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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. The problem is, no one wants to follow the story of a character devoid of endearing qualities. You denounced the comparison to Lekain but your Kamui doesn't sound much different than your typical FE villain. Power hungry and self-absorbed. As for why you would side with Hoshido: 1. They are a peaceful country, that hasn't done anything to deserve being invaded by Nohr. 2. Garon kills both of your parents and kidnaps you. 3. You have your real family and a chance to return to your "real" life back in bountiful Hoshido. Garon doesn't need to be the baby-eating, mustache twirler and Hoshido can have its own problems (an inflexible caste system has been suggested), but as far as the choice is concerned, there is a lot of things to go for in Hoshido that DON'T require Kamui becoming an unlikable jerk.
  2. Would Kamui have remembered Sumeragi being killed if he is only 1 year old? It's a fuzzy memory, but he remembers it clearly by the events of chapter 4. Also, unless it's mentioned in a support or bio, there is no indication that Camilla and Hinoka are the same age.
  3. Are they? I thought Flora was older. That makes 2 sets of non-identical twins in the game if true.
  4. I understand but in your version, siding with Hoshido would make Kamui a selfish and opportunistic asshole. You aren't making Nohr good, you're making Kamui bad. The game already has plenty of reasons to side with Hoshido. Mikoto and the others being his blood relatives is only one point. What needs more creative effort is the redeeming qualities of Nohr.
  5. I do wish they would have made the Grandmaster class both male and female. Some of us had female Robins. Are we to deny a veteran's coping method!?
  6. "I've seen some shit" Kamui would like to run his fingers through your hair. How are you getting those hi-res Kamui portraits?
  7. No new tomes...? Welp, I guess Shadowgift is a waste after all.
  8. No problem, babe. Feel free to come to my room any time. [spoiler=Tee hee<3]
  9. Kinu and Nishiki probably aren't the best examples, considering they are fox people who (in the same way as animals) enjoy being petted. Even if a character's dialogue says they enjoy it, the reality is most people wouldn't appreciate being touched by people they aren't in a close relationship with. If Kamui looked like Hormone and William as opposed to the attractive, young anime character that he is, more people would be quick to denounce the mechanic as really creepy and sexual harassment. But skinship, like DLC and the 2nd gen, is dubiously canon so I guess we shouldn't need to think too hard on it. Shouldn't think hard on a lot of things for Fates.
  10. I suspect if they were given official ages, they'd be given "anime ages" (nothing between 25 and 70) as others have mentioned but by looks, these are the numbers I would give. Remember kids, if you don't save the world at least once by the time you're 16, you're a failure and I have no son.
  11. To me, those read as "ruthless". You might want to work on the "endearing" traits of the character. It sounds like you are writing a villain character.
  12. It's only appropriate (and even then, it can be weird) after you get the S-rank. Before that you are feeling up random members of your army, some of whom react with discomfort or confusion. Kamui's 4koma creeper personality is canon.
  13. I don't disagree with your analysis but I would point one thing out. When a character dislikes you, the player, outside of context, they will be met with criticism. However, as we've seen by the release of the game and Takumi becoming the most popular character (for one poll, but is widely considered one of the best written characters even on these forums), when their context is shown, they might become even more liked than those who worship the player (Camilla). I understand IS's apprehension at creating a avatar that isn't universally loved, but I think the playerbase could handle it.
  14. I mean in the sense that it's a tactician that helps out but isn't the "main" character. Mark was too insignificant and tacked on, so I feel like Robin was a fully realized tactician, either creating or commenting on the teams strategy.
  15. If they wanted to half-ass a reason for children without butchering the story, they could have just said "These are the children (from an alternate reality) you would have had in the future after the war. They saw you struggling and came to your world to help". Pretty much the same as Awakening's time travel but it doesn't have all of the horrible, horrible implications Fate has.
  16. I feel like Robin was the best Avatar because he was literally what we are, tacticians. It's what I imagine Mark would be if he was actually fleshed out as a character.
  17. I agree. With characters (waifus) loved and worshiped as they are (especially the self-insert), it would be very unpopular to the general audience to kill so many characters off. IS wouldn't want to risk losing money and they completely change the game to allow players to feel good.
  18. I'll chime in with others and say that I don't have a problem with Avatars in principle but their execution in Fire Emblem has been poor. An avatar could be well done if their personality and story was better written. I don't want my importance inflated or people kissing my boots. Let me be a person who tries hard, makes mistakes and isn't universally liked. I do like having a customized unit so this would be my recommendation for a better implementation. Make the avatar a gender and appearance customizable but make them a more minor character, maybe of slightly higher importance than your usual recruits. Rather than have a single, defined personality, allow us to choose one personality/background from a list, with each personality having its own set of supports for a limited number of the cast.This will give you a good degree of options without derailing the plot or requiring a lot of content to change depending on your choices. The other option would be to to let the avatar be the main character and give the player a lot of significant choices in the game. This would be harder to accommodate, I'm all for the former option. Goodness me, I thought no one would mention this! It really takes me out of scenes when they can't show me the protagonist's face. This is the main character, and I'm not even allowed to see them? Take the customization out, if that's the best they can do. This is what they should have done. Kamui is an interesting character for his unique upbringing and the personal dilemma he has to go through, but outside of some shoehorned "u da chosen 1" nonsense, he's not really important to the greater scheme of things. And that's okay! You don't need to be THE guy in charge to contribute to the story (and allow us to witness it as well). I don't think there is anything wrong with the main character being an Avatar. Robin, to me, seems like a co-protagonist rather than a spotlight stealer. What I do have a problem with is characters and the story being focused on you for no reason.. Robin was fine, Kamui was terrible. Wouldn't it be cool in they made a Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem cross over? As if that would happen!
  19. This is similar to what I had in mind, albeit for less mean spirited reasons. The King Garon in my story wanted Kamui to be loyal to him, but at the same time keep him a bit distant so he doesn't have any illusions about being a full member of his family.That's why Kamui kept his Hoshidan name. The Nohrian siblings are aware that he's not their blood sibling but they grew attached to him all the same.
  20. It not even explained why the children are magnets for monsters to attack. It's just a contrived excuse to shove them into the easy-bake oven and get more child soldiers. Some people thought Robin marrying 2nd gen characters was creepy, but if Kamui does it, he's marrying people he's known since they were babies. Really.
  21. Right? There isn't nearly enough incest in Genealogy to satisfy people after Fates.
  22. If family weren't a theme, there wouldn't be a point in Kamui being kidnapped or him being related to anyone in Hoshido at all. Kamui could have always been in Nohr and only visited Hoshido through circumstance.
  23. I like Leon's expression in the first panel. It's like: Haah? EZ modo? How disgraceful! It's only acceptable for elementary schoolers to choose Hoshido!
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