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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Ah, based Oboro. mai waifu for laifu The Nyx, Hinata and Oboro comics were pretty good. I didn't really like Nyx or Hinata before but I do now. I hope I'm not in a minority in that I don't think Nyx looks very child like apart from her height. I mean, she has boobs.
  2. Awakening would be harder since the children are tied to the plot but you could just ignore shipping and the second gen altogether for Fates. My concern would be they would focus more on bit comedy roles of the supporting cast instead of the serious drama of the story.
  3. Shrine Guardian Lance - A, Bow - B Hp 60 Str 30 Mag 27 Skl 32 Spd 32 Lck 35 Def 26 Res 35 Mov 6 Skill 1 - Solar Ray: Attack 3 times at half damage and heal the damage dealt. Skill/2% Skill 2 - Radiance: Whenever this units heals, allied units in a 2 tile radius also heal that amount.
  4. The transformation gauge made it difficult to determine when your character would be able to fight and made them extremely vulnerable when outside their beast form, not to mention PoR's implementation which made them transform whether you wanted them too or not. Stones are rather boring in their current (Awakening/Fates) form but there is plenty of ways you could make them interesting. Stones with effective properties, ranged options, lower damage but improved defenses, etc. I think it would be neat to have their damage improve with weapon rank, just like Laguz weapons in Radiant Dawn.
  5. I found this out for my Nohr playthrough. Reclassing him to a Samurai gives him terrible bases as a melee fighter and he starts with E rank swords. He can't do much damage or take a hit. Add on to that, you already get 2 mercenaries so outside of the Samurai skills, they can already do what he does and better. Best left as a Dark Mage, and only use if you want more early game magic. He'll keep his Sword rank if he promotes to Blacksmith so that's a plus.
  6. -Write a mature story (with points of levity) that has nuanced factions and choices that effect the flow of the story. -Write multidimensional characters with a variety of age ranges and backgrounds. -Make the avatar only a minor role. Eliminate player worship. -Ensure characters have stat growths that reflect their class or intended role. No character should require a re-class to be good. -Make Unique color pallets for at least their default promotions if not all classes. -Take out fanservicey class outfits -Make a variety of map conditions and make thoughtful choices for enemy unit compositions/skills to force the player to plan out their moves -Remove children -Remove marriage UNLESS it ties into the plot. Otherwise, save it for the epilogue. -Limit supports to smaller group of partners who make sense. Introduce new mechanic for class sharing -Make promoted classes start with at least a D rank in usable weapons -Have Kozaki design class outfits or get the Tellius character designer back.
  7. Fates is heads and shoulders above Awakening in terms of gameplay mechanics, so much it would probably be hard to go back to Awakening. Nohr also has far more interesting map design. Storywise, Awakening is not exceptional but decent if you don't think too hard about a few things. Fate's plot holes and contrivances (particularly in Nohr, Hoshido is less offensive) are too hard to ignore to make the story enjoyable. If you like Awakening, you will probably like Hoshido. Nohr all the way for better maps.
  8. Mostly route and defeat the boss, yes. That's not to say there aren't the occasional good map designs but as a whole, Nohr has better ones.
  9. 1. Blazing Sword: Introduced me to the series and the genre as a whole. Loved the cast, music, story and art style. 2. Fates: Probably the best gameplay (class selection, battle mechanics, skills) so far in the series but I'm a big story guy so it loses points. 3. Radiant Dawn: It just looks really good. Good difficulty and maps. Also has some serious narrative issues but I liked seeing the story from multiple perspectives.
  10. Maybe, but at the same time, why include the other characters in the poll if (as indicated by the last poll) the non-royals don't have a chance of winning anything? (Non-lord) Awakening characters got some DLC even though they weren't at the very top of the polls.
  11. You can always collect peoples' Kamui's if you want custom names..
  12. I like serious story missions (like Kamui's kidnapping incident) but if it's just going to be more fan service fluff, I hope it's not the royals again. Other characters deserve some tīme in the sun.
  13. I like them a lot. Troubadours have higher movement than clerics and Valkyrie look awesome. I started on Blazing Sword which has some of the best looking characters of those classes.
  14. Free is nice but Awakening half-assed those bonus characters so I don't think it was really worth it. I'd rather have fewer, uniquely designed characters.
