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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Nice art but I can't help but feel the Hoshidans would be better off wearing their own culture's formal attire. Hnnnngh, kimono Hinoka and Sakura
  2. Thanks. I think the lore of the weapons can add flavor to the culture and history of each nation. A theme of Nohr is that they are constantly in conflicts, either with other humans or supernatural beings. I guess this information would be accessed through that library building in My Castle. Some ideas for Hoshido: Ryoma's divine weapon: Raijin Katana (Thunder God Katana) Hinoka's divine weapon: Suijin Naginata (Water God Naginata) Takumi's divine weapon: Fuujin Yumi (Wind God Yumi) Lore: Long ago, in the Age of Dragons, Anankos, the dark dragon fought with the holy dragon Sylvanos. Although Anankos was defeated, Sylvanos too perished. From Sylvanos was born several new gods, each representing a different aspect of the holy dragon. The Wind God breathed new life into the land, allowing all creatures to flourish. The Water God washed away the corruption in the land, leaving behind only the righteous. The Lightning God sent divine bolts down to the earth to smite those who would threaten the new land of Hoshido. It's believed that these weapons draw power from their respective deities. Sakura's divine baton: The Yato Mirror Lore: A sacred relic gifted to the Hoshido clan by the holy dragon, Sylvanos. Crafted from one of the scales of the dragon, this baton can ward away harmful magics from any who receive its blessing. Only the pure of heart and sound of mind can wield it.
  3. I wonder if the legendary weapons should be tied to the story or if they should just be heirlooms of their respective kingdoms. I like the idea of Hoshido's weapons being tied to local gods and Nohr's weapons being associated with heroes of lore. Here's some ideas for Nohr's legendary weapons. Marx's legendary sword: Siegfried Lore: Forged during the Age of Dark, this sword was wielded by the legendary knight Siegfried. Drawing power from the shadows, Siegfried used his sword to cut down the monsters born from Anankos' blood and established man's superiority over the land. Camilla's legendary axe: Tiamat Lore: Carved from the metallic scales of a great wyrm, this is one of the many weapons used by Dragonslayer Helga, a warrior so powerful that even dragons feared and hated her. Though the dragons are long dead, this weapon still carries their fiery temperament. Leon's legondary tome: Brunhild Lore: Formally belonging to the powerful witch, Brunhild, this tome contains powerful nature magic. Long ago, Brunhild kidnapped children for use in sinister rituals so she was hunted down by Nohrian knights. It is said that as a dying curse, Brunhild created the haunted forest with this tome. Elise's legendary staff: Tranquility Lore: Once carried by Saint Emyria, this staff contains the power to cure wounds and soothe the hearts of men. One day, two Nohrian princes fought for her hand in marriage and nearly split the country in two. Fearing the start of a war, Emyria ended her own life so the princes could see the folly of their ways. It's said that this staff carries the spirit of her compassion.
  4. I don't think it did a good job of telling either...
  5. Don't worry, there will be plenty of depression, brooding and lamentation even without your own siblings kicking the bucket. I'm actually concerned it will be too dark. I'm busy writing chapter summaries and dialogue for each chapter. Should I post my work as I finish it or wait until it's all done? I'm just writing dialogue as opposed to a novel style fanfiction (for now) so... I hope... people aren't ... too disappointed... doushiyou My reaction was more of a somber "some Hoshidans just want to see the world burn."
  6. I thought about that but I feel like there will be enough drama of seeing your adoptive (Hoshido route) or blood family (Nohr route) members die without losing people in the family you chose. But I agree that Ryoma's ultimatum wasn't really unreasonable. If Elise was healthy, it would be completely normal for him to try to kill her on the battlefield so why should he care about her welfare when she's sick? I'm still curious about why Ryoma wanted Kamui back, by that point. Taking Kamui back against their will would just make them a prisoner.
  7. I can't remember all instances of those slanders but to me it had less to do with being racist and more to do with Nohrians being baddies and the Hoshidans calling them out on it. It's not wrong to call a villain a villain, right? In Fates' world, everyone in Hoshido is good and it's just the Nohrians who are causing trouble, such as kidnapping Kamui. Looking at real history, everyone considered foreign cultures savage or inferior, so I don't think realistically the contempt (Hoshido to Nohr) would be one-sided. Making Garon into a person who is both brutal and someone who Marx can love and respect is the huge part of my rewrite. Slime!Garon is just so dastardly, Marx seems like a stubborn fool for standing by him. I want to set up Garon as the man that Marx will become if he stays on his path. In other words, Garon too is someone who was principled and loyal to his country until harsh realities made him cruel. That's how I feel on the matter. If the premise was bad, we'd just agree that the plot was shit and move on, but all that wasted potential makes people want to pick up the pieces and rebuild the thing. What could have been.
  8. That's this thread in a nutshell. The moral of the story is, always blame the Romans IS.
  9. Sky's the limit when we have I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did "alternate dimension where gay baby-making happens" in the next game.
  10. I get a lot more use out of attack stance than guard stance. All the combo attacks you can do with ranged attackers is insane. One tactic I enjoyed was having an archer as the support for an attack stance character tanking flying units.
