding (GoT stuff) where Chevalier (a neutral party) promised sanctuary to Hoshido, but made a backdoor deal with Nohr to retain their autonomy after Nohrs conquest in exchange for betraying Hoshido.
  16. Interesting ideas, I look forward to seeing where it goes.
  17. And keep us posted. We at Fire Emblem Plot Complainers Incorporated care about your opinions.
  18. Reading some of these supports, IS was really unabashed about writing unfortunate implications. Zero seems like a character begging to be censored. I hate to go moral guardian on everyone but taking advantage of someone's sexual naivete and treating it like another joke is definitely not cool. "Oh that Zero! He's really attracted to children, body and spirit! What a rascal!" ...Is that the reaction they expected? I think his personality of intentionally putting people on edge and teasing them is good but some of those supports (Pieri/Elise/Nyx) cross the line.
  19. It's definitely atypical of Harold/Arthur's general attitude but I think a character should have a variety of ways they react to different people. He can be the hammy hero of justice to some, but a loving father to his son. Some characters in Fates are obsessed with their gimmick, and while it can make for good comedy, I want my characters to be nuanced. Interesting Aqua ideas. I like the idea of a kind but pragmatic Mikoto. Soft to her loved ones, but have a steely determination to do whatever it takes to secure her country's safety.
  20. The roster for each route in Fates is actually on the smaller side, even with the children factored in so they are as filler as any other game. Only the royal siblings and a select few others will get much attention for the main story. I'm just brainstorming how these side characters would fit into a theoretical new game. At this stage, my ideas are forming into a "redrafting" of the story, as opposed to a fully fleshed out "fanfiction". In the draft I'm working on, her character (exposition-bot, secret keeper) is going to be completely gutted and I'm switching her to a minor character. Instead of her being the princess of a 3rd kingdom, she's going to be the daughter of a tribal chieftain in Nohr that was captured and held as a political hostage. She becomes a retainer of Kamui in the place of Flora, who stays in the ice tribe.
  21. Hey guys, I'm working on a redrafting of the Fates story and part of that is taking out instant marriage/easy-bake children, so all of the child characters are going to have redefined relationships. I've come up with some ideas, but I'd be happy to hear creative suggestions. [spoiler=Children Relationships] Midoriko - Child adopted into Suzukaze and Saizo's clan. Kana - Independent manakete Shigure - Pegasus warrior from Aqua's village Deere - Independent rod knight Sophie - Silas' twin sister Siegbert - Cousin of Marx Foleo - Cousin of Marx Ignis - Knight who trained with Benoit Velour - Flannel's intended bride Lutz - Harold's son Ophelia - Independent dark mage Solei - Independent mercenary Eponine - Independent outlaw Shinonome - Son of branch family from royal family Kisaragi - Brother of Shinonome Grey - Independent ninja Kinu - Fellow member of Nishiki's tribe Hisame - Childhood friend of Hinata Mitama - Younger sister of Asama Matoi - Junior pegasus warrior to Tsubaki Shalla - Independent Spellcaster
  22. Is there a catalog of these supports? I've read scattered ones here and there but I have yet to see a lot of them.
  23. Excuses. They can say that a character is 16 or 10,000, a child is still a child. Especially when they act like a child as Nowi does. Far be it from me to judge child-lovers for their interests but to to appeal to those types, IS will always find a way to frame the children as older than they are. I don't know why they were options in the first place. Consistency's sake? Or maybe IS thinks a large enough percentage of the market is into that to warrant s-ranks for children? I joked earlier in the thread about holding hands leading to babies but for all the maturity that IS handled the issue, you could be forgiven for thinking that's where babies come from.
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