  15. I think the diversity of roles she plays, minor as they are, is what made her special to some portion of the fanbase (and developers). Secret shop manager, tutorial lady, outrealms goddess etc. Although I'm glad you support the bald arena guy getting more attention. I didn't want to be the first person.
  16. I'm not sure if I'd really consider Roy and Robin to be "important" to the series as a whole. They get most of their attention because of their appearance in Smash Bros rather than being important across multiple games. Important to Smash Bros, maybe, but that's it's own huge fandom. Don't get me wrong, I like them well enough but isn't it odd to say a character became important because of their presence in a different series? Even Lyn's "importance" is exclusive to foreigners as the first playable lord. As far as promotional materials go, Marth, Lucina, Anna and Fates characters get most of the attention. A character who has appeared in almost every game doesn't deserve a mention?
  17. Not breaking any new ground here but of all the games I've played (all NA released games + FE6&14), Shadow Dragon is definitely the worst. Dull story, extremely forgettable characters, ugly art design, stupid gaiden requirements.... I just can't find anything nice to say about it. It's a real chore to play and I haven't finished it yet. I guess I don't subscribe to that logic. Although I was skeptical of Windwaker's art design pre-release, it became one of my favorite games for art, story and atmosphere. I never doubted Twilight Princess and it's still one of my favorites. I went into Awakening with no expectations and consider it an okay game. Not an abomination but flawed. Fates is better in almost every way.
  18. Ah, the agony of choice. Favorites: Heroes and Lancers (for how little they appear as playable) are my favorites for their well rounded stats. I also enjoy a lot of mounted units such as Wyvern Lords, Falcon Knights and Nomads. And magic users of all kinds! Least favorites: Fighters and knights for their low speed (although there were some characters of these classes that were exceptional). Dishonorable mention to Taguel for hitting the opposite extreme. Clerics are also pretty tedious to train.
  19. Although I miss the ability to steal items from units, I like the new direction (as of Awakening/Fates) of thieves being viable in combat situations as well. Mind you, they should still be fragile but not obsolete in terms of fighting. The inclusion of poisons and hidden weapons really expanded their roles as support units.
  20. There are two main types of villains, and how well done they are depends on the execution. The first type is the sociopath/monster/king of evil. The right way to do it is to make them embody the worst of humanity; the greed, contempt, cruelty, ruthlessness. It's the kind of character who knows they're a baddy and enjoys every moment of it. This is a villain you love to hate. Ashnard and Gangrel are these types. The wrong way to handle this type is to make them just evil for no reason and to not have reasonable goals. Garon is this type. The second type is the tragic villain. The right way to do this is to give them a sympathetic/pitiable background but make their present self/goals too cruel to side with. Zephiel (and Lyon, in a more convoluted way) is this type. The wrong way to do this is to make their backstory too much of sob story and way too disproportionate to justify the evil they do later. I would propose a middle-ground between these two types for the future iterations of Fire Emblem. I'd like a villain who has very human wants and frustrations, but what they do in the story is too brutal for them to go unopposed by the protagonists. What I had hoped for Garon was him to be a well-meaning (for his own kingdom) king who tries to conquer Hoshido in order to sustain Nohr. Obviously, the heroes can't just let him kill countless innocent people but at least he has a motive for "being evil". All that said, Fire Emblem can and SHOULD have multiple villain types in a story. It's okay to have some mustache twirlers thrown in there provided the main villain is more nuanced. I actually enjoyed Gangrel for the petty asshole that he was. Obviously not main-antagonist material, but he serves his purpose.
  21. Axes and Lances are better for class/weapon diversity, although I think it would be more fitting to start with lances.
  22. Is IK worth getting if you already have Hoshido and Nohr? I've heard it's gimmicky but I don't really know what that entails. Is the gameplay good? I'm not interested in the story.
  23. S-rank weapons (and weapon ranks as a whole) seems poorly thought out in Fates. You get the weapons late in the game, and you are probably unable to use them without use of arms scrolls. Heck, a number of my characters were barely hitting A rank with their weapons. I wish the cavalier skill that lets you gain weapon ranks quicker was still in the game. As for the topic question, I'd say the sword, because dual wielding is pretty dang awesome.
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