  11. Guys: Nishiki, Marx, Zero. Possibly mid-length hair bias Girls: Need to break it into 3 categories Cutest: Oboro, Sexiest: Camilla, Best-dressed: Kinu
  12. I think people data-mined (sibling) supports for Male Kana and Shigure and Female Kana and Sophie which wouldn't be possible unless it was Femui x Aqua and Mamui x Silas. Then again, gay pairs can't have kids anyway so I'm not sure how that would have worked out...
  13. Reports? Like, do people actually complain to the mods about the opinions of others? lol They really do need to chill if that's the case.
  14. I can see Zero put in as fanservice for girls (he's the dominant person in the typical yaoi work). I have to wonder about who Shara is aimed at. Usually when I think of Yuri it's a sweet thing between two innocent girls. Shara's form of love seems more perverse. I think either Soleil or Camilla would have made better bisexuals, but that's just me.
  15. I guess that's the best answer I'll get. It seems like writers use "He's craycray" for explaining character motivations in the same way people use "it's magic, I don't gotta explain shit!" for technical problems. When will Anankos become a WoW raid boss? Here's how I plan on handling the issues. Questions 1&4: Hoshido and Nohr have been on and off war for some 200 years. Nohr is starved for farmland and has tried to invade several times in the past. For their aggression, Hoshido refuses to trade with Nohr and Nohrians must trade with the smaller countries to get the food they need. By the time Sumeragi goes to Chevalier, the fighting between Hoshido and Nohr has simmered down. Chevalier, a small nation renown for their dracoknights, has just gained their independence from Nohr by treaty and King Garon invites King Sumeragi and his family to Chevalier, to discuss more peaceful relations between their countries. Garon brings his two eldest children to meet with Sumeragi's children. Sumeragi doesn't trust Garon but the king of Chevalier is his old friend so he's fine as long as the meeting takes place there.What he doesn't realize is that Chevalier gained their independence on the condition that they betray Sumeragi. Question 2: Garon hoped to kill Sumeragi and kidnap his wife and children to force a trade deal with Hoshido. Most of the Hoshidans who attended Sumeragi are killed but Mikoto, Ryoma and Hinoka manage to escape. Sumeragi tried to rescue Kamui but is killed before he can. Kamui is taken but Hoshido refuses to open trade relations and Kamui becomes a useless hostage. Garon would have just killed him but he sensed Kamui had a special power, so he raised Kamui as his own child. Question 5: It's just a picture of a battle between Nohr and Hoshido. Garin's father fought with Hoshido so it could be from that time. Questions 3, 6 and 7 are irrelevant because I don't have hydra or the IK.
  16. In my story at least, there are a few points that could justify this. Nohr is geographically huge compared to Hoshido, so they have more land to get resources from (although very little of it is farmable) What Nohr lacks in farmland, it makes up for in high amounts natural resources. Hoshido is the opposite, it has a lot of food but can't produce as much steel. Hoshido has a high population but only members of the samurai caste are allowed to carry weapons (compared to Nohr's general conscription policies) so they have a smaller number of fighting men. I don't know what that "glory-seeking" stuff is. Mustache twirling and glory-seeking are completely different activities.
  17. This. There was no "who-done-it" part of Sumeragi's assassination. Everyone knows why (except the players, lol) Sumeragi went to Chevalier, everyone knows that Sumeragi was murdered an everyone knows Kamui was kidnapped. There are several characters who witnessed or make mention of the event. This idea that Hoshido needs to "prove" Garon did it, is absurd. It's war, not a court room. The best reason I can think of if this event was at the end of a long war, and Hoshido didn't have the resources to continue. But that raises the question of why Sumeragi would be so trusting of a guy he was still at war with. Maybe Garon sent him a letter like "Dear King Sumeragi, come to Chevalier, a country far removed from Hoshidan support. I want to talk about our feelings. Don't bring any guards, they will just get in the way of our honest discussion. Oh, and bring your infant son with you. I love kids." B-but...why? Does Hydra just have a massive hate-boner for Kamui in particular?
  18. She was heavily involved in marketing though. Every promotional trailer either had her face or singing it it.
  19. I doubt this was addressed in the game, but why did Hoshido not declare war on Nohr immediately after Sumeragi was killed (and what was Sumeragi doing there in the first place)? Hoshido attacks Nohr after they kill Mikoto so why did they do nothing when Sumeragi was killed? I want to keep Sumeragi's assassination in the my rewrite but I can't think of a good reason for Hoshido to not immediately attack them... Did Hoshido just sit on its thumbs for over a decade?
  20. Why is the light dragon's name Chinese when everything else is Japanese themed?
  21. Hm, mixed opinions about the results. On the negative side, the majority praising the children mechanic makes me think it will become a permanent fixture (which means instant marriages, everyone supporting everyone, fewer platonic supports) in the series, no matter how contrived. It would have been nice to hear peoples' opinions on the story but they would only post people praising it, so I guess it's all for the best. For positives, I am pleased that Oboro not only made the top ten character list but beat out Aqua. This is an impressive accomplishment for being neither a main character nor a Kamui-worshiper. I hope she gets a figure. I'd buy one. Poor Hinoka and Sakura. They were too irrelevant to even place. I look forward to seeing the complete popularity list. It's not really fair to compare the royals to the other characters.
  22. Loli Tharja who is your blood related sister and canon love interest. I'm done here guys. I can't do it anymore.
  23. Your underaged sister, and an expy of a character who appeared in Fates.